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Buried Secrets

Posted on Thu Mar 14th, 2019 @ 5:41pm by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Brigadier General Kaden Ross

2,200 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Ross Quarters - USS Pegasus
Timeline: Day 3 0300 hrs

It was late Kaden was laying in bed with his beautiful wife nestled up to him it had been a long day for both but quite a fun one. Of course, it was going to be a long day for him tomorrow with all these military symposiums he had to attend anything to help enlighten or share his thoughts. He was not one to usually talk to anyone just sit off in the back and pray nobody notices him but he was now in charge of his own men and women. With Freya’s help and guidance he some but not a lot of confidence when it came to speaking his mind. Just thinking of his wife, however, made Kaden smile and rest his head on his sleeping Freya’s shoulder while rubbing her ripped washboard abs under the sheet.

Freya had enjoyed bedtime with Kaden, the two of them taking advantage of the time on Cardassia and the relaxing environment to lengthen out their honeymoon a little and enjoy each other as much as what was on offer on Cardassia. She'd drifted off into a relaxing sleep but the feel of Kaden running his fingers over her abs made her stir and wearily open her eyes. " enjoying my abs again?"

Kaden with eyes still closed could only offer a rather weak smile as he was still sleepy. “Sorry, just enjoying my work...very proud of you for earning these cause you are very sexy with them....of course, you were always sexy before you got them.” He replied. By then Kaden was stirred awake as he felt the need to go find something to eat now. Much as he loved the feel of Freya’s naked body pressed against him while he slept his sudden rumbling stomach needed attention it seemed. Kissing Freya on the cheek Kaden got to his feet rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he headed to the replicator Artemis following close behind expecting some attention or something from replicator as well.

Freya smiled and curled up under the cozy sheets as Kaden got up. She knew he'd be back. She wasn't asleep long before she started to stir again only this time it was a troubling dream, her skin and hair became damp with perspiration and she flailed about in bed crying out as she did so.

Kaden couldn’t hear what was going on as he was still standing at the replicator trying to figure out what it was he wanted. Of course, Artemis was busy rubbing his body against his legs wanting fed which was making it hard for Kaden to focus. “Hey, Freya, do you want anything since I am getting me and the cat something?” He waited for a reply but there was a slight sound of odd noises coming from the bedroom. “Frey?”

When Kaden heard her scream he ran back to the bedroom worried to death but glad Artemis moved out of the way to the large Marine did run him over as he jumped on top of the couch. When Kaden came bursting through the door he found his wife sitting up in their bed sweaty and completely horrified. “Freya? Are you okay? What happened?” He sat down on the bed pulling her next to him so she could rest her head on his shoulder.

She lay against him at first she said nothing before the words seemed to flow of their own accord. “I...I couldn’t stop him!” Her eyes glazed over as she finally remembered. “He....he forced me! He held me down and he...he...forced himself on me!!” She lay in Kaden’s arms sobbing. The memory had been buried for years but her willingness to allow Kaden to hold her from behind had triggered the memory that caused that fear in the first place.

Kaden was confused by what she was saying. “Wait, who forced you? What are you talking about? Did something happen on the planet today you are not telling me?” He wasn’t sure if he needed to call security and inform the Captain of the matter. But if something did happen why didn’t Freya say something about it then and instead wait till now to say anything. All he did know was if anyone did hurt his wife he was going to track them down and maim them for doing so.

“No! not today!” She got a grip on herself at least for the moment as she tried to explain more clearly. “The night....when I was at my parents. When I called you for help!” She looked at him hoping he’d recall. “You came to help me remember?” She held onto him tightly like she was expecting it to happen all over again just because she was talking about it. “He....he came back, Kaden! He came back!!”

Kaden was confused he wasn’t sure what she was referring to as far incidents at her parents particularly with her rather annoying cousins and aunt. “What are you talking about? Your idiot cousins that you don’t get along with much? The two Betazoid teenagers that vandalized your car? Cause those two was caught the next morning after the police found them in the hospital for the beating I gave them although we had to explain to their parents they were wearing masks and hoodies when I did.” He shrugged his shoulders need more information. “I have no idea what incident you are referring to.”

“The night my parents were away Kaden!! I was terrorized by those xenophobic neighbors!!” She was getting frustrated but she knew she wasn’t explaining herself very well. “You stayed with me for as long as you could but after you left early the next morning he came back!”

Kaden sat in silence for a moment trying recall that night he had a general idea what she was referring to of her xenophobic neighbors who was Betazoid even. But he remembered correctly the police needed him to come to the station to answer questions as to why those teenagers who happened to be their kids were vandalizing Freya’s car and why he beat their asses. But he was confused by what event after she was yammering on about. “Who did? Was this when I had to talk to the police?”

