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Echoes of the past - Part 2

Posted on Sun Feb 17th, 2019 @ 6:55pm by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Captain Jack Solomon & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne
Edited on on Sun Feb 17th, 2019 @ 6:56pm

1,146 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Starbase 400 -- Various locations
Timeline: ---Memory Post Prior to ships leaving station---

Previously on Echoes of the past....

Braxton smiled, "I must admit I had a bit of an ulterior motive for all this."

Jack smiled as he put his drink down from taking a sip. "Ok, so what are you up to or what have you been up to?" he asked.

Lee looked at the other two "So what would your motive be then?"

and now the continuation...


Braxton smiled and looked at Jack. "I had heard that you have quite a collection of 20th and 21st century comic books. I am a collector and I have not had anyone to speak to this about." He then turned to Lee, "I have heard you are quite the wrestler and know Vulcan martial arts. I was hoping to have someone to practice with. I am not the most social of people." He wondered if the two had met the Wolf pack when they were on the station.

Jack smiled as he responded. "I deny nothing, it is true that I have a fair collection in storage here on the station," he admitted. "Its taken quite a few years to find the ones I have and there are always the elusive issues that hold more value that I'm always looking for."

Jack was proud of his collection and enjoyed looking upon it every now and then. "To save the original comics themselves I have converted holo copies to read instead. You have the feel of the paper but the stories are just as exciting. I have a colleague on Earth working on turning them into holosuite programmes to be a part of."

Lee nodded looking back at Braxton "That is correct I have wrestled since I was a teenager and have extensive knowledge in Vulcan martial arts." He nodded again "I will have to see what I can get some free time."

Braxton smiled, "Have always wanted to learn wrestling." They talked more about their jobs and got to know one another. Braxton was starting to relax, he was starting to feel comfortable.

Lee nodded as he took a sip of his tea "Wrestling is easy to learn."

=/\= Elsewhere on the station ... =/\=

Hades and Rol took their place behind the bulkhead. Hades checked his tricorder readings. "Times coming up for you to step out. Five seconds away."

James, tugged his uniform, he had never felt comfortable in it and his recent trip down memory lane with Nicky and the big Betazoid and Braxton...well Braxton hadn't known he was there but he'd watched the mind wipe procedure to be sure, had been rather nerve rattling. He had his regrets from the past and Nicole and Braxton were one of them. He rounded the corner going towards his quarters.

Ariana took a deep breath getting herself into character before stepping out. At first she stayed in the shadows as she spoke "Where are you going Commander?" She stepped forward making sure to keep her emotions in check as she looked at James. "You know you always did put me in mind of an Eldorian Eel...a slippery, hard to like individual."

James froze, his eyes glassy and unbelieving. He stared at a ghost. His skin went pale and his hands had a slight tremor to them.

"I never did see what Brax saw in you" she rested her hands on her bump.

He shook slightly, "N...Nicole?"

Ariana stepped forward but only slightly. "I thought you were Brax's friend, you are nothing of the sort!" She gave him an icy stare. "The man I love is suffering! You know what you did and now is the time to do the right thing and help him!!"

James didn't register her words. He turned and ran. If this was a ghost maybe the crowds of the promenade would keep her at bay.

Hades and Rol stepped out after James had run. "Well that went well."

Hades gave Rol a nudge as he checked his tricorder readings. "He was just about jumping out of his skin. Are you alright?" He asked Monroe.

Ariana let out a long slow breath. "Just about! Though I wouldn't recommend taking my blood pressure right now!" She smiled. "I'm just glad it's done! I was more worried about making a mistake and getting something wrong." She looked at Hades. "So what now?"

Rol stepped away from the panel. "He's on the promenade. Shall we give chase?"

Hades was sceptical but gave a nod.


James stopped running long enough to catch his breath. He didn't see the doors open and he didn't see the trio exit behind him.

Rol pointed to James. "I think that's him. Ready for one more performance?"

Ariana nodded. "I guess so" She walked on ahead catching up with James. "Hey you Eldorian Eel...Just Where do you think you're going!!" She allowed herself a minor smirk but she was starting to get the hang of being Nicole now. "You're not getting away from this! You're going to help Brax!!"

James jumped at the appearance of this particular ghost. He looked around wildly. "You're not real. You are not real!"

“Oh I’m not!” Ariana took the chance to get within arm’s reach and reached out touching James on the arm for a brief moment. “Does that feel real enough for you!?” She glared at him coldly. “Now what did you do to Brax and how are you going to fix it!!?”

He paled even more.

Ariana took a step back out of reach, her head turned slightly as she picked up a spike of emotion from somewhere near her eyes widened in surprise as she locked eyes with Braxton for a moment. She quickly regained her composure looking back at James.

"He's right there James!! What are you going to do to help me to help him!?"

=/\= Back at the restaurant =/\=

Braxton smiled, "Looking forward to ..." He was interrupted by a commotion across the promenade. His eyes were drawn there and for a moment he paled.

He stood. Was that Nicole? Before his mind could process he started towards the figures causing a commotion.

James hissed, "I did nothing! It was that damned brother in law of his and his father in law that wiped his memory. His memory loss just happened to have worked to my advantage. The only thing I did was make sure that your POD wouldn't launch but he I didn't need to meddling...."

Whatever he would have said was cut off. Braxton grabbed James by the neck and slammed him against the wall.

Ariana froze on the spot. It was like the spirit of the real Nicole was holding her there waiting to see the outcome of everything or perhaps just to see Braxton one last time.

To be continued....


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