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Changes Pt4

Posted on Sat Mar 16th, 2019 @ 12:14pm by Tom Vercetti & Vito Russo & Splendora Sage

2,519 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: USS Pegasus/Cardassia Prime, Funeral of Gul Aidan
Timeline: MD4 0845hrs


Splendora had risen early. She'd showered and changed and had began preparing breakfast for her and Tom. She'd laid out eggs cooked in as many ways as the imagination could turn. She'd made bacon and salad and everything she could think of and of course hush puppies and toast. She'd gotten some milk and juice. It was all replicated but hell it would have to do.

She'd stayed in Tom's quarters since the incident. He'd pretty much been holding her together. She hid her fears, thoughts, emotions. It was as if the whole world knew something about what was happening to her and she as clueless.

She sighed. She would find out what was going on. Happy with the table she headed back to the bedroom and sat down gently brushing the hair that had fallen across his forehead. "Time to wake up."

Tom had slept, really slept for the first time since they arrived at Cardassia. So far, this trip had been terrible and he regretted asking Splendora to come...

He blinked his eyes as he sat up in bed searching for a shirt. "Everything okay?" He asked as he slid the shirt over his head.

She smiled, "Sure is. I got breakfast ready." Today would be a hard day. It would be the funeral for Aidan. She tried not to think about it. Did she regret coming? No. It had brought her and Tom closer together but she'd also brought another level of complication to his life and she'd fallen more in love with him...which meant if she didn't survive whatever was going on it would be complicated. She shook it off. "I think I got everything on the list of breakfasts and then some."

Tom smiled, "Thank you." He didn't deserve it, he convinced her to come here and look what happened. He was responsible and he regretted it.

Getting up, he walked into the kitchen/dining area of his quarters. There was...a lot of food. "I think you went over board." He smiled, then grabbed a piece of bacon.

He didn't want to ask the next question, but he had to. "What time is the, Aidan's funeral?"

"In a couple of hours." She walked over to the table sitting down bringing her right leg beneath her. "I know you're not a big fan of Cardassians so if you and Vito want to skip it I'll be safe. Half of the Order will be there."

"I'll be there with you. Vito plans to attend too." He finished his piece of bacon then reached for a piece of toast. "There's two members of the Obsidian Order I know and, trust, well trust more than the others. I'm not sure if they will attend but if they do I will speak with them. I don't expect there to be any problems there. Too many witnesses."

He finished the toast then poured a cup of coffee. He smelled the aroma for a moment before taking a sip. After, he took a deep breath, then sat down finally. "I don't think there will be anything to worry about there." He just wasn't so sure about after.

She gave a nod. She buttered her toast yet again and then realized that she'd done it twice before. "After I clean up from breakfast I should go back to my quarters and get dressed."

They ate quickly and then she true to her word cleaned up and wiped down the table. "I'll meet you and Vito in the transporter room in an hour?"

Tom nodded. "Alright."

=/\= One hour later, Transporter Room Two =/\=

Splendora had showered and put her hair up in a high mound. From either side of her hair hung a platinum chain and from its centre a blue sapphire coloured spoon shaped gem hung in the middle of her forehead. Her dress was a long sparkling body hugging Tirellian silk gown and a navy net like cover with a long train. Her eyes had been dusted with emerald eye shadow and her lips were blood red giving her an ethereal quality. She was the last to arrive, her heeled shoes clicking on the tritanium transporter room floor. "My apologies for being late."

Vito had a scowl on his face. "I didn't want to wear this." He grumbled. "Who where's white to a funeral?"

Tom smiled. He walked over to Splendora. "You look beautiful." Once Vito walked up onto the pad too, Tom looked over at him too. "So do you dear." He tried not to laugh as Vito grunted.

Tom leaned toward Splendora and whispered, "I couldn't help but pack that suit and make sure his others remained behind."

"What did you say?" Vito asked as he turned.

"Energize." Tom said quickly.

