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Repatriation Pt1

Posted on Tue Mar 12th, 2019 @ 9:27pm by Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Tom Vercetti & Vito Russo & Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant JG Walter Roebuck & Mar`g & Splendora Sage

1,899 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Cardassia Prime/USS Pegasus
Timeline: MD3 1600

Vox, who had arrived on Cardassia via the USS Pegasus, had finished a quick guided tour organised by a young Cardassian gentleman by the name of Kanart Dilnec. Charming man, definitely knew his history and where to get a good bottle of Kanar.

Now sat outside a bar, Vox waited patiently for another Cardassian man. He couldn't remember his name but hoped it would come to him before he arrived. This was a man who might be able to help him repatriate four ancient manuscripts found in the Smugglers hoard which were recently identified as Cardassian in origin. He sat back and waited.

Zark saw Vox sitting while he was talking with another Ferengi. "I wonder what he's waiting for."

"Or who." The other Ferengi added. They both hushed as Fleet Admiral Bremer walked by.

After he'd passed, Zark looked over at Vox again whom seemed to be waiting. He turned to walk to him and was about run over by two drunk Pakleds walking by.

After getting his balance, Zark walked over. "Mister Vox, I've a pleasure to see a familiar face around here. I've just come across a horde of Spican flame gems." He grinned a toothy smile. "Interested in buying any? I'll throw in some Antarean glow water for your trouble."

Vox smiled. "No thank you. But thanks for the offer."

Zark frowned.

Akkar Vrin lumbered his way towards the bar. He'd been, as a historian, intrigued when he'd heard about ancient Cardassian artefacts. This Trill that had contacted him better be for real. While he was a peaceful man he did not like to be led around the nose. He looked around easily spotting the Trill sitting outside the bar. He ambled over. "Vox?"

Zark put some of the gems away as the other man called Vox's name and motioned like he was leaving, but he stayed closed a carefully listened.

Vox saw the Cardassian gentleman approach him. He smiled as he tried to remember his name. But then, like a flash of light, as the man said his name, he remembered.

" Yes, Mr Vrin isn't it?" Vox replied

He gave a nod. "Yes. You said you had something to discuss with respect to Cardassian artefacts. Shall we go inside?"

"I do. " Vox replied. The two moved into the bar and sat in a booth near the back. " What I wanted to discuss with you is a find made myself and some friends. In retrieving the loot of a smuggler, we discovered that its contents were not your typical smuggler loot. Instead, we found very old manuscripts from various different worlds. Four of these manuscripts appear to be of Cardassian origin. I brought one of them with me so you can tell if my original assessment was correct. "

Zark had followed them in, taking a seat close...but not too close. From the distance, thanks to his lops, he could hear their convocation.

Vox took out of his bag a special container. After putting on some white gloves, he opened the container and took out an old book. He passed Vrin a pair of gloves so he could examine the artefact.

"We think it's over 400 years old. " Vox stated.

Vrin studied the manuscript. He pulled out a device and scanned it. His eyes lit up. "I can say without a doubt that this is not 400 years old. It's 487 years old. This is part of a seven-volume collection called the Cardassian path. Of the seven we have three. This is the first Volume." He looked over at Vox. "Where did you find this?"

'Latimum' Zark thought.

"A past host of mine painted a picture for a friend. The picture was a cryptic map of where he hid his loot. He was a smuggler. The picture, I thought was lost, turn up again several hundred years later. We decided to see if the loot was still there. It was but not your typical smuggler hoard. The other three Cardassian manuscripts are similar to that one so you might have the missing first four volumes. " Vox replied.

He said, "If you will allow it I can take a holo of this to give to the Art Council. They will probably pay a handsome sum to get it back."

"Gladly. I am not really interested in money, to be honest with you, I aim to return all of the manuscripts in the hoard to their planets of origin. So, if the Art Council are ok with it, they can have the four volumes as a gift. " Vox replied.

Zark shook his head, 'But...the latinum!' he thought.

Vrin studied the man. "I will carry your word to the council." He studied the man. "A most honourable offer."

"Not a problem. I just hope I can return the other manuscripts. " Vox replied

He studied him. "What other manuscripts do you have?"

Vox hands Vrin a padd with pictures and details of the other 23 manuscripts. " One of them is particularly interesting. It's the 18th on the list. It seems to be in Vulcan but it looks like an old style of writing. It's also the manuscript that's quite worn but in good condition generally. I can read Vulcan script but I do know and can recognise one word.... Surak. " Vox replied.

He thought a moment. "I have an idea."

"Ok, what are you thinking?" Vox asked

"If I can convince the Cardassian council to make copies of these maybe we can get copies of the ones you have. This way you can give our copies to the other planets to have a real exchange." He wondered if his own xenophobic people would agree but he could help with the decision.

"That does sound like a good idea. I do hope this works. " Vox replied.

