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Someone's Out There Pt2

Posted on Wed Mar 13th, 2019 @ 9:03pm by Captain Paul MacLeod & Lieutenant Commander Clint Cross & Lieutenant Heath Carter & Lieutenant Karl Ballard & Lieutenant JG Aidan Murphy & Lieutenant JG Victor Clayton & Lieutenant JG Marshall Robinson & Lieutenant JG Tenu

485 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: USS Vanguard
Timeline: MD3 1620hrs


The USS Vanguard had departed Starbase 400 several hour before. They had dropped out of slipstream just passed DS14 and were proceeding away from Federation space, toward the location of the unidentified ship that had been reported.

Mac sat in the center chair, looking over a PADD that had been handed to him by his ship’s Executive Officer, Lieutenant Commander William Patel. Patel was new to Starbase 400 and had only recently met MacLeod.

“Did Robinson say how long it might take?” Mac asked.

“With or without the Starbase?” Patel asked, coldly.

Mac eyed Patel for a moment, “Without.”

Patel sighed. “About three hours. We have a few untested crew aboard, many of them have never been aboard a Prometheus class vessel. Mister Clayton might be able to assist.”

Clayton turned around from his position at Ops, “Aye sir. I helped with the same maintenance and repair work aboard the Pegasus, Lexington, and the old Vanguard.”

Mac looked over the PADD again. He didn’t like taking power offline to nearly a quarter of the ship, but the power grid had to be stabilized. “Do it. Keep me posted. If we find this unidentified ship we may need all the power we can get, so try to make it quick.”

Clayton nodded and left the Bridge. Lieutenant JG Ballard, a Security/Tactical Officer, took over Ops. He was the most qualified Bridge Officer not among the Senior Staff aboard.

“Captain, I’ve ran several short and long range scans of the area. I can tell there’s been a ship in this general area, but I’m not able to track its course. The subspace wake and exhaust have dissipated.” Metsker reported from Tactical One. Carter, his Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer who was seated at Tactical Two confirmed the report.

“Captain. I think I’ve found a pattern, even with the decay rates of their ion trail and wake.” Lieutenant Tenu reported from the Science station. His voice clicked, typical for this species.

Mac walk over and stood behind him to the left. “Show me.”

Tenu nodded, tapped in a few buttons, and a pattern started to appear on the screen. “Extrapolating the points DS14’s sensors spotted the ship here and here, then using the decay rates of their ion trails, it appears whoever they are, they are looking for something.”

Commander Cross walked over from the Intel position, “I think the Lieutenant is correct. A Bolian freighter reported what they thought was a ship on their long range sensors, here.” he typed in a few commands and another red dot appeared. “They couldn’t get a sensor lock, but based on the location and Mister Tenu’s pattern, they line up really well.”

Mac nodded. “Good work Lieutenant.”

MacLeod walked back to his chair, “Murphy, sent a course toward that new location, warp eight.”

“Aye sir.” Murphy replied from Flight Control.



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