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Counter Measures

Posted on Fri May 18th, 2018 @ 10:47pm by Captain Patrick Dow & Lieutenant Commander Rann & Major General Thomas Jackson & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Captain Andre DaSilvor & Major Edward Maxwell

1,632 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD5, 0925hrs


The Defiant class USS Yorktown-E docked at Starbase 400 following its encounter with the Romulans in the Neutral Zone. The Medical team aboard the ship had beamed all survivors to the Station's Main Sickbay for treatments. A repair team was already aboard the ship too taking care of the minor repairs that were needed.

K'Temoc was angry, he sent a message to the officers aboard the Yorktown, as well as General Jackson, Captain DaSilvor, Major Maxwell to meet in one of the Mission Ops Briefing Rooms on Level 131 of the Starbase. He wanted to talk about what had happened in the Neutral Zone and also boost the defenses in the Kaleb system.

As he walked to the briefing room, K'Temoc typing away on a PADD. He was writing a report for Fleet Admiral Bremer, Admiral T'Lar, Fleet Admiral Sevlek (who had moved his Beta Quadrant Command officers to Deep Space 6), and anyone else in Starfleet that needed a copy. With the Pegasus, Essex, and Lexington in the Delta Quadrant, there was still plenty of ships based at Starbase 400 that could be called upon. There was also the Combined Fifth and Combined Third Fleets that were conducting their training missions and could be recalled if needed. K'Temoc wasn't worried
about an attack, at least night today.

"Admiral, I pulled the ship inventory from the ship yard you asked for." Commander Rann said as he caught up to K'Temoc. These four ships are scheduled to be commissioned in the next week. None have been assigned command crews yet. They were to be sent to DS6 for crew assignment."

K'Temoc glanced at the list. "I want the Galaxy and Prometheus class ships to remain here, send the Saber and Vesta class ships on to DS6. Also, that new Ambassador class ship that was commissioned at Bajor, the USS Thresher, assign it to Starbase 400 to replace the Gladiator too. Make our an official order to rename the Galaxy class vessel Kearsarge and the Prometheus class ship Vanguard. Once the USS Tirpitz repairs are completed, assign her to system patrol duty."

Rann typed away on the PADD. "I'll need you authorization code for the orders to rename those ships and assign them to the station."

K'Temoc typed in his code. "Sometimes, it's nice having a ship yard right here." He flashed a smirk, but he was more interesting in being prepared to protect the Kalaeb system that trying to replace lost ships...but right now, one act took care of both issues.

Arriving at the Briefing Room, K'Temoc was greeted by Captain Dow. As Kaleb IV Colony's Starfleet Liaison Officer, Patrick had been informed of the incident in the Neutral Zone. "Figured I'd beam up for this meeting before Governor Agard or Lieutenant Governor Suuax could." He flashed a smile for his old friend.

"Thank you, I don't think I could take any politicians today." K'Temoc said in reply. He walked over to the seat at the head of the table and waited for everyone to arrive while continued to write his report.

Jackson walked into the briefing room shortly after the summons. He greeted K'Temoc, "Admiral."

Shortly after getting back on the station, Fintel headed down to Science Lab 4, where he had put some of his experiments when he got onto the station, but couldn't get to due to the fact that the starships were being attacked by the Romulans.

After checking on their status, he got a summons to report to Ops. Fintel made quick time to Ops, where K'Temoc's yeoman gave him a PADD and told him that the Admiral and the rest of the staff had been ordered to the Briefing Room. Making his way there, he walked in and saw that K'Temoc and Jackson had already arrived.

Nodding to both gentlemen and taking a seat, he said, "Good day, sirs."

Ed arrived looking slightly worse for the wear. Between the late night summons to Ops the night before, the subsequent meeting with his new XO and assgined cadet, to being too keyed up to really sleep it had been a long night. Nonetheless he arrived in a flightsuit he didnt have the ambition to mess with a uniform when he'd gotten dressed. With a Padd in one hand, and a large steaming cup of coffee in the other he made his way into the newest briefing of the day.

"Admiral, General." He said with a nod to the men who ran the show for him and his pilots as he found a seat and took a pull from the coffee cup.

