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Supplies and Demands Pt2

Posted on Thu Apr 26th, 2018 @ 5:03pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Commander Leksander Draven & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Colonel Danny Lennox & Lieutenant Nick Archer & 1st Lieutenant Taz & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & Lieutenant K`Wor & Ensign Becca Bremer & First Ramata`tar & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Captain R'nard Lokran & Lieutenant Commander Holly Gillo & Captain Jack Solomon & Commander Hades,MD & Major Patrick McMichaels & Lieutenant JG Octceann AmHain & Lieutenant Zhao Quan & Lieutenant JG Janelle Sykes & Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol & 1st Lieutenant Klaus Gunther & Sergeant Calthier & Private Kerri Knight & Lieutenant Ariel Gilmore & Lieutenant JG Marshall Robinson & Ensign Brandy Ragen & Lieutenant Kate Jacobson

2,677 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Talaxian Asteroid Colony / Various Ships
Timeline: MD5 0850hrs


Reactor Sub-Level Three

Tapping his commbadge "Acknowledged, AmHain out."

Octceann turned to one of his Engineers, "Ensign, you have command until Lt. Miller returns with her team. Keep me and the Pegasus informed of any issues that arise. "

Holly was deep in conversation so it took her a bit before she was able to pull herself away from things and acknowledge the call back to the Pegasus. Looked like they were going to call their time short on the planet. Seamed things were escalating as the moments passed in her mind. She would motion for someone to take her place in the conversation and excuse herself so could go back to the ship.

Power Distribution Centre Level Two

Jack stood at one of the Powercentre consoles checking the state of the system and comparing the data with a tricorder to figure out how bad the situation was. He shook his head. "Oh, we definitely have a job on our hands..." He mentioned to the rest of the team.

"Right, lets get things underway," he motioned to Chief White, Sullivan and Lt. Quan "Who fancies a go at repairing one of these nodes? Getting at least one of the six back online will help no end."

The Chief stepped up to one of the nodes and opened his tricorder and began ascertaining what was needed to repair the node.

Jack continued to run checks and scans on the Distribution Centre and its working systems before identifying a further issue. "Lt Quan, can you and Mr Sullivan take a look at the Main and Auxiliary Power flow systems from this location and back into the colony," he explained to them. "The Power flow is down to 43 per cent under the recommended nominal flow...this might be one of the reasons as to why the Power Grid is struggling to hold up with the extra requirements from the extra Talaxian vessels."

Knowing that five more vessels had arrived at the colony in the past 24 hours also meant Jack realised the colony would struggle even more for power requirements. "If you need replacenent parts replicating from the Essex, get them built and beamed down here as soon as you can," he added.

Quan nodded, "Will do, Sir". He looked at Lt Sullivan, "Shall we?". Without waiting for a response he took out his tricorder and started scanning the power flow systems. Several couplings were badly corroded and that was only the start. He turned to Commander Solomon, "We're going to need to shut this lot down in order to repair this lot." He looked again at the tricorder continuing to scan the system. "Fortunately, it is built with multiple feeds, so if we shut each feed down individually, we can work through it one feed at a time. It will mean reducing the current power available until we get the first one repaired. The most badly damaged feed is only running at 4% of nominal, so it won't be much of a reduction. After we get the first feed repaired, they will actually have ore power than they do at present."

Jack nodded as he checked the Power feed systems with Quan's idea in mind. "Sounds like a good idea, just make sure you give me an update once the first feed is repaired, I dont want to surprise the locals too much as the lights suddenly get brighter," he explained, giving Quans plan the go ahead.

Quan nodded, "Very good, Sir. Perhaps you can let them know of the power reduction, in like" He paused then said "30 seconds", and with that he started the process to power down the weakest feed. Leaving Commander Solomon to notify the station of the power reduction he powered down the feed and started ripping out damaged and worn components. He did a quick scan of the components, then handed a Padd, to Lt Sullivan. "Lt. Get this list back to the Essex for me and start getting this lot replicated. It should take about an hour, then we can start rebuilding.

Quan then moved on to the next feed and started detailed scanning of all the components that would be needed. He looked around the room they were in. This was going to be long job, he thought to himself.

Jack pressed the comm panel and opened a channel to the Colony's Command Centre. "Talaxian Operations, this is Commander Solomon in the Power Distribution Centre," he began. "Stand by for some minimal power disruption. We're working on making the Power Grid more efficient but our work wont affect powerflow for normal Operations, Solomon out." He explained.

Jack looked over at Quan. "Your up Lieutenant," he instructed.

