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Ready for training

Posted on Thu May 24th, 2018 @ 12:29pm by Master Sergeant Atlee Micklin

918 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Special Operations Team Beta Office
Timeline: MD 5, 1130 Hours


Atlee assumed all of Giaus' duties while his CO, and friend, spent his time recovering in Medical. When he got word that the Fleeters SOG got a new Team Leader for their Beta Team, he did what Giaus would do, introduce himself, one Operator to Another. Most important, one Team Leader to another.

As he entered the SOG area, he noticed that both the layout, and the disarray resembled that of the MARSOC area. Making his way to the B Team Area, he looked for the office labeled Commander Bagwell. With Bagwell being a commissioned officer, he hit the door chime.

"Zeke had just wrapped up his meeting with Admiral James K'Temoc Bremer, and was going over his crew roster for the USS Falcon, and trying to familiarize himself with the roster. He noticed a pattern with the ship's crew. The roster was filled with low ranking and young officers. He would have to train the crew to be an effective unit for the special operations divisions.

Each officer had great potential and asked for a fast track and high risk assignment. He smiled as he noticed there was a lot of similarities between himself at their age and where he was now. They were young, eager for promotion and little to confident in their abilities. He heard the doorbell, and called out. "Enter."

Atlee entered the office. What he saw was a Star Fleet version of his own office, to include a pile a PADDs and memos on the desk. Upon looking at the Commander, he was taken back by the officer's young appearance. Not knowing his personality, he decided to follow regs for his introduction. Assuming the position of attention, "Master Sergeant Micklin, 1st MARSOC Group, Beta Team, reporting Sir."

"At ease Master Sergeant Micklin." Said Zeke, remembering he just came across that name, a little bit ago. He shuffled through a couple of pads, looking for the information. While he did that, he called out. "Have a seat, please." His tone was not asking, it was more like an order.

Micklin took a seat without missing a beat. He knew there was more about to be said.

"I'll be direct," said Zeke, as he decided to skip the pleasantries. "I believe Marines prefer directness over pleasantry? So what I need Master Sergeant is a detachment of 16 marines from your unit. The USS Falcon is preparing to go out on a simulated run. I need to see how well my unit preforms with your Marines. I would like you to come along and help evaluate their performance, you know your marines better than I do. I have 16 marines vacancies that need to be filled on the Falcon. She is a special operations ship, and I am told your unit is the best on the station." He said trying to convince the Master Sergeant to go on the mission.

The old Marine liked what he heard, except for the current situation the 1st MARSOC Group was currently in. He decided to fill the young Commander in. "Sir, that is an excellent idea. We always wanted some joint training with SOG, since we are also each other's backup. However, I need to fill you in on the 1st MARSOC Group's status. Our group CO, Master Warrant Officer Aquila, is currently in Medical recovering from battle wounds from the Klingon Uprising. As Beta Team Leader, that placed me in temporary command of the group. I see no problem sending a team with you, but I will have to clear it with him, if I am to come along." In the back of his mind, the thought of a ship carrying a combined payload of SOG and MARSOC would be a whole lot of pain to bring down on an enemy. Giaus would jump at this chance.

"The Falcon, is preparing to disembark tomorrow morning. She is at docking bay 24. Her training mission, will last about a week. Once the crew and the marines are ready, we will be green lite from Admiral Bremer the Special Operations Group Commander. And go active. We need to test the abilities of the crew and your marines. Remember the Falcon, is a Special Operations vessel, she will be sent out on the front lines, as well the occasional patrol."

So this might be an ongoing role for a MARSOC Team, Atlee thought to himself. Good, about time Delta Team had a useful purpose besides training local militias. He decided to take them out. "I am sure my CO, and General Jackson will give me a thumbs up. By the way, MWO Aquila is conscious. Just going through the physical therapy phase. I am sure he would love a visit, if you get a chance. He took one to the heart on Arcanus IV. But he refused to die."

"I would be honored to see him, sounds like we have a tasks to complete, if we are going to launch the Falcon on time." Suggested Zeke, already thinking of his next few stops. He was curious to learn more about this master warrant officer, that took a shot to the heart and lived.

"Very good Sir," Atlee said as he snapped to attention, "By your leave." He waited to be dismissed.

"Dismissed Master Sergeant, if all goes according to plan, I will see you on the Falcon." Said Zeke, as he watched the Master Sergeant leave his office.



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