DaSilvor arrived a minute of two before the due time, nodded to everyone present and took a seat at the table. Apart from the senior officers at the head of the table, there didn't seem to be any particular seating pattern, so he just took the nearest seat available.

Lee was in his office then after checking on the twins he headed to Ops, once arriving he stepped off the lift then headed towards the direction of the others.

With everyone arrived, K'Temoc stood. "Thank you all for coming. For those of you that weren't just aboard the Yorktown and our encounter with the Romulans, I'm sure you've had time to read the initial reports. I'm not expecting any attack, at least not right now, however it's obvious the Romulans are probing Federation defenses. I want to show that we're ready if they do made a move. I'm ordering a fleet wide Yellow Alert for the entire Ares Operational Theater. I'm increasing the number of ships in our patrol areas. The Venator, newly arrived Thresher, and the Avenger will boost the sector defensive patrols while the Princeton, Cutlass, Laffey, Falcon, Warspite, Dorsetshire, Ranger, Kashin, and Crockett will remain in the Kaleb system." He paused to give everyone a moment to take notes as needed.

"Major Maxwell, now would be a great time to have your new pilots airborne too. Patrol sweeps through the system, keeping close to Kaleb IV. General Jackson, Commodore Pike, Captain DaSilvor I want the Saratoga, Luna, and Conqueror all on hot standby, just in case. The Yorktown will also be ready if needed. We also have two ships which I've requisitioned to replace the Vanguard and Kearsarge, both will undergo commissioning and shake downs, but can be made ready if needed." K'Temoc paused again.

Using his Padd, DaSilvor, sent a message to Dalenna to get the Conqueror prepared to move out at a moments notice.

Jackson typed into his PADD as the Admiral spoke. "Sir, the Saratoga is already staffed, and is carrying a Quick Reaction Force. All that she needs is orders to fully power up. I will also bring my Division, as well as the Kaleb IV garrison to ThreatCon Bravo, a medium state of alert.

"Those plans are in progress already Admiral. Orientation patrols started at 0800 this morning. There's a lot of green pilots in the Wing now, but give them a few months here and they wont be." Ed observed as he made a note on his Padd.

K'Temoc nodded.

Lee stood there listening to the others then looked at K'Temoc "The Luna will be ready for anything sir."

K'Temoc nodded. "Lee, also let the New Hampshire know of the situation, and advise the Colonel that his new Executive Officer will be sent as soon as he or she arrives.

"New XO for the New Hampshire?" Rann asked as he made a note.

"Yes, Commander MacLeod is being transferred here, I'm not sure of his role or why yet." K'Temoc replied.

DaSilvor waited for a gap in the discussion, "Admiral, The Conqueror is powering up as we speak. My XO is currently on board the Essex, but we will be ready to go on orders"

"Now, during our encounter, the the drop on us, a warbird declocked and locked us in a tractor beam before we had them on sensors. Lieutenant Fintel, can you explain to everyone how they managed to do that?"

"From what I could tell, the probe that was originally sent out by the Science vessel to aid in the communication of the Romulans was also used to send out a EM pulse to knock our sensors offline for a moment and forcing them to reset. While it only took approximately ten seconds for our sensors to reset, it was long enough for our Romulan friends to decloak and get on us before we knew what hit us," Fintel said, bringing up a display on the main screen of the conference room.

K'Temoc looked at everyone gathered. "I want some kind of counter measure to this. If the Romulans can blind us that easy, it gives them a first strike capability that could tip the fragile stability we have right now. Mister Fintel, I want you to work with Commander MacLeod when he arrives."

K'Temoc looked around the room, "We're shorthanded right now, make good use of the personnel in your departments, we have a lot of talent aboard the Station, let's use it. Questions?"

Fintel spoke up and said, “With your permission, sir, I’d also like to get in touch with several of my collegues at the Starfleet Corps of Enginners to see if they have any insight on how to stop the Romulans from using their EM weapon against us and upgrading our sensors to make sure they aren’t knocked out so easily. That way, I can have something for when when Commander McLeod arrives back to the station.”

K’Temoc nodded. "Whatever it takes." He looked around the room, "Anyone have anything else?"

Fintel shook his head and waited to be dismissed, so he could begin work with Commander MacLeod and his contacts within Starfleet Corp of Engineers.

"Dismissed." K'Temoc finally said.



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