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Delta Quadrant Trip -USS Essex

Posted on Sun Oct 1st, 2017 @ 7:56pm by Admiral Deela T'Lar & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Captain R'nard Lokran & Captain Jack Solomon & Commander Hades,MD & Major Patrick McMichaels & Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol & Sogh Varn Son of M'ron & Lieutenant Ariel Gilmore & Lieutenant JG Connor Maxwell
Edited on on Sun Oct 1st, 2017 @ 8:06pm

1,944 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: USS Essex
Timeline: MD2, 0300 hrs



General Hurd felt, although he didn't show it outwardly, great joy at being back aboard the Essex. This was the ship that gave him a second chance, a home, and his first command. And this very ship had brought him to Starbase 400, where he met the love of his life and mother of his children, Jewel. This brought a smile he could not, nor did he care to hide.

Chloe sat at her station overlooking her Department staff aboard the Essex this was her first time on the Essex she also began to check out the specs of the Intrepid Class Vessel so that she could go find her way to the ship's lounge.


Hades stood looking out into space from the sickbay window. He was about to have his first staff meeting on the Essex. They had much to cover and many preparations to talk about. Unknowns were horrible to plan for yet as the CMO he had to. He'd always liked the team approach so he'd studied each of the personnel files, pulled out the strengths and weaknesses of his team and adapted his plan to that. Now they would all talk about things and hopefully get ready for whatever was to come.

He turned at the sound of a familiar voice. "I'm sorry?" He asked. Having been lost in his mind and plans he'd missed what was said.

Nurse Lynn smiled, "The staff is ready and assembled, the new counselor just came in as well."

Hades gave a nod and headed to the main bay room to address his staff.


Jack checked the latest readings from the Slipstream core and was happy that it was running to expected specifications. With the fleet having to make stops at regular intervals during the trip to the Delta Quadrant, this would be be the first real test for the core on board the Essex.

However, Jack was also confident in the fact that he had the best Engineering team aboard the Intrepid Class Vessel and that should any issues come about, they would cope with it just fine. He was looking forward to seeing how the Talaxian Colony was doing in and was also happy to be providing supplies to help them get things back on track. Noting the readings on his PADD, Jack decided to take a little tour of Engineering and see how things were proceeding for his report to Deela.

Before he began his walk, he also noted to make sure that dinner would be ready for her when she got off her shift. This trip away from the Starbase also presented the opportunity for them to spend some more time together, something that was much needed after recent missions had kept them apart.


Patrick was in the barracks, taking stock of the weapons and ammunition. You can never be too prepared when going into a potential WZ. With only a limited number of marines on board, he'd cycle through the squads for readiness teams.


Hades finished his staff meeting and dismissed the staff. He watched the staff bustled about him getting things ready for any situation. He had them double check all supplies, set up some drills, pack some emergency kits, and gave them a motivational speech to let them know how much he appreciates them.

Now he stood in his office with a cup of tea reviewing some updates from Starfleet. The trip would be one of those that had everyone on guard. He sipped his tea and read a bit. There had been a few advancements, a few new bit of equipment updates and recalibration issues. Nothing major. Smiling he closed the link and then headed out to the main sickbay. The rest of day would be taken up with appointments for vaccinations and crew checks. He loved busy days. It made the time pass quicker.

The computer chimed up addressing Commander Hades. \> "Commander Hades. Your 1600 hours appointment with Chief Petty Officer White has been cancelled."


They had made their first slipstream jump and was nearing the next one. Deela walked around the bridge, talking to a few of the bridge crew. She hated just sitting around like a queen on her throne. After some time, she sat back down. They were ready for the next jump and wanted to make sure everything was good, "T'Lar to Solomon. Report."

R'nard also got up and walked around. It was a good mission as the XO of another ship. He finally sat down beside Deela.

In Engineering, Solomon heard the Admiral's hail request and headed over to the nearest console. After having taken readings from the Slipstream Core after the first jump, he'd also requested a systems check to see how the Essex was doing after her first prolonged Slipstream jump towards the Delta Quadrant.

"Solomon here Admiral," he responded. "We've run several diagnostics checks on the Core and I'm pleased to say that she performed rather well for her first trip," he added.

"Whilst there has been some minimal vibration in the warp nacelles during this first trip, we're reinforcing the structural integrity fields on both nacelles as a precaution before the next trip... I've scheduled in some investigations to take place once we arrive in the Delta Quadrant though," he added.

