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Supplies and Demands pt3

Posted on Thu May 24th, 2018 @ 11:03pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Commander Leksander Draven & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Colonel Danny Lennox & Lieutenant Nick Archer & 1st Lieutenant Taz & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & Lieutenant K`Wor & Ensign Becca Bremer & First Ramata`tar & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Captain Jack Solomon & Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Zhao Quan & Lieutenant JG Janelle Sykes & Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol & 1st Lieutenant Klaus Gunther & Private Kerri Knight & Lieutenant Ariel Gilmore & Lieutenant JG Marshall Robinson & Ensign Brandy Ragen & Lieutenant Kate Jacobson

2,017 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Various
Timeline: MD5 1040hrs


After a quick jump at slipstream, the Pegasus eased closer to the last position of the probe.

“Nothing on sensors except debris.” K’Wor reported from the Strategic Ops position.

“Confirm….wait. I’m picking up what looks to be a small convoy of ships, bearing 098 mark 013 on the edge of sensor range.” Draven added.

“That’s the direction of the Harkon Trading Post. It’s on a small moon in the Harkon system. They were nearly wiped out by the Borg and their world made uninhabitable, but after the Borg were disappeared in 2381 a handful of Harkonians returned and set up an outpost. They have a small ship yard, build shuttles and small craft, and trade all kinds of goods from food to parts.” Neelix explained.

“I’m also now detecting several additional ships on sensors heading toward that system.” Draven added.

“There is a distress call coming from that convoy now.” Ramata’tar reported from the Tactical station.

“Let’s hear it.” Mike replied.

Over the speakers, an obviously scared voice cried out for help. “We’re under attack! Massive ships attacked the Harkon trading post, many dead, help us!”

“Chief, lay in an intercept course for that convoy.” Bremer ordered.

“Aye, it’ll take about forty-five minutes at warp nine.” Branson replied.

“Can you make a slipstream jump that close?” Bremer asked as Roebuck stood and walked up the ramp and looked over the tactical displayed with Ramata’tar.

“I wouldn’t recommend it sir,” Branson added, looking back. “We’d have to apply power to the QSD and shut it down just as quick, it would be a quick surge and could cause a burn out like a power surge.”

Mike nodded and looked back and up at his Caitian Engineering Officer.

“Alright, maximum warp, I want to be there in less than forty-five minutes.” Mike finally ordered.

Branson nodded, and the Pegasus turned slightly and shot away at warp.

Forty-three minutes later the Pegasus dropped out of warp.

“Sensors are showing debris of six small vessels.” Ramata’tar reported.

“I’m also picking up several, very large ships in a random pattern holding position near to the debris…they’re firing on a small ship, I believe it’s the vessel we received the distress call from.” Draven added.

“On screen.” Mike requested.

As the main view screen flashed as the imaged zoomed in, Neelix stood up slowly, "I..I...I don't believe it. The Kazon!"

Mike looked over, he knew about the Kazon from Voyager's logs. "I didn't think the Kazon had any ships this far out." Mike replied.

"They don't, or they didn't." Neelix replied.

"Could they have been the sensor echo or ghost the Talaxian ships that just arrived as the colony saw?" Roebuck asked.

"Would make sense, but they would have had to be beyond careful to avoid detection this long." Draven added.

"The shuttle is taking heavy fire." K'Wor announced.

"Chief, take us in, full impulse. Full axis rotation to starboard as we move through their lines, don't give them a clear shot to any one shield area. Gillo, divert power to the shields, keep up with the ship's roll, I want as much protection as possible. Ramata'tar, covering fire for that shuttle, then clear our path after we have them. K'Wor, once in range, drop our facing shield and beam the shuttle into the main bay." Mike issued orders then leaned back in his chair. "Look sharp people."

The Pegasus streaked in, and once in range she opened fire with her phasers and photon torpedoes. At first, the Kazon ships didn't fire, but it didn't take them long to realize what was going on. As she barrel rolled, the Pegasus kept a steady stream of phaser fire on the Kazon ships firing on the shuttle, destroying a Kazon shuttle and a larger raider.

"In range...lowering our dorsal shields...the Harkonian shuttle is in our main shuttle bay, and shields back online!" K'Wor stated.

"I sent security and medical teams to the bay to check over the shuttle and treat any wounded. I've also told security to bring the pilot here." Roebuck added.

"All right, let's get out of here." Bremer started.

"The Kazon know where the Talaxian base is, they'll know we came from there too, so it's a good bet they'll be heading there next." Draven said.

"He's right." Neelix added. "And they'll be rather angry right now. We need to get back to the asteroid colony as quickly as we can.

Mike stood up, “Chief, one hundred and eighty degrees about. We’re running the gauntlet again people. Ramata’tar, clear our path. K’Wor, watch out tail. Draven, see if you can jam their sensors. Gillo, keep our shields up, using auxiliary and emergency power as needed. AmHain have the warp engines standing by. I want warp nine point nine as soon as we’re clear.”

Before Mike could give the ‘word’, the comm beeped. “On screen” Mike said then two Kazon appeared on screen.

Neelix stood up, “Culluh!”

“First Maje Culluh. Nice to see you again Neelix.” He smirked, “ A lot has changed, the Nistrim took over the Halik, Mostral, and Relora and we...”

Bremer cut him off, “We really don’t care Culluh. Move your ships out of the area and stand down.”

“I see Starfleet hasn’t changed. Where’s Janeway.” Culluh replied. “No matter, you’re out numbered and out gunned.”

