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Medical Conversations

Posted on Sat Sep 30th, 2017 @ 10:05am by Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Commander Hades,MD

1,487 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Sickbay, USS Essex
Timeline: MD02 0800 hours


Hades had finished his report and now stood preparing a bio bed. He'd asked all senior staff for full medicals prior to things getting interesting. He knew that this would not be your everyday mission.

He looked up as the door opened. "Ah, General Hurd. Welcome."

As the door closed behind him, Hurd adjusted his Pistol belt and said, in a pleasent voice, "Your welcome, so what will we be doing today?"

Hades smiled, "Full exam, review of vaccinations and if you're found to be fit as a fiddle off to the counselor you go for a psych evaluation. Just want to make sure al senior staff is ready for anything."

Smiling, General Hurd sat down on a bio-bed and said, "I have been shot, stabbed, tortured, caught in explosions, fell over 85 feet which broke quite a few bones in my back, and they thought that ended my Marine Carrear, matter of fact they medically discharged me. Smiling even wider, he said, "But here i sit, i clawed my way back, and i'm a full-fledged general to boot, so a medical exam is nothing".

Hades got a feral grin on his face, "I see well let's see how this goes." Hades got Hurd to lay down and began scanning with an enhanced tricorder. He tapped a few buttons on the wall. "Who were your doctors!" The shock was evident in his voice. "I'm guessing you have quite a few aches and pains in your bones."

"Marines adapt and overcome Doctor", Hurd said mildly, "We dont ache".

Hades laughed at that, "Now you sound like Braxton." He finished his scan. "You, sir, are missing a few vaccinations." He started prepping hypos. "So General, how are you sleeping?"

"I sleep just fine, i mean my duties sometimes require me to kill, and i have come to accept that, but it does bother me a little, but as for sleep, as i said, i sleep just fine." Arching his eyebrows, he asked, "Just what vaccinations am i missing".

Hades made some notations on a PADD. "Space sickness, final vaccine that you were supposed to have received months ago, and a new one for Delutian Fever. Yours expired last week. This will be a booster." Hades walked back to the bio bed and held up the two hypos. "Now, General, sit up."

Sitting up, General Hurd said, "So whats next?"

Hades smiled. He pressed one Hypo to Hurd's neck and then another. He picked up a PADD an noted items. "Weight and height and body fat," he motioned for the general to follow him to another room. "Follow me please."

The second room they entered was one that had a built in floor pedestal. "Please stand in the centre of the circle and keep your arms at your side."

Walking over, Hurd stood in the center of the circle, stood in the middle of the circle, took a deep breath, and waited.

Hades smiled, this was a new toy he'd had installed. It was a prototype that he himself had been working on and had tested a lot. He tapped a few commands into a panel that was to his right and a rainbow colored wave descended and swept over the General. There were two beeps when the wave reached the bottom. "All done." He said.

"Is that all doctor?"

Hades smiled, "Not by a long shot. Now. Let's go see Mr. Rol shall we?"

Arching his eye, he said, in his sternest Marine tone, "Mr who?, and just what exactly does he do?"

Hades smiled, "Lt. JG Rol Ilan our Counselor. He's quite a nice young man..."

Before Hades could finish Rol had entered. "Not that nice at least some of the time and not that young." He winked at the General. Noticing the dog he studied it. "Doctor Hades I do believe the General's dog is assessing if you'd be a good meal."

General Hurd cracked a small smile as studied Rol. He seemed to have both a sense of humor and seriousness about him, something the General had not seen in a counselor period. Nodding his head he said, "Alright lets get this over with". Turning to face Hades he added, "Don't worry Doctor, he dosen't bite."

Hades gave a nod.

Rol smiled and gave the large German Shepard a pat on the head. He loved animals and they loved him. "Follow me General." He motioned to one of the offices "A fine dog. Looks well trained and strong. Let's have a quick chat General much like your fine dog there I don't bite either...well that is unless provoked."

Hades shook his head. He was still getting used to Rol and his sense of humour. Rol was not like your typical counselor.

"Alright,", Hurd said as they walked, "What do you want to know?".

They quickly came to the little office. "Well," Rol said sitting down. "Really simple. Let me tell you about how I work before we get into it. Sound good?"

Rolling his eyes, Hurd said, dryly, "Fine".

"Okay, well I hate counselors." He saw the expression Hurd had, "No, it's true I think that sometimes counselors can be a let down. I always say that my door is always open. I will talk about what you want to talk about I will always lay out what I hope you talk about but I won't push you. I want to get to know my clients and establish a good communication pathway. I want you to know that I am here to help and offer advice. We are partners in this and I will promise that I will always do my best to help. Now, that being said, if you go a little coo coo bananas I will invoke my counselling super powers." He smiled and winked.

Rol sighed, "That being said, tell me a bit about you Mr. Hurd. I've read your file, heard some stuff...some good some bad but I never listen to rumours. Tell me what's going on with you and why you think they asked you to speak to me."

"I Have no damn idea, you tell me what you have heard, ill tell you if it is true or not".

"Well...tell me about the fight you had." He kept things vague an answer like 'which one' would prompt a slew of questions. "Tell me about your family life. Whatever is making you tense up...and making those vanes in your forehead stand out." He smiled charmingly.

"My family life, is ok." "My daughter is sick but she will be ok." Looking the man dead in the eyes, he continued, "You will have to be more specific on the subject of fights, im a Marine, i've been in plenty of them, and being a Marine is also why i am tense, all Marines are."

Rol laughed. "Oh General I do believe you are trying to intimidate me." He grinned, "Excellent! Now first off, I am glad that your daughter will be okay. Second," and his face was serious now, "I've heard that there was some family drama. Is there anything there that was unresolved?"

"Yes, everything is fine". Takinking a step backawards, he added, "I don't try to do anything, i just do it".

Rol smiled, "Yes...big mean, scary, I get it. Anyway I think you're clear for duty General. My door is always open and I play a mean game of 3D chess"

Nodding, Hurd walked out, found Dr. Hades and said, "Will that be all Doctor?"

Hades smiled, "Yes that's it. Oh there is one other thing?"

"And what would that be?"

"I was reviewing your scans and I found that you had a bit of an iron deficiency. Nothing major just low count in your blood. I'll be giving you some supplements before you go. Do you know if there has been a family history of this?"

"Quite a severe one actualy, to be honest, thats why i eat as much meat as i can." Shifting his foot, he asked, "Doctor, if i may ask this, i was wondering, if you have the spare time since we are both incredibly busy, i was wondering if you could train and certify me as both a Paramedic and a Field Medic?" "I know that sounds strange, but i want to be able to render immediate aid in the event any of my men are hit and a Medic is not around"

Hades thought for a moment, "For sure. When we get back to the station there is a formal course you can take that I teach but for now I guess I could start training you now." He thought a moment, "How about tomorrow?"

"Sounds good to me, is that all?"

Hades gave a nod, "That's all."

"Understood, i look forward t0 that training." Snapping his fingers, Ax stood and walked with the General out the door.


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