Cardassia, Funeral of Gul Aidan

The transporter shimmered the three into existence on the planet. The ceremony, as with all Cardassian funerals, was to be held outside. Akal, Aidan's adopted father was there to greet them. He bowed and held out a hand to Splendora. "A tragedy."

She held her tears in check even though her eyes shimmered.

Akal turned to Tom and Vito. He gave Vito an astonished look. He was wearing white? He then looked back at Tom. "I have reserved seats for you and Mr. Russo to the front I will need to take Splendora She must accompany the body here."

Splendora gave a nod. She hugged Vito and then Tom. "It'll be okay. Just remember the ceremonies here are a bit....odd. So don't get alarmed." She knew he'd mentioned that he had friends in the Order. She wondered if they were here. As she looked around the room was starting to fill and the sound of the clanging gong told her that time to start would be soon.

Tom wasn't happy Splendora had to go, but he understood.

"I still can't believe you brought this." Vito said.

"You look good in white, intimidating, and you stand out. People will be watching you, they may not keep such a close eye on me." Tom replied.

They men looked around, the only Humans, only non-Cardassians there besides Splendora. They walked toward their assigned seats when Tom saw someone he was hoping to see.

"Gul Macet." Tom said.

The Cardassian turned around. Akellen Macet commanded the Galor-class ship CDS Trager and had been a member of the Obsidian Order since it's reformation after the Dominion War. He was the cousin of Gul Dukat and had considered his resemblance to Dukat, but had facial hair that helped to hide that to an extent. Macet was a Cardassian Patriot, and supported the Alliance. Tom had met him in In May of 2376 when Macet and the Trager aided in the evacuation of the Europa Nova Colony.

"Tom Vercetti." Macet said. "I didn't know you knew Gul Aidan."

"I didn't." Tom replied.

"Ah yes, you're the friend of Splendora Sage. That means you're Vito Russo." He glanced at the larger of the two Humans. "Trust me, you're both perfectly safe here." He smirked.

" are."

A voice from behind the men said. Tom turned to look back to see Legate Garak standing there. Tom had met Garak while on leave at DS9, then one of his missions had intel supplied by the former Cardassian spy. It had been a successful mission.

"Garek, a Legate now." Tom replied.

"Chairman of the Cardassian Detapa Council and Deputy Head of the Obsidian Order." Vito added.

"No longer in Starfleet, Thomas Allen Vercetti lives on Starbase 400 and runs the quaint but successful Good Fella’s Bar and Grille. As well as his best friend, Vito Davide Russo. Also a resident of Starbase 400, manager of the Bar and Grille, and...speaking as a former tailor...has a very bad taste in suites, even if that one does make you look...intimidating." Garek smirked.

Tom smirked. "I was actually hoping to see you both. I wanted to know what you know about all of this with Splendora."

"Nothing that you don't already." Garek replied with a serious expression.

"This was something non-sanctioned and off the books, as you Humans would say." Macet replied.

Vito crossed his arms, "So you didn't know about this?"

"After the fact, yes. At the time, no." Garek said. He handed Tom a data rod. "I wish I could be of more help."

Tom looked defeated, "Alright. Thank you both."

Garek and Macet gave a respectful nod, then walked away. Tom looked around as he slid the data rod into his pocket before flashing a smirk at Vito.

A trumpet like blare signified the start of the ceremony. A small procession with Akal on the left and Splendora on the right of the body made their way towards the main stage. There Aiden was laid on a platform. Splendora took his hand gently and knelt by him her eyes in silent prayer.

After a few moments of silence Akal extended a hand and Splendora took it to rise. He led her to a chair off to the side and the funeral began. Memories were shared and speeches given. Akal as the last to speak. He took the podium. “Friends. As you know one of the brightest days of my life was when I adopted Aidan. He brought honour to our family and was one of the best. His care and love for Cardassia was evident in all he did and he will be missed. Before he passed I had the opportunity to hear the list of his enemies as he whispered them to me.”

Akal turned to Splendora who stood and walked over. “Although not blood of her blood this woman was looked upon as the mother of Aidan. Her tears,” he said as he used a small vile to capture a few drops of her tears. “He will take with him as a testament to the Gods that he was a son well loved.” He walked over to the body of Aidan and dropped the tears in the spoon indentation of his forehead.

