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Let it begin

Posted on Thu Mar 14th, 2019 @ 6:44pm by Commander Hades,MD

703 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Cardassia
Timeline: MD03 1715 hours


After events of the early hours and the horrific revelation it held for her Freya decided to try to take her mind off things. She was hoping she’d done enough to convince Kaden about having a family, the way they’d talked had shown promise and not knowing how long any treatment Doctor Hades might need to do would take, she made her way to see him. She knew he’d be somewhere around the medical areas on Cardassia all she had to do was find him.

Hades was just reading a report on a new medical treatment he would be seeing up close and personal. He found himself at the little area he'd set up to treat Starfleet personnel. It was not much but it was something. He only transported down to pick up a few data PADDs and he had to be back to tend to Splendora.

Seeing Hades Freya made her way over to him offering a brief smile. “Doctor Hades can I talk to you please?” She motioned for them to take a seat in a quiet spot. “Kaden and I have been talking and I think we’re finally getting somewhere...” She paused. “At least I hope we are! I want to go ahead with what you mentioned last time we talked. I want to have a baby and I don’t care what I have to go through to do that.”

Hades smiled, "Certainly. I suggest we wait until we're back at the station and then I will run some tests on both you and your husband and we can come up with a plan."

“Is there anything I can do while I’m here?” Freya looked at Hades almost pleadingly. “We’ve just come back from our honeymoon and this has, more or less, become an extension to that. Between our duties, of course.” She gave an embarrassed smile.

Hades smiled, "Your husband has agreed to this even with the risk?"

“I know my husband has doubts because of worries about his condition. I’m afraid if you tell him there’s a chance a baby would inherit that he’ll retreat completely and never want children!” She sighed. “It’s something I want more than anything.”

"I realize that. I promise to help when we are back at the station. In the mean time I will study both your files and I can begin the examinations here. Also I will need to know what your diet and exercise regime is."

"Trust me Doctor, we've been getting plenty of exercise!" Freya grinned. "I'll have everything you need to know put in a report for when we get back to the station."

He smiled, "Excellent." He looked around. "How are you finding things here?"

"Actually I've found it pretty interesting so far. There are also some lovely places to relax when you need to, Kaden and I have been taking advantage of those between our seminars." She smiled.

He smiled, "Good. Actually I was going to contact you and Counselors Monroe and Rol. They are running a seminar for the unique counseling of Cardassians. It sounds interesting."

"Then I'll be sure to attend, I'll let Aeryn know as well and we can go together." Freya grinned. "I'm always up for learning new things.

He smiled, "It is the key to life." He thought a moment. "When was your husband diagnosed with his condition?"

"Err I think he was very young, possibly born with the condition. I'll double check that with him just to be sure." She looked at Hades curiously. "Why?"

"If it was a condition at birth it is genetic more then likely. If it was a later life onset we might be able to ensure the baby will not have it."

Freya nodded understandingly. "Okay I guess time will tell then."

Hades smiled, "Well I need to run I have a lot that I need to get done and some personal matters to tend to prior to going back to the ship and only a short time to do it in."

Freya offered a smile and nodded. "I know you’re busy now and I won't hold you up anymore. Thank you.”



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