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Shopping on Cardassia...

Posted on Sat Mar 16th, 2019 @ 1:23pm by Captain Jack Solomon & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt

666 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Cardassian Capitol's 'main square'
Timeline: MD4, 1200 hrs

After beaming down to the surface during the next day and enjoying a very different lunch in the restaurant he visited, Jack had made his way through the Capitol's Main Square and was eagerly looking to try and find something that would be a suitable wedding gift for Deela.

Despite the fact that the wedding date had yet to be arranged, he still liked the idea of being organised, having known other friends and officers who had often felt like their special day had been rushed or a detail had not been planned into the whole process.

Jack wanted to avoid that as much as possible, know that he and Deela wanted a small wedding between them with various friends and colleagues from on board the station. As he looked over another stall with a lingering sense of confusion and concern as to if he was looking at the right sort of gifts, Jack stumbled upon an idea.

He walked over to a quiet area of the square, into an alleyway and tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Solomon to Lt General Dartt" =/\= he said, hoping she was free

She had just walked up to him when he called her, she chuckled a moment. "You wanted to see me, Commander?" Jewel asked right behind him as her children laughed behind her as you talk about timing.

Jack nearly jumped out of his skin as Jewel walked up behind him. Not knowing she was here & with her children, Jack felt a little silly. "Well thats timing," he said, getting his breath under control. "Nice to see you again."

I am sorry I didn't mean to startle you, and ya that was timing." Jewel said as she turned to her children then back at Jack. "These are my two oldest twins, Liberty and Jay." Jewel replied as the two just nodded toward's Jack. "You gonna be our godfather now that you are marrying our godmother Deela?" Liberty just blurted out with a smile on her face while Jay just shook his head at his sister.

Jack was taken a little off guard by Liberty's forward comment but he could also appreciate the situation. "Its a pleasure to meet you both," he said. Looking at Liberty, he thought it best to answer her question. "Well I guess I will be your godfather...we'll have to see what we can do about that."

"It's good to see you to, so what can I help you with?" Jewel asked looking at Jack.

Jack smiled as he explained his dilemma. "Well as you know Deela best, I decided to take the chance whilst we're here to see if I could get her a wedding present," he explained.

"Trouble is, I dont know what I could get her that would be best. I'm hoping you could inspire some ideas?"

Several hours later, Jack, Jewel and the twins were completing their fourth tour of the largest market in the capitol and he finally had several bags containing different gifts, having been undecided about getting just one gift for his beloved. As they exited the area, Jack turned to Jewel.

"I want to thank you once again for all your help today. I'm not sure how I would have done this on my own... I'm glad I had some direction from the right person," he said.

"Not a problem, enjoyed it and I am sure the twins enjoyed looking at all the interesting things." She said as she looked at him. "I think I am going to head back to the Sutherland to get a little rest before the next lecture starts." Jewel replied as she wished Solomon luck and they went on their own way to go back up to the Sutherland.

Jack nodded as he watched Jewel and the twins beam back to the Sutherland. Once they were clear, he signalled to the Essex to be beamed up and returned back to his current home, already trying to decide which gift he would give to Deela.


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