Mike smirked and calmly took his seat. “Chief, engage”

The comm channel closed as the Pegasus moved forward, then her weapon systems put on a show. Phasers, quantum and photon torpedoes, and the phaser cannon all in concert. They cleared a path for the starship, damaging a few Kazon ships...but the Pegasus took hits too.

“Clear!” Branson finally said.

“Warp speed.” Bremer replied. Once they were clear he added, “Cadet, hail the Essex, Lexington, and Talaxian base and tell them we’re bringing the party to them and to be ready. Everyone, submit damage reports to the first officer.”

"Channel open." K'Wor replied.

A moment later, T'Lar, Stark, and Oxilon appeared on the screen in conference mode.

"Admiral, go to red alert. We're bringing some uninvited guests to our party." Mike advised then tapped a button so they could see the Pegasus's sensor readings.

"Kazon?" Oxilon replied.

T'Lar shook her head. Just hearing the name Kazon, it was sure to bring on one big giant headache. Being a woman, the Kazon was one race she did not want to deal with. They also reminded her of the gangs back in the 20th and 21st century that she read about, "We will be ready for them." The red alert klaxon began to sound.

Mike nodded, then closed the channel.

“Gillo, divert all power reserves to the shields, I want them regenerated to one hundred percent before we’re back at the Talaxian colony.” Bremer ordered.

Mike then looked at his left display on the chair’s arm. He tapped in a few commands, looking over the sensor readings of the pursuing Kazon fleet. Something then caught his eye, a file had been accessed from his panel the night before the Pegasus left Starbase 400 for the Delta Quadrant. It had been paused, but not shut down. Mike ignored it for a moment, then accessed the file. The main view screen flashed and changed from a view of passing stars to what looked like a park. Someone in a red and gold on the ground as a silver metal object flies toward him.

Peter Parker: He catches Cull Obsidian’s weapon as his head leans over to the side from behind “Hey man! What's up Mister Stark?”

Tony Stark: “Kid where'd you come from?”

Peter Parker: “Field Trip!” He then gets thrown.

Peter Parker: “Uh what is this guy's problem Mister Stark?”

Tony Stark: “Ah, he's from space, he came to steal a necklace from a wizard!”

Mike looked over at K’Wor.

“Christopher wanted to watch one of those old superhero movies he likes with me before we left, and for some reason he wanted to watch it from your chair. I guess I paused it instead of shutting it down after he fell asleep.” K’Wor replied with a slight smirk on his face. “You know, that Tony Stark guy looks a lot like our Commander St...”

His father cut him off, “We’ll talk about it later, watch your sensors.”

On the screen, Peter Parker was holding onto a lamp post. As it broke he said, "Uh, Mister Stark, I'm being beamed up!"

“Yes sir.” K’Wor replied as Mike also flashed a smirk before tapping a button to pause the movie and the viewer again showed the Kazon fleet behind them.

The Talaxian Colony Command Centre

With the work completed in The Power Distribution Centre including the replacement
Distribution Node being fitted in place successfully, Jack and his team had returned
to the Colony Command Centre to start work on making sure that the entire colony
received the benefits of the replacements and upgrades fitted.

Jack was working underneath an Engineering Console as he tried to make sure that the
new systems in The Power Distribution Centre were sending accurate information to
that station.

Finally pushing an ODN Line Connector in place, Jack hauled himself outfrom
underneath the console. "Ok, how are the readings looking now?" He asked as he
looked up at Chief White and Lt. Quan.

Zhao Quan nodded as he watched the readings steady on the console. "80%, Sir. We could do better, but it would take a complete overhaul of the system, and we would need to be here for weeks to accomplish that one. He turned to look at his boss.

Jack nodded as he understood Quan's report on the systems. "Well, thats impressive considering the time that we've had hear. Maybe on the next trip another team can look at the overhaul and spend the time necessary," he agreed.

Suddenly a Red Alert klaxon started blaring out and Jack suddenly had a bad feeling. "Ok, who pressed the big red button?" He asked humourously as he slid himself from under the console. "Lets find out whats going on," he instructed as they headed to the upper Command level to join T'Lar and the others.

Making their way to the Upper Command level, Jack found Oxilon gathered at the Tactical Console as a transmission ended "So then...trouble Commander?" He asked carefully as the look of seriousness was written over the Talaxian's face.

"The Kazon, they're here." Oxilon replied, concern in his voice.

"Kazon? Oh great...after all the hard work all of the Engineering teams and Operations teams have been through," said Jack. "Well with the upgrades and repairs completed, the Colony should be in a much better position to defend itself at least."

Having read the reports several years ago at Starfleet Operations during his recovery period, the name Kazon rung a bell with Jack. He also knew that whilst they were in the Delta Quadrant, the threat was real again.

Training Flight In Proximity To Talaxian Colony

Gunther ran his flight through additional space combat drills, and the Talaxian pilots continued to impress him. "Okay Gamma Flight, reform." Instinctively at this point in training, the Talaxians assumed formation in less than a minute. "You did great today. Now it's time to pack up, and return to..." His comm panel light started blinking. He stopped talking to press the panel. "Red Alert, this is not a drill, Red Alert!" Unlike a starship officer, a fighter pilot does not have minutes to interpret a change in alert status. "Frogger to Gamma Flight, we are on Red Alert! Power up your weapon systems and shields to full power. Pair up with your assigned wingman, and assume Formation Delta 1. Check in now!" All 11 Talaxian pilots in the flight followed the command, as they nervously checked in. Gunther powered up his systems as well, then signaled, "Gamma Flight to Control, Acknowledge Red Alert. Awaiting orders



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