'Exchange?! There was latinum to be had!' Zark thought. He typed a message on his PADD and sent the transmission to his ship, the D'Kora class FAS Allora. His brother Mar'g was above the Allora. Mar'g would read the message, beam over to the Pegasus to get some medical supplies to treat a case of Dorek Syndrome. Dorek Syndrome was rare and and deadly, so he knew the Pegasus would be more than willing to provide some medication...and then... Mar'g would 'barrow' one or two of the manuscripts Mister Vox had brought with him. One of which would be the '18th' Mister Vox was so nice to have described. After all, the fourteenth Rule of Acquisition says, 'Anything stolen is pure profit.' Now he just hoped Mar'g wouldn't screw it up.

USS Pegasus

Mar’g was able to beam over to the Pegasus using the medical emergency excuse. He made his way to Deck Twelve because if he never showed up in Sick Bay someone might get suspicious. He exited the turbolift and stopped in his tracks when he saw two Marines patrolling the corridor and two security officers standing outside Sick Bay Four.

“Uh, uh-oh” Mar’g said as he turned around to go back into the turbolift, but the door shut.

“Is there something I can do for you?” The taller Marine asked.

“Uh, I’m from the Ferengi ship Allora, we have a medical emergency and needed some medication.” Mar’g replied.

The Marines looked at each other for a moment, “Go ahead, make it quick.” They knew a Ferengi without any weapons wasn’t a security risk, and there were several people within sick bay itself.

Mar’g slowly walked in, looking around. He saw Tom and Vito sitting beside a biobed with Splendora laying in it. “Mister Vercetti? Is Miss Sage okay?” He walked over and looked down at her. “What happened?”

“She’s sick.” Tom replied bluntly.

“What are you doing here?” Vito asked.

“Uh, there’s an outbreak Dorek Syndrome aboard the Allora and Zark told me to see if the Pegasus had anything to help treat it.” Mar’g lied. He looked around nervously. “She’s not contagious is she?”

Hades had walked in just in time to hear the Ferengi out. "Dorek Syndrome? I believe that can be treated quite easily." He smiled, "How many crew members on your ship?"

"Uh, about three hundred and fifty." Mar'g replied. "Is she going to be okay? She was...always nice to me."

Before Hades could respond Splendora's lashes lifted. "Hello Mar'g I'll be alright. Just need some sleep."

Hades interjected not liking how weak she sounded. "She's also not contagious. Now I'll see about getting the medicating ready. Two doses per person 48 hours apart. That should do it."

"Huh?" Mar'g asked, "Oh, oh yeah, thank you." The Ferengi left Sick Bay and passed the Marines again on his way to the turbolift. He was careful to make sure they saw the medical supplies. "I'll be returning to my brother's ship now."

The Marines nodded to him as the doors closed.

Mar'g made his way to Deck Nine where the VIP quarters were. The computer was very happy to tell him which one was Vox's. He carefully picked the lock and entered. He looked around for a few minutes and found a secured case. He tried to pick the lock, and couldn't. He tried to cut the lock, and couldn't. He became frustrated and tapped his communicator.

"Zark, I found the case."

Zark quickly lowered the volume, "Keep your voice down. Did you find the manuscripts?"

"Uh, yes, but..." Mar'g replied.

"But!" Zark realized he was loud, "But what?"

Mar'g swallowed, "I can't open the case. I can't open the lock or cut it."


", Commander. I'm picking up an unauthorized encrypted transmission coming from Deck Nine, Section Seven-Alpha. VIP Quarters." Walter Roebuck reported to his brother.

"Commander Roebuck walked up the ramp to the tactical station and looked at the panel. "Go check it out."

Walt nodded and left the bridge.

Vox's Quarters

"I tried that too. The lock has a fifteen digit alpha-numeric code. My lock pick can't isolate two digits. That doesn't even begin to help me get past the bio-lock." Mar'g explained.

Zark let out a sigh, "Try bypassing the second isolinear circuit."

Mar'g froze, "Uh oh, someone is coming."

"Get out of there Mar'g!" Zark stood up and realized several people in the bar were watching him, including two drunk Pakleds and Fleet Admiral Bremer who'd walked in with Rear Admiral Sisko. his son Jake, and Talaxian exchange officer Commander Paxim.

'Ugh, Bremer is always around when you don't need him, just like a security officer' Zark thought to himself. He sat down and whispered, "Get out of there." After a moment, he slowly stood and tried to walk nonchalantly out of the bar.

Mar'g panicked, he closed the channel with Zark, typed in a few commands on the communicator, and beamed back to the Allora.

Walt and other Security Officer over-rode the door code and entered Vox's quarters. They looked around for a moment, in each room and the closets. After a few moments he tapped his comm-badge. "Roebuck to Bridge, Commander there's no one here."

"Understood. Secure the door. We'll let Mister Vox know when he returns so he can see if anything is missing."

FAS Allora

Zark had returned to his ship a few moments after Mar'g. They both tried to get through the lock, without success



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