Splendora walked up next carrying a ratty old brown teddy bear. She placed it by Aidan and stood back standing tall yet tears still ran down her cheeks.

A torch was carried out by Akal and she watched as the platform rose and became a pyre on which Aidan would be cremated. She watched as Akal se the flames. A few more words were spoken and then the service closed.

=/\=One Hour Later=/\=

At the reception hall Splendora arrived with Akal later than the rest as she had stayed for the scattering of the ashes. She found Tom and Vito. She was visibly pale but hanging in there. She threaded her arm through Tom’s. “Thank you for being here.”

Before Tom could say something a rather Tall and handsome Cardassian walked over. Splendora instantly hugged him. “Eldon! My condolences.”

“And mine to you.” He said in a deep voice.

Splendora turned stood back. “My manners dessert me. Eldon this is Tom and this is Vito they….”

“I know who they are.” He said.

She sighed, of course he did. “Tom, Vito this is Eldon Getek, Glinn of the twenty fifth order of the Cardassian military. He was Aiden’s partner.”

Tom nodded respectfully. "My condolences."

Vito checked the time, "We should be going soon."

Tom nodded. They did have an appointment today, business, but he didn't want to leave until the service was over and he could take Splendora back to the Pegasus.

Splendora sighed. "Of course." Then she spotted someone. "Tom that's Legate Garak! I have to talk to him." She looked at Eldon. "Excuse me."

Eldon gave a nod. He understood. He turned and headed to speak with some of the others.

Splendora made her way towards Garak. "Excuse me, you are Legate Garak, aren't you?"

Tom and Vito shared a look and followed her.

Garek turned around. "Why yes, and you're Splendora Sage. How can I help you?"

She was taken aback a moment that he knew her. She shook out of the surprise. "I am honoured by you being here. Aidan adored you." She smiled fondly. "When things were the hardest for him, when his father had pushed him away or pushed him around he would always think of you. There were times, when I was married to their father, that I would read to the children and after words Adian would tell Eyelaya and me about your life. He would talk about how your own father pushed you away didn't believe in you but you made it and you loved Cardassia more then anyone."

She reached in her pocket and pulled out a little gold locket. She turned it over. "It was Aidan's, his sister has the same one." She read the inscription, "Think like Garek." It said. "He got this and he always would wear it. He said that you were his inspiration for joining the order. When his father let him down he saw you as his father. You were his Hero and to see you here he would be honoured." She offered him the locket. "Would you please keep this as a reminder that you inspired Aidan?"

Garek looked at the locket, then back to Splendora. "Thank you for the kind words, but, I think perhaps, you should keep that. As a family memento." Garek flashed a smile. If he'd learned anything in all his years as a spy, assassin, and tailor, it was to trust no one. "Besides, I can tell it means a lot to you."

She smiled. "It does mean a lot but it would mean a lot if you kept it." She pulled out a locket she had on. "Besides he had one made for me." She took it off to show him. In it was a picture of Aidan and on the other side Eyelaya and on the back it sad. "Almost Cardassian just a few ridges away," she read with a chuckle. "He had a great sense of humour." She held out the locket. "I'm part Betazoid Legate and I've lived on Cardassia so I can assure you there is no tracking device it is not coated with anything nor can it do you harm. It is a locket from a loyal Cardassian and a member of the Order. Think of it as a gift from a son of Cardassia to a man who was his mentor. You keeping it would honour his memory." She knew that would strike a chord or she hoped it would. She reached out and took his hand and placed the locket there.

Garek was nervous, but didn't show it. Of course he'd have it analyzed and if it proved to be harmless he'd place it in his office. One can never been too careful. "Thank you, Splendora Sage of Starbase 400."

Having done that she turned to Tom and Vito. "Alright. Let's go because I know you two won't relax until I'm back on the ship."

Tom let out a breath before tapping a comm-badge, "Vercetti to Pegasus, three to beam up."



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