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Changes Pt2

Posted on Tue Mar 12th, 2019 @ 9:27pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Commander Leksander Draven & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Colonel Danny Lennox & Tom Vercetti & Vito Russo & Commander Hades,MD & Splendora Sage

1,468 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Cardassia/USS Pegasus
Timeline: MD3 1345hrs


Aidan rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't understand any of this."

Michael raised an eyebrow. He'd spent the better part of the hour explaining things to Aiden. "Perhaps you should take a walk. It will help in clearing your mind."

Sighing Aidan reluctantly agreed. Within a few minutes there was ring at the door. Nivar picked up a tricorder and scanned the two figures standing there. He cursed under his breath picking up a phaser. He pointed it at the door as it hissed open. "Hello Florance."

Jon sighed, "Really, I thought we were all friends here."

Nivar's forehead scrunched in disgust. "I don't remember ever saying that. You're not taking her to Earth." He studied the big bald man. "And you are?"

"Vito." He stared at the other person, but didn't say anything else.

Michael searched his mind. "Ah yes, Russo. Vercetti and Russo."

Vito narrowed his eyes.

Florence interjected, "Listen we came to get Sage."

Michael leveled a phaser at Florance. "Really? What makes you think I'll allow it?"

Florance had just enough of this. "Now see here. Shooting me with a phaser won't make you feel better."

Michael shrugged and fired. Florance shot backwards into the wall and fell to the floor with a thud. Micheael looked over at Vito. "Don't worry he's not dead just stunned." He turned to his Cardassian friend, "Be a dear and tie the good admiral up." He then turned back to Russo. "Friend or foe?"

"I'm a friend, of Splendora's. I want to see her." Vito replied.

He sighed, "Fine but be warned she's not well."

"Then she better be getting damn good care." Vito bluntly replied as he took a few steps forward.

Michael stood his ground. "Let's hurry this along. I need you to get Splendora out of here before the good Admiral wakes up." Florence would be pissed but Michael knew he wouldn't do anything about it. They were on Cardassian spoil and here Splendora had many friends. He looked back to Russo. "Easy. You and I can fight later. Follow me." He led Russo up the stairs and to a room . He slowly opened the door. Splendora lay motionless on the bed. The sound of the door and the light made her moan.

Michael knelt by the bed. "Sick bucket?"

She gave a nod. He held the bucket up to her lips where she promptly threw up.

"Rinse." He said giving her a green liquid. "It'll get the taste out." She did so without reservation. Michael looked up at Vito. "Your friend is here."

Slowly, gingerly she sat up and turned towards the door. "V...Vito?"

"I'm here little one." He looked down at his friend.

"What have you given her for these symptoms?" Vito asked.

"Nothing. She can't take anything. This will pass it's just early stages of...." he trailed off.

Splendora sighed. She then turned to Vito. "Tom. Is he safe?" She'd deal with Michael after. There was something he wasn't telling her. Something that was kept back from her. She intended to find out.

"He's fine. I'm here to get you out, and take you somewhere safe." Vito replied, then looked at Michael.

"Wise decision. I have a rogue section agent to return to Starfleet." He helped Splendora stand. He could see she was still wonky but recovering quickly. "What are you not telling me?"

Michael studied her. "Not now. Can you walk." She was shaky but she could. She wiped the sweat from her forehead.

The whine of a phaser and aloud thump drew her attention. Michael pulled his phaser out and pushed passed Vito. "Stay up here." He slithered out of the room.

Splendora looked at Vito. "Don't worry....I'll protect you." She said grabbing a vase that was on the nightstand. She took a position, on wobbly legs, by the door. "Dammit I told Bremer to keep you and Tom safe and on the ship!"

"This was Tom's and my idea, the old man would have had to put us in stasis to keep us from finding you." He grabbed her arms. "You're in no condition, stay behind me." He gently moved her back as he drew his phaser. "They have a rotating EM Pulse active in here, can't get a comm signal out or I'd just have us beamed out." Vito added.

She gave a nod, "Makes sense. Michael doesn't trust Florance." Just as the words had come out of her mouth Michael turned the corner running into the room. He looked over at Vito and shoved a PADD in his hand. "Take this to your CMO. Get her out, now! Down the hall room to the left there a trap door with stairs. It will lead you to a tunnel. Keep going for half a mile and you should exit out of a cave like structure." He shoved another phaser into Vito's hand. "Go!"

Spelndora was about to protest when Vito took action.

Vito gave a respectful nod to Michael, slid the PADD into the 'go fast' bag he had, his phaser back into the holster and then the other into his pants waist. He then picked up Splendora and carried her down the hall. He heard something going on behind him, but he had one thing on his mind.

He found the room on the left. In it was a desk, with a computer terminal, two PADDs, and a med kit. He grabbed the PADDs and kit and shoved them into the bag too, picked Splendora up again and through the trap door. He hurried with her down the tunnel in a fast walk, almost run.

"Hang in there, we're almost out." Vito said to Splendoa and she bounced in his arms while he hurried. Finally exiting, he slapped the comm-badge under his shirt's collar. "Vito to Pegasus" he breathed deep trying to catch his breath "two to beam out, now."

Vito and Splendora shimmered away and within a moment they were aboard the Pegasus, in Sick Bay Four. Tom, Bremer, Roebuck, Draven and Doctor Hades were there. Vito dropped to a knee as he gently laid Splendora on a biobed.

Tom patted his old friend on the shoulder as Vito pulled the PADD he was given and the other two from his bag and handed them to Bremer. "I was given this one for the Doctor, these I found."

"Well done Mister Russo. Lek. take a look at these two." Mike replied as he handed the other to Doctor Hades.

"I also found this med kit. It might be generic, but it was in a room close to where she was being held." Vito said as he also handed that to Hades.

"Mister Roebuck, post two security officers outside and other two in here, just in case someone wants to visit the patient without an appointment. Lennox, I also want two Marines patrolling the corridor." Mike ordered, then he looked down at Splendora and gently patted her shoulder, "Welcome back Miss Sage." He flashed a kind smile. "Doctor Hades, this is your show now."

Hades grabbed the PADD and began scanning it while handing the med kit to Nurse Adler who began pawing through it.

Splendora whose head had been spinning not only for the dizziness but form the sprint Vito did. Her stomach took a jostling. She tried to respond to the Admiral but a waive of nausea hit her.

Hades anticipated it and managed to slide her off the bed and a can under her mouth. He held her as she threw up. "Not good."

Tom grabbed her shoulder and watched the medical staff.

The Nurse brought a hypo which Hades batted away. "No. Nothing." When Splendora had settled and he'd helped her to the bed. He called for a small cup of mint water. That he could give her. Looking up at Vito he said. "Where did you get this?" He shook his head, "Or rather who gave it to you?"

"I believe he said his name was Michael. He'd stunned Mister Florence, they didn't seem to like each other much and wanted to keep her from the other." Vito explained, going on about what had happened.

Hades sighed. "That would explain these." He held up the PADD. "Nurse take over. No medication of any kind. Even if she's in pain." He turned to the Admiral. "I will need some time to review all this. The med kit is...unlike anything I've seen." He looked at Tom and Vito. Will you be staying?"

Tom and Vito both replied in unison, "Yes."

Mike looked at Hades for a moment, then nodded. "Alright. I'll be on the Bridge for the next hour before beaming down again." Bremer and Draven then left.

Hades gave a nod and headed to his office.



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