Quan looked up from his work, "Thank you, Sir. Lets see if we can make this power system behave like it is supposed to."

The Chief was quick in his work, checking pathways and connecting ones needed. Once the system is internally sound he begins the charge sequence.

Jack smiled as he reminded himself that once their was complete at the Colony and they were back underway to the Starbase that he would need to start discussing wedding plans with Deela and start working in details. He felt good about this and finally felt like he had found his place and had started to settle. He almost similar to when he served on the Wildcat all those years ago...

Jack then settled back into checking the diagnostics on the power flow systems as the others worked. Knowing he had a good team on hand in Quan, Chief White & Sullivan meant that he could be confident that they would soon have the power net running at a much higher more reliable rating. Jack looked over at the Chief as he ran his scans.

"How are those tricorder scans coming on that node Chief? What else are we dealing with here?" He enquired.

The Chief looked over the readings twice to make sure then spoke up "Seems to be a faulty sub-processor preventing the node from functioning above seventy perfect. We could repair it within an hour or we could replace the node but that'll take several though there is a less likelihood of future issues with a full replacement." He turned towards his colleagues "Thoughts?"

Jack nodded as the Chief explained the options open to them. "We've got some time on our hands, so the long term solution of replacing the node would be the better option...lets go with the replacement," he explained. "The more long term reliability we can offer the colony, the better."

Talaxian Infirmary

William went to the Talaxian infirmary to take inventory of what would be needed; both medicinal and technological. Hours later, his list was quite long.

Hades had been glad to have William's help. They had divided the storage areas for medicine and equipment in half and they had both finished their inventory. Both lists were long as the supplies and equipment were dangerously low. He walked up to William. As a CMO he had to sign off on William's inventory list. "How did you make out?"

William frowned at Hades. "Not as well as i had hoped, Commander. The Talaxians need basically everything. We'll have to request from all available ships" he said.

Hades sighed, "My section of inventory was no better." He added his thumb print onto the request form after skimming it. "I think we need to also have some teachable time to show them the new equipment and to make sure everyone knows what they are doing. " He looked at William again, "Are you up for that?"

William nodded at Hades. "I guess we'll be here for a while Commander so let's do what our doctors' oath permits us to... help those who can't help themselves. We can start with the basics and work up from there. Wouldn't you agree?" He asked.

He sighed, "Yeah." He was exhausted and so were his staff members but they would work hard.

Hades finished his chat with William and then headed to speak to the Talaxian medics in training. He'd never been so frustrated in his entire life.... at first and then he'd been awed by the drive of those wanting to learn basic items that he did daily and took for granted. Galix, a young Talaxian woman now sat across the doc helping count the supplies of vaccinations that they did have. She smiled brightly at Hades.

"So, doctor, do you think all will be well?"

Hades sighed supressing the urge to tell it like it is. "I think that we need to bring lots of supplies, I think you have a hard working bunch, and I think they will be promising medical staff."

He watched her beam with pride knowing the feeling he had shared when he'd had his staff complimented. He meant it. They were hard working and they would be great but they needed a lot of work and a lot of supplies. He hoped that Command wouldn't go ape doo doo on him when they found out how much supplies he'd signed off on.

The overnight hours proved both odd and fruitful. Under Deb's directions, the ground had been secured from within but she'd started feeling Ill from the environmental differences. Being pregnant had it's problems. She wore a filter mask. she'd stay on station till either Calthier or a superior officer told her otherwise...

Calthier was busy training the Talaxian militia in self defense. Though he was skilled, the Talaxians had troubles with his curriculum.

Elsewhere, in a small meeting room, Lennox, Taz, and Agtx had a group of Talaxian Defense Forces personnel gathered. The Talaxians were all seated while the Starfleet Marines were at the front of the room.

"...and that's what we call 'Movement to Contact'. Remember, you want to fix the enemy in place while seizing key terrain. Now, while that might seem harder to do in an enclosed facility like this colony, it can be interpreted as keeping vital locations protected. Operations Center, Medical Bay, Armory, Engineering Core, Shuttle Bays. And, remember, the Tactical Tenets and related Principles of War should be considered throughout the planning of any military operation. This includes both predictions of enemy actions and the design of a friendly scheme of maneuver. Questions?" Lennox waited for anyone to speak up. When no one did, he gave a friendly nod, "Alright, dismissed, good job everyone."

As the Talaxins left, Lennox turned to Taz and Agtx, "We better get to the Perseus before the Pegasus leaves without us."

Just entering the room after the Talaxinans had left, General Hurd said, in a gruff voice, " Sorry for being late, what's our status?"

