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Kahless Chair

Posted on Sat May 12th, 2018 @ 12:21pm by Korel
Edited on on Thu May 17th, 2018 @ 12:59pm

528 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD5 Time-TBD


Hrall and Vagh quickly rushed from their store front down the hall to the location Korel and the Ferengi traders, before things got out of hand again. Korel and Hrall neither one had a good repose with Ferengi merchants.

Korel however was far more intrigued with their establishment.

" Do you have Holo suites?" Korel asked.

Zark flashed a toothy grin. "Yes, we have two dedicated holo-suites for our guests that aren't apart of the station's jurisdiction. What did you have in mind?"

Korel pondered in his mind how to answer and then he did. " I aquired a program that I wish to run privately. How much for a session? " he asked. Unaware that Hrall and Vagh we're at the establishment entrance looking for Korel.

Mar'g spoke up quickly, "Two strips of latinum for an hour."

Zark smacked his brother in the shoulder, "He's a little over eager, I'll give you an hour for free, but after that it's two strips for each additional hour. Just be sure to tell you friends about us."

Zark then leaned in and whispered to Mar'g, "Remember the thirty-eighth rule of acquisition 'Free advertising is cheap'. If he tells his friends, if he has any, we can make much more for these new little holo-suits."

Mar'g smirked.

Korel seemed to ignore the jab at him and continued.

" I'll pay the latinum. I wish to use the device now." the Klingon replied. Pulling a large piece of latinum off of his sash worth the equivalence of the cost.

The gold piece was a family crest , if anyone knew Klingon houses.

Tag Mar'g

Led to one if the suites Korel entered as the simulations began. The room becoming the very memory Korel remembered, including the little chair he had become fond of.

As the program formatted and pixeled out clearly Korel was once again at home. Observing the little chair even more intensely as it got clearer. Numerous letters and figures embossed all about it. Lastly observing the one he was most curious about.

" Qapla!". Korel said with his Cheshire teethed smile. Returning to the control panel, Korel uploaded the data from the scene into his holodex, retrieved his disc from the system and exited the Holo suites.

Hrall and Vagh entered the Ferengi bar and looked around trying to find Korel and his new friends. Seeing him exiting from one of the suites.

" We got worried " Vagh greeted.
" I was never in danger. I have the data I needed." Korel replied.

Hrall yowled as a panther and made for the bars exit defying anyone that might stop them. Dollwed by Vagh and Korel. Once outside they paced to return to their own shop.

" Now what?" Hrall asked.
" Kahless Chair was in that room, this disk proves it. Now we have to replicate the chair and reference the map to the cartographic charts. Hrall are you still able to link up to the stations library? " Korel asked.

" Does a kitten have whisker's? " the Caitian punned.

" We need access to a transporter, a good one." Korel added.

Thinking inwardly Korel wondered if his new friends would be able to help him with that dilemma.



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