Lieutenant JG Walter Roebuck

Name Walter Heinrich Roebuck

Position Security/Tactical Officer

Second Position Security Investigations Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG


  • 3 Mission Posts

Last Post

Tue Mar 12th, 2019 @ 9:27pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 2.1 meters (6' 2")
Weight 105 Kg (232lbs)
Hair Color Light Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Athletic/Muscular, in generally good shape. Short hair, clean shaven.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Jonathan Roebuck III (decesed)
Mother Nancy Roebuck (decesed)
Brother(s) Older Brother - Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV (Security Investigations Officer - Starbase 400)
Sister(s) Older Sister - Rebecca Roebuck

Personality & Traits

General Overview Loyal and honest. Like his older brother, Walt will put the people he cares about above his own needs. Tactically sound in Starship Operations, and a fearsome fighter on the ground, trained in multiple fighting styles. Also like his older brother, Walt has been known to disobey orders if he believed those orders to be unjust or against Starfleet code. That said, he had a very strict personal code of what's right and wrong.
Strengths & Weaknesses The people he loves can be his biggest strength, but also his biggest weakness.
Ambitions Walt knows he has a lot to learn before he can get a command of his own, but one day he wants to be an Admiral in Starfleet like his great grandfather was.
Hobbies & Interests Avid weapons collector (bladed, firearms, and particle weapons)...Human and Klingon mostly. Owns a 250 year old Klingon Bat'leth, and matching 250 year old Klingon Mek'leth, as well a Glock 22 (40 cal.), SIG Sauer P228, Walther PPK, Beretta 92FS, Federation Type-IIa and Type-IIc phasers (both his were his great grandfather's...his older brother has a matching set), a Type-IIe, and several Klingon disruptors to name a few. Walt is also well trained is several martial arts such as Karate, Judo, mok'bara, and often trains in his free time. He also enjoys other gym activities such as weight lifting and running.

Aside from weapons, Walt also enjoys collecting sports memorabilia from Earth’s past, specifically football. He has signed footballs, cards, and other things from greats like Sammy Watkins, Emmit Smith, Peyton Manning, Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, Walter Peyton, Deshaun Watson, Trevor Lawerance, Vic Beasley, Tavian Feaster, CJ Spiller, Ray Lewis, Brian Urlacher, and the list goes on.

Is an avid music lover, mostly 1970s-90s 'classic rock'
Languages Federation Standard (English), German, some Klingon, some Romulan

Personal History 2362 – Born aboard the USS Berlin (which is why his parents gave him a more German sounding name).

2364 – Arrives on Earth with his family. They live for a short time in Hamburg Germany.

2366 – Family moves to Spartanburg South Carolina for a few years.

2369 – Family moves to Starbase 32, where his father is assigned Commanding Officer.

2373 – Family is moved to Starbase 96, where his father is assigned Commanding Officer.

2376 – Family moves back to Earth, lives just outside Miami Florida.

2378 – Family moves to Tyco City, Luna.

2380 – Enters Starfleet Academy
Service Record 2380 – Enters Starfleet Academy.

2384 - Graduated Starfleet Academy, assigned to Starbase 400 as a Security/Tactical Officer, attended Starfleet's Advanced Tactical Training course later in the year.

2386 - Assigned to the USS Maryland as Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer.

2387 - Assigned to the USS Unification as Chief Security/Tactical Officer, replacing his brother who took over as Chief Security/Tactical Officer of DS6.

2388 – Assigned to the USS Nomad as Chief Security/Tactical Officer.

2395 - Transferred to Starbase 400 as a Security/Tactical Officer and Security Investigations Officer.