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Medical Emergency - Part 1

Posted on Sat Mar 16th, 2019 @ 12:11pm by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol & Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD

2,285 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Cardassia Prime, Medical Facility, Emergency Ward
Timeline: MD04 0600 hours


Hades sat in the conference room drinking his Cardassian Coffee. He had to admit this stuff was a lot better then the replicated ones on the ship. He smiled as he read through the information he'd been given. Today would prove to be a long day, he just had no idea how long. He waited for the counseling and medical staff to join him.

Ariana was on her way to the medical conference when she bumped into Freya on the way, given Freya’s recent horrific discovery during her nightmare her emotions were being held together by sheer force of Will.

“You don’t have to be here you know” Ariana looked at Freya understandingly. “I can make your excuses for you.”

“No...” Freya sighed. “I don’t want to sit around dwelling on this. I want to work!” Freya looked at Ariana.

“Very well” Ariana nodded. “But if I think you’re not fit I will recommend taking you off duty okay?”

Freya nodded. “Understood loud and clear.”

The two of them both smiled as they entered the conference room together. “Good Morning” Ariana smiled warmly as she sat in the seat beside Hades.

Freya headed to the replicator and got herself and Ariana drinks plus some suitable snacks for Ariana before taking a seat on the opposite side of Hades. Even though she’d smiled as they’d arrived she definitely wasn’t her usual bubbly self. “Morning Doctor”

Nursing a strong black coffee, which qualified as breakfast this morning, Doctor Corrigan slipped quietly into the conference room. Barely affording the admittedly impressive view from the windows a second glance, she opted for a seat towards the far end of the table. It had been a long, sleepless night - in part thanks to an ensign who had taken an unexpected reaction to one of the local herbs a vendor was using in the stew - and she was already doubting if there was enough coffee in the world to survive the day. But at least she knew to avoid the stew.

Hades greeted the ladies and all those that trickled in after. "Well." He said bringing the group to order. "This is the first, of many, staff meetings. I was hoping to have it on Federation territory but hey. When on Cardassia." He said bastardizing the earth saying. "Alright. Today, ladies and gentlemen will be a long day. Today we get to tour the Cardassian emergency wing. Before we want to do that. Any thoughts on the Medical activities so far?"

“I’ve managed to attend a couple of the Counselling seminars.” Ariana smiled. “I have to admit they were informative but when you have a room full of Betazoid counsellor’s as well as those who aren’t telepathic it tends to turn into an unspoken event as ideas get shared telepathically!” She grinned.

"There were quite a few suggestions being thrown around that way and some 'on the side' conversations as well from the looks on some people's faces!" Freya grinned.

Rol shrugged his mind on other things. "It's fine."

Hades turned to his assistant chief. "And you how did you find things so far? I hear Langdon is here."

"Aside from some technical issues setting up," Carolyn offered with a dismissive shrug, "it seems okay so far. I spent most of the night observing the emergency unit and it is different but a lot of similar practices as well."

Freya and Ariana we’re sharing a telepathic conversation, it was something they used to do many years ago, and it made a change to be able to speak that way instead of verbally. The only give away was the glances going on between the two as they chatted.

"Excellent." Just as Hades was to launch into his speech the door opened and a Cardassian man dressed in medical white came in. "Doctor Hades may I see you a moment?"

Hades excused himself and allowed the group to talk amongst themselves. He returned several minutes later with a PADD and a sour expression. "Ladies and gentlemen we have a problem."

While she was one of the newer members of the crew, Carolyn knew Hades enough to recognise that tone of voice. "What's happened?" she asked, not entirely sure she wanted to know. They were in a Cardassian medical facility, what could be causing such a worried look on her boss' face?

Both Ariana and Freya looked at Hades both asking the same question at exactly the same time "What's going on Doctor?" The mirrored words echoed off each other quite effectively making them both grin as they looked at each other then back at Hades.

"The emergency ward of the department is on lockdown and they are short staffed. We have an outbreak." He sighed. "Counselor Monroe I'm afraid we'll need you too but you will be coordinating this from here and the ship. We have Rigelian fever." He sighed and shook his head.

Ariana nodded. "Yes Doctor. Silly question do we know how contained this is? Rigelian Fever is highly contagious isn't it? The last thing we need with our crews down here is anyone coming into contact with someone whose infected."

"Highly contagious and easily contracted across species. Rigelian Fever is reknowned for its fast mutations but also for the fast onset of symptoms and high mortality rate if left untreated." Carolyn confirmed, frowning. "Do we have a patient zero? Or at least details of the first confirmed case? That could give us a better understanding of the risk to the wider population and, of course, our own crews."

"Is there a way to test for Rigelian fever?" Freya looked towards Hades. "We need a way to make sure no one going to and from the ships is infected."

All Valid questions. He sighed and then began. "We don't know who the first person is. The Cardassians are trying to figure it out. We have five infected. Rigelian Fever has three stages. Stage one is fever, pain, presents much like Earth flu. Stage two, trouble breaking, lungs shutting down, filling with fluid, Stage three heavy rattle, blood vessels become visible, patient is ashen. There is no stage for. Standard treatment is Ryetalyn readily available, however we have one minor problem."

"Just the one?" Carolyn commented, raising an eyebrow in surprise. She could think of a lot of them.

" said it presents with flu like symptoms?" Freya had a sinking feeling in her stomach. "When I left my husband Kaden earlier today I bumped into someone who looked like hell on earth. I offered to help him but he was REALLY desperate to get away." Feeling the urge to sneeze she moved out of her seat and backed away from the table, in particular away from Ariana and the others at the table. She grabbed a tissue to sneeze into to make sure she didn't spread germs just incase. "I err....I...." She turned away to sneeze before looking back at Hades. "I think we might have more than one problem!"