"My parents neighbor Kaden! he made his excuses to the police!!" She slid out of bed and paced the floor. "While you were gone he came round to the house, he said he wanted to apologize! I turned him down but he...he pushed his way in and shut the door." She stopped pacing and stood still staring at the floor. "I run but he grabbed my hand." She slowly sank to her knees. "He was stronger than me Kaden!... I couldn't stop him!!" Tears were streaming down her face. "I don't...remember what happened afterward."

This was news to Kaden as he stood there unsure what to say or do other than take her robe and drape it over her so she wasn’t naked anymore. “Did...he do something to you?” He was trembling both in fear and anger.

Freya couldn’t believe he was asking her to spell out what she was trying to tell him. She looked up at him her tear soaked eyes meeting his “He forced himself on me Kaden! he held me down and he...” She couldn’t say it again instead she threw herself into his arms and cried until she eventually fell asleep from exhaustion.

Kaden felt sick to his stomach but he needed to take care of his Freya lifting her up in his arms he put her back in bed and covered her up with a sheet. He needed a professional to look into this as he was not qualified for this type of thing, of course, finding the man that hurt his woman was another matter. Kissing Freya on the forehead Kaden got his feet and walked over to the nearby console before pressing a button. “Computer, open a channel to Counselor Ariana Monroe of the USS Sutherland priority one.”

Ariana was getting a good night’s sleep aboard the Sutherland when an urgent call from Kaden woke her. Throwing on some clothes she headed across to the Pegasus as quickly as she could, a crewman was kind enough to show her to where she needed to go. Not bothering with the chime she headed straight inside. “Kaden? What’s wrong?”

Kaden was pacing the living area when he was surprised by Ariana letting herself in normally he’d lecture her to respect other people’s privacy and not barge into their rooms as she did. But he figured it was best to let it slip this time as there were more pressing issues at hand. “Thank god, you are here I need your help on this urgent matter I told you about over the comm.” Kaden turned to Freya asleep on the bed behind him. “Freya told me something that has me scared out of my wits.”

“Okay...let’s sit down for a moment.” She motioned to the sofa, taking a seat herself. “Tell me what she said, you need to tell me as much as you can remember word for word.”

Kaden wasn’t one to linger on with an issue when it came to Freya but he had time to process this revelation mostly while waiting for Ariana. “I...just found out someone forced themselves on her.”

“Forced themselves on her!” Ariana looked concernedly at Kaden. “When did this happen? Was it here on Cardassia? If it was we have to tell the Admiral.”

“No, wasn’t here on Cardassia it happened at her parent's place years ago,” Kaden replied.

"She's only just recalled it?" Ariana nodded. "It sounds like it could be a repressed memory." She turned to look at Kaden. "The mind is a fragile thing, in cases of psychological trauma the mind can lock away memories to keep us from experiencing what we can't cope with. All it takes is something to trigger than memory and obviously something has."

Kaden just sat there in silence making mental notes to keep himself from trying add to her trauma by pressing the issue. Which of course he never planned to to start with but it didn’t help him on the issues that came to mind. Instead he kept quiet and merely nodded his head anxiously rubbing his hand together unsure what to say or do at the moment.

Ariana gently placed her hand on Kaden's hand. “Just don’t be surprised if Frey gets angry. This is going to dig up a whole host of emotions and as her husband she’s going to look to you for support and to air her emotions at. No matter what just remember it’s not you she’s fighting, it’s fear, anger, frustration, terror and so much more.” She stood and gently placed her hand on Kaden’s shoulder. “Go be with your wife, we’ll talk again when Frey is ready to talk. In the meantime if you need to talk you know where I am.” She started for the door before pausing. “Oh before I forget...forgive me for barging straight in earlier, I was worried. It won’t happen again.”

Kaden got to his feet and quickly ran to the door blocking Ariana from leaving. “Wait, I would feel better if you stayed here to keep an eye on, Freya, with me. The couch turns into a bed and it may not look like it but it is very comfy as Freya made sure if we had guests even pregnant ones they get a good nights sleep on it.” He told her but honestly Kaden wasn’t sure hat else to do or even expect and it would be wiser to have a person of Ariana’s expertise around to help.

At first Ariana wasn't sure it was a good idea but both Freya and Kaden were old friends. "Okay...if it makes you feel better I'll stay." She smiled. "I guess I do need to get used to sharing quarters with the two of you for when we get back to the station."

Kaden smiled and went ahead setting up the couch for her pulling out some extra blankets and pillows. “If you need something comfortable to sleep in Freya has some extra clothes of mine you can slip into or you can barrow some of her sleeping wear that she hardly uses cause well...” A smile formed on his lips just thinking about his wife naked. “Uh, let’s just say she prefers a wide range of motion when sleeping.”

Ariana grinned. “Well we Betazoids do enjoy a certain amount of freedom, it’s the way our culture is. Not that all Betazoids are the same. Now go and get some sleep, if you need me I’ll be right here.” She watched him go before making herself comfortable on the sofa bed and trying to get back to sleep.



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