To make sure that he removed any fears, Jack continued. "However have no fear, this is a very minor concern, we'll arrive on time to have tea with the Talaxians... You have my word. I'm also sending you a copy of my reports as well so that you can view the data and information we have so far, Solomon Out." he said as he closed the comm channel. Jack made sure to send his reports and information and then sent a further report to her that contained the following...

"Dinner tonight is at my place, Chief Engineers orders... 1900 hours."

Deela quickly scanned the report. She let out a slight snicker at the end. She looked around the bridge quickly. Seeing that no one noticed, she smiled, "Understood."

Seeing that she'd acknowledged his message made Jack smile before he returned back to his duties making sure that the Essex was ready for her next Slipstream run.

Holodeck 2

White spent his duty hours on the bridge or with his security staff. His days were routine with his assignments being completed with expert efficiency. His off hours though, he resided in the holodeck throwing himself at whatever horror his mind and the computer could envision. His anger over what happened was still there and he had no real avenue to release it so this was the best he could do was to continually put himself in harm's way. He had some close calls but always managed to finish his programs with no more than moderate injuries he would heal thanks to his enhanced biology.

The computer chimed in a reminder about his weekly check up in sickbay. He had been finding a way to avoid them for the past couple of weeks since everything went down. He reached up and and tapped his combadge \> "Computer please report to Commander Hades that I working and unable to make my appointment this week." The computer responded acknowledging his request. At that he went back to the his combat program.

Hades had just finished his check up with Ensign Mendoza when he was told that White, again, would not be here. He sighed, picked up his medical bag and headed to the holodeck. He made it there in record time. He hit his override code and shut the program down entering the holodeck. "Hello Mr. White. "

White stopped, his back to the door and Hades. He reached down and began closing his tunic to try and conceal the deep stab wound he had gotten just prior to the good doctor interrupting him. He hoped he'd give his nanites time to heal him. He looked over his shoulder, "Good afternoon Doctor. To do I owe this visit?" he said forcing a smile across his face.


Jewel was sitting there on the bridge going over some reports she brought with her as there wasn't much for her to do at the moment, at least not until they go to the Delta Quadrant. She wanted to keep busy and her mind off of missing her babies expecially Alena who was still on the base in sickbay.

Walking over, David said, remaining professional, "Are you ok General?"

She looked up from her reports and smiled at David, "I am fine David." Jewel replied, "Just going over reports that I am still playing catch up on while I was away." She added.

"Very well General, i'll leave you be", Hurd said walking back to his post near the back of the Bridge.

Jewel raised an eyebrow and signed, she then went back to work.


He'd finished with White and now Hades sat going over reports. He'd scheduled the senior staff in to see him for final exams and a few booster vaccines. He smiled as he closed his calendar and headed out to main sickbay from his office. There he saw the staff bustling about making sure everything was in order and clean.

"You are a good leader Doctor Hades."

Hades turned at the now familiar voice. "Lieutenant Rol, How can I help you?"

Rol held up a PADD. "My reports on meetings with staff so far. I've a few cases that need...your review."

Hades gave a nod. "In my office." He took the PADDs and read them as they walked.

Patrick switched the WRS on a rotating, 12-hour basis. He set down an inspection of all arms and armor.

On the Bridge, General Hurd found a console that was semi-empty, tapped a few buttons, and said through the now open comm channel, "Hurd to Major McmMichaels, whats your status down there?

Chloe was at her console checking over the status of the course when she saw General Hurd she stood and saluted to the general "General Hurd sir" she stood at attention.

"Stand easy", Hurd said, and repeated over the channel, "

Chloe stood at ease she was the first person to meet him "congratulations on your recent promotion to brigadier general"chloe said

While waiting for Patrick to respond, Hurd turned to the woman, adjusting his Pistol belt as he did so. "Thank you Chloe, i appreciate that". "To be honest after that fall on my Honeymoon and breaking all those bones in my back and in other places , i never thought id be able to return to active duty, and i never in my wildest dreams thought i would make General". Smiling he continued, It was a rough road"

=^= Things are good, sir. I have QRT on 12 hour rotations =^= Patrick replied.

Chloe asked General Hurd "How long did you serve on the Essex sir? The reason I'm asking is because I have no idea where the officer's mess is located" she said.

"Understood McMichaels, Increase that to 14 hour rotations, full battle readiness understood?" While waiting for Patrick to reply he turned to Chole and said, " I served on this ship for quite a while, and i have never eaten in the Officers Mess, i prefer to eat in the Mess Hall, it gives you an overall feel and connection for those you work with in my opinion."

Chloe said, "I meant to say mess hall...this is my first assignment on the Essex" she told General Hurd.

Smiling, Hurd said, "It's on deck 5, section A-32".



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