Patrick saluted Hurd. "General. I have Sgt Calthier starting a curriculum of self defense classes. I was thinking of doing phaser certifications for the Talaxian defenses. Perhaps you could do 0 G combat training?" He suggested.

Grimmicing, Hurd said, "I reckon i could, now since i missed the meeting, could you introduce me to who all i need to talk to?"

The stars that dotted the area appeared quiet and peaceful, except for the dozen dots that danced among the stars. Eleven Talaxian attack craft practiced their space combat maneuvers, as a lone Federation Eagle Class Fighter maintained station to observe. "Very good Gentlemen," said Gunther. So far, these Talaxians have impressed him as quick learners. Initially, he wondered how they survived, despite most of them being combat experienced. He felt personal gratification knowing that he was teaching them how to survive better. "Okay, break time Gamma Flight. Assume formation, and then maintain station keeping." The Talaxians followed Gunther's instructions religiously.

R'nard was pacing back and forth on the bridge of the Essex. He had yet to hear from the away team and he was getting increasingly concerned.

=^= T'Lar to Commander Lokran=^=

=^= Lokrran here. =^=

"Commander Paxim might have been followed on his trip across the Delta Quadrant from the Prema II colony to here. Without going into much detail, I need you to go to yellow alert until further orders. Admiral Bremer is cloaking the Pegasus and going to check things out."

"Understood. Going to yellow alert now. Lokrran out."

He ordered yellow alert status.

USS Pegasus

After the Perseus docked, Bremer and others returned to the Bridge. Stepping out of the turbolift, Mike started to bark out orders. “Mister Roebuck, cloak the ship. Chief Branson, set course three-two-eight mark zero-five-two and engage at warp nine.”

“Aye sir.” Roebuck replied as he stood. He looked up at Tactical and Ramata’tar gave a nod as he took the station over.

“Course plotted and laid in Admiral.” Branson replied from the Flight Control position.

“Cloak is online.” Ramata’tar stated.

“I’ve pinpointed the located the probe’s signal was lost and sent it to the conn.” Draven advised from the Intel position.

“I have it, we’ll drop out of warp before we get there, in case anyone is watching.” Branson added.

“What’s going on?” Roebuck finally asked. He’d been left in command of the Pegasus and didn’t get the quick little briefing aboard the Perseus when the away team was on the way back to the Pegasus.

“That convoy of Talaxian ships that arrived overnight, we have evidence they were followed, and whoever it was stopped following them at about the same location we lost that probe this morning.” Bremer replied.

“Any idea who?” Roebuck asked.

“Could be anyone, could just be a coincidence.” Draven replied. “Voyager’s reports say the Malon and Hierarchy were close to this region of space, and the Talaxians say the Hierarchy wants the asteroid field for a base and surveillance outpost, but I don’t think we’re dealing with either.”

Cadet K'Wor arrived on the Bridge, and seeing the Strategic Operations position open, he took a seat there and logged into the station.

All the while, Neelix had arrived on the bridge the same time Bremer, Ramata’tar, and Draven had. He’d stayed back, at the edge of the ramp between tactical and the engineering positions. “This ship is huge! You could fit two of Voyager’s bridges in here…and the ship can cloak. Just amazing.”

Mike motioned to the open chair beside his. Without a ship’s counselor on board, the seat was open for any VIP, and the ‘Federation Ambassador to the Delta Quadrant’ fit the bill.

Lennox arrived on the Bridge and walked over to the Marine Operations station while Taz and Agtx took positions near the port side Bridge access ways. Privates Knight and Shenk took positions at the starboard access ways.

The turned away from the edge of the Talaxian asteroid field and moved away from the Essex and Lexington as shuttles continued to move between them and the colony. After a few minutes the Pegasus shot away at warp.

“ETA is just over three hours sir.” Branson reported.

Octceann sat down at the rear Engineering station on the bridge, he picked up a small ear piece and put it on to monitor the chatter in main engineering while still just barely registering Neelix's continued amazement at the Pegasus. He sent a status to OPS to let the ops officer know he was running automated diagnostics on shields, weapons and sensors. While he waited for those to run he allowed his mind to imagine what life must have been like for Neelix on Voyager. Stranded on a small vessel for years, away from your home.

Holly would retake up her station at OPS on the ship and acknowledge the message sent from the engineering station on the automated diagnostics on shields, weapons, and sensors. Only made sense to run the programs to check in on everything. She was monitoring things and would report any abnormalities in the diagnostics if any happened to show up during the testing. She doubted that the ship would struggle with the tasks but one never knew when systems would decided to fail out.



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