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Just the Facts.

Posted on Mon Feb 18th, 2019 @ 9:40am by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike

632 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Commodore Pike's Office
Timeline: After "Echoes of the Past" (prior to departure)

With her Nicole disguise removed Ariana had spent the last hour going over events in her head. The look on Braxton's face when he'd seen her but not her instead his love Nicole, was one that would haunt her for sometime to come. Making her way to Pike's office she pressed the chime and waited for the call to enter.

Lee heard the chime "Enter"

Walking into the office she made her way over to Pike's desk. "Lieutenant Ariana Monroe reporting as ordered Commodore."

Lee paused a moment looking at the officer in front of him to keep his temper in check "What was that all about Lieutenant?"

"I volunteered to assist Doctor Hades with a matter concerning Warrant Officer Braxton Sir" Ariana looked at Pike. "We were given reason to believe that Braxton was the victim of an unwarranted mind meld and it is bring detrimental to his health. I physically resemble Braxton's wife Nicole, she was pregnant as well at the time she was killed so I volunteered to do what I could to help him." She looked at Pike. "I wasn't expecting events to go the way they did Sir."

Lee sat there listening to what all that she had to say "I don't think that anyone was expecting the events to even come close to what happened." He looked at her "What reason was this that he was of a unwarranted mind meld?"

"I don't recall the exact details Commodore but there was a recent visit by some old colleagues of Warrant Officer Braxton, we had reason to believe that during their visit Braxton was subject to a mind meld. One that simply reaffirmed a meld he'd already previously been subject to, I knew that Braxton had list us wife under difficult circumstances but it seems now, thanks to what you just witnessed that the fact was her escape pod was sabotaged."

Lee raised an eyebrow "So you might be saying that one of his old colleagues forced the mind meld onto him? And you are saying his wife may have been murdered?"

"You must have heard the exchange that took place yourself Sir, right before Braxton stepped in and pinned his old colleague to the wall. He admitted making sure that Nicole's pod didn't launch!" She looked at Pike. "We might not have gone about all this in a conventional manner Sir but all I wanted to do was help Braxton. He saved the lives of both myself and my baby, I owe him more than he knows."

Lee nodded "Yes I did hear the exchange happen." He sat there listening as he steepled his fingers "I understand that you wanted to help him, and no you didn't do in a conventional manner, in fact someone could have gotten very injured. Next time you might want to consider let myself, Admiral Bremer or Admiral T'Lar in on this."

"Of course Sir" Ariana nodded. "I'm afraid my judgement was, and who is, somewhat hazy where Braxton is concerned. It's not everyday you find out you're almost the double for a man's dead wife." She sighed. "I just hope I haven't done him more harm than good in pursuit of the truth."

Lee nodded "Yes sometimes finding stuff out like that can do a number on people as well Lieutenant, hopefully that you haven't but time can only tell." He then picked up a pad "I will be writing a report on this and sending it to Admiral Bremer and Admiral T'Lar, don't be surprised if either call you into their office."

“Understoox Sir” Ariana nodded and offered a brief smile. “Is there anything else Sir?”

Lee shook his head "No Lieutenant that will be all, you are dismissed."

"Aye Sir" With that Ariana headed on her way.



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