Hades looked at the young woman. "Sometimes a flu is just a flu." He looked over at Carolyn "Our issue is there is not a drop of ryetalyn on Cardassia. We have none on our ships. I will need you to contact the USS Olympia. She is a day away and a medical ship. She will have it. Counselor I need you to speak with Admiral Bremer tell him that all staff are to avoid the medical facility here. All medical personnel available are to report here and EMHs are to be activated. We also have..." He read the PADD. "Two of our people down with it. Engineer Ensign Higgins and a civilian. "I want to examine you Ms. Freya to make sure you are well. Braxton I need you to help the Cardassians lock down this place and I need you treating Stage one. Carolyn I need you to work with Stage two. We have none in stage three but that might change." He looked at his staff. "Are we ready?"

Freya nodded but kept her distance just incase although she was starting to think Doctor Hades was right.

Ariana looked at her friend understandingly before looking back at Hades. "I'll contact Admiral Bremer now Doctor."

He gave a nod. "Rol I need you to search through the herbal remedies here. Bajoran remedies can help with breathing and oxygen in the blood." He looked at Carolyn, "Ready?"

"Ready," she agreed, moving towards the workstation in the middle of the room to open a channel to the Olympia.

Waiting for the breakup of the meeting Ariana hit her comm badge. =/\= Monroe to Bremer....Admiral we have a medical situation. =/\=

Mike had a late night so he was still in bed. He yawned as he reached over his still sleeping wife and grabbed his communicator. Getting up and out of bed, he walked into his small office within his Quarters suite. "Bremer here, what's going on?"

Ariana sighed. =/\= There's an outbreak of Rigelian fever. Doctor Hades has requested that all staff are to avoid the medical facility here plus all available medical personnel are requested to report and EMHs are to be activated. =/\=

Mike shook his head. With so many people, all in one place, something, some disease was bound to hit. "Rigelian fever? We aren't we carrying medication for that? What ship is?" Surely at least one vessel in the hundreds around Cardassia Prime was.

=/\= The USS Olympia Sir but Doctor Corrigan has been requested to deal with organizing supplies. =/\=

"How long before the Olympia arrives? Do you require the Marines to help cordon off areas? Mike asked.

Ariana looked towards Corrigan. "Doctor Corrigan do we know how long it'll take for the Olympia to get here?"

Closing her comm channel to the medical ship, Carolyn glanced over her shoulder, "32 hours but they are going to shave as much time off that as they can but it wont be much sooner than that. She's an old medical ship so..."

Ariana nodded. =/\= Did you hear that Admiral? 32 hours give or take as much time as they can save. =/\=

"I did. Do they want us to send a ship to meet them half way? We could have the Sutherland or Essex jump to slipstream, meet the Olympia have way and jump back. It might save some time." Mike asked as he grew concerned.

=/\= I think anything would help right about now Admiral =/\= Ariana looked across at the others.

"Understood. I'll see if Admiral T'Lar can take the Essex, if not, I'll take the Pegasus. Bremer out." Mike closed the channel, then tapped his comm-badge again.

"Bremer to T'Lar. We have medical situation. Are you able to take the Essex to meet the USS Olympia and pick up some medical supplies and bring them back, rapidly?"

Deela could hear the urgency in his voice, "Yes. I can leave immediately."

Turning towards Hades, Carolyn offered him a reassuring smile. "So much for an easy day touring the place... Are our patients in isolation within the emergency room?"

"My understanding is that they are not, they seem to be scattered throughout the department."

"I have no idea what protocols they have in place," she admitted, "but so long as we have caught the cases early enough..."

"That I'm not sure." He took the advantage that the Admiral was on coms. "Sir we have two of our own people sick. An Ensign from Engineering and a Civilian. I have to go and find out more information but once my crew and I enter the closed off zone we are considered infected until the Olympia arrives."

Bremer sighed. "Understood. Lock down the affected sections. I'll have Commander Roebuck post security outside to make sure no one gets in. If you need anything else, let me know. Bremer out."

"I'll meet you at the department entrance," Carolyn told Hades as she headed for the door, "I'll pick up some additional supplies from our own treatment bay on the way. Is there anything in particular you need?"

He looked over at her, "Yes anything that reduces fever, oxygen masks, Ohh-two producing serum and secured coms for our people. Ask the Admiral for that. I am not a trusting man so ones that will work only on our frequency will be preferred." He turned back to the group. Everyone got their orders go! We meet at the entrance of the locked ER in twenty minutes except for you Ms. Monroe. You are to stay here or better yet coordinate and communicate with us from the ship, use my office. You cannot risk your child."

"Done and done," Dr Corrigan assured him as she headed out of the room.

Ariana nodded "I'll return to the Sutherland now Doctor" She looked at Hades. "One last question...shouldn't we all be tested just to be safe? We don't want to risk anything getting back to the ships?"

"Freya will be screened via trasporter you will be looked over by the EMH but I will do an initial scan. If you and Ms. Freya will stay back. The rest of us...we're not infected now but we might be. I want everyone in decontamination suites." He called out as people started to rise.

Ariana nodded and offered a smile to Freya who was standing well clear of everyone else still.

Rol and Braxton stood and headed out the door to prepare.

Admial T'Lar boarded the Essex and announced that they'd be making a short trip to meet up with the USS Olympia to get medical supplies. With a smaller crew and course entered, they took off.



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