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Echoes of the past - Part 3

Posted on Sun Feb 17th, 2019 @ 6:59pm by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Captain Jack Solomon & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne
Edited on on Sun Feb 17th, 2019 @ 7:00pm

760 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange

Previously on Echoes of the past....

Braxton grabbed James by the neck and slammed him against the wall.

Ariana froze on the spot. It was like the spirit of the real Nicole was holding her there waiting to see the outcome of everything or perhaps just to see Braxton one last time.

and now the continuation...


Lee saw what was going on and bolted upright, he went over and grabbed Braxton working on pulling him back "Alright that's enough!"

Ariana managed to get hold of herself long enough to back away and give the others room to get to Braxton and James. Although it looked like they were going to struggle to pry Braxton off James the way he was holding him. She took a deep breath and walked forward reaching out her hand and placing it on Braxton's arm. "Brax...please! Let him go!!"

Braxton's hold on James was a death grip. "What did you say about the POD!"

Before things could get worse Hades stepped up and pressed a hypo to Braxton's neck.

Braxton turned and before he could say anything he collapsed with his friends catching him. Hades put his arm on James. "Mr. Lee can I ask for your assistance?" He shook James' arm. "Can you please make sure the good Commander gets to security while I sort out Braxton?

Lee nodded looking at Hades "Sure can Doctor" He wasn't happy about this one bit.

Ariana was knelt down beside Braxton, she'd seen this through this far she wasn't going to leave him now. She knew he had a long road of recovery ahead and she could only hope he'd forgive her for being a part of this.

Jack had seen the commotion and came out of the restaurant to see what was going on. He could see a strange woman knelt beside Braxton and wondered what was happening on the Promenade.

"Need a hand?" he offered as he approached the scene.

Hades looked at the man. "Yes can you and the counselor get Braxton to the infirmary?" He looked over at Lee who had the commander by the arm. "I'll go to security with them and file a report." He looked at Ariana. "Are you alright?"

“Not really” She looked at Hades. “He’s going to hate me for this when he wakes up.” She sighed. “Let’s just get Braxton to the Infirmary.”

With the help of Jack and Rol they were able to get Braxton to the infirmary. Hades had made a trip to security and let them take it from there. His priority now was Braxton. By the time he arrived Jack, Lee, Ariana and Rol were in sickbay.

Hades addressed Jack and Lee. "Thanks for your help gentlemen. My apologies for interrupting your night."

"Oh you know, it broke up an otherwise quiet evening," Jack offered. He looked at the young lady in the room with them and felt a little confused. "So what have I gotten myself into and who might you be?" He asked her.

Lee stood there watching everything "You're welcome Doctor."

Hades gave a smile and addressed Jack, "Our good counselor. She's just taken on a new persona to catch a rat." He then turned to Monroe. "You should rest a little."

Ariana looked at Hades. "I will as soon as I get this disguise taken care of." With that she headed away to get herself sorted. Right now she was dreading her next encounter with Braxton.

Lee turned to Ariana as she walked "Young lady. I want to speak to you in my office in an hour."

"Sir?" Ariana looked at Pike before nodding. "Yes Sir." With that she headed on her way.

Hades sighed it was time they all went about it. This had proven to be a difficult time and it was going to be difficult yet as the truth of it all came out.

Lee turned and walked out of the infirmary.

=/\= Present Time aboard USS Sutherland =/\=

Hades was jolted out of his thoughts by the incessant beeping of his coms. His next patient was here. He sighed and stretched. Only time will tell what would happen with James.

He thought a moment. He should check on Ariana too. She had been quite shaken by the experience. Perhaps she needed to talk.

With one last look at the stars Hades headed to the main sickbay to treat his next appointment and reflected on how much he missed being on a starship.



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