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Fleet Exercise Prep

Posted on Fri Nov 10th, 2017 @ 5:21pm by Lieutenant Commander Rann & La Ch'Tal Son of Ren'al & Major T'Lana & Glinn Koval & Major General Thomas Jackson & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Captain Andre DaSilvor & Major Edward Maxwell & Admiral Phelan Ward & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Sa K`Vada & Sa G`Tar Son of Drog & Gul Mavek & Admiral Velal & Legate Aman Evek & Gavoshak Rolf Xanker

1,496 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Starbase 400, Tactical Operations
Timeline: MD1, 1600hrs


After the Pegasus, Essex, and Lexington had departed, K'Temoc called a meeting of the remaining Senior Staff as well the Exchange/Liaison Officers and Area Commanders for the Klingons, Free Romulan Forces, Cardassians, and C'hakilians in Tactical Operations to go over some of the exercise's planning.

The Mahan had arrived just before the Delta Quadrant group had left, taking one of his most trusted pilots and a flight of fighters with their flight crews, ordnance, and support elements with it. Now Ed was headed into a meeting about the upcoming wargame, leaving Jericho in charge of overseeing the offloading of the new fighters and the crews for them. He'd get everything taken care of that came up while Ed was otherwise occupied. Stepping into Tac Ops he looked around. "Afternoon Admiral." He said as he reached into his flightsuit for a Padd, there were likely going to be a lot of notes to take.

Alex arrived, already missing her kids. She found a place to sit while she waited for the others to arrive. She was a little nervous about getting back into things, hoping she did enough to get back into shape.

Ward and Jackson walked in together. They have yet to reflect on old times on Alpha Centauri, but they were making plans to. Jackson had his PADD in his hand, and took a seat near Maxwell, giving the Major a nod.

Ed returned the General's nod as the man sat down. Likely the Marines would be sitting in a group. Meetings of this size had a habit of turning cliquish.

Ward walked right up to K'Temoc. "Greetings Admiral. I was informed that I am to assist you while the boss is gone."

K'Temoc gave a nod, he didn't know Admiral Ward too well, but his reputation preceded him. "Thank you. I welcome any help or suggestions you have to offer."

Andre DaSilvor arrived a few seconds after Admiral Ward and General Jackson and took a seat near the edge of the room. Because he had spent so little time on the base, he knew very few people and most of them only as a result of a single meeting.

Commander Rann came in with a scowl on his face. He handed a PADD to K'Temoc. "Only a little more than two thirds of the ships assigned to the exercise have bothered to arrive so far."

As Rann was talking, the Klingon Liaison Officer, General K'Vada, entered. With him was the Klingon Area Commander General T'Gar, and Klingon Exchange Officer and Klingon Imperial Intelligence Agent Ch'Tal. K'Vada let out a grunt. "The rest of the Klingon ships will be here later today. They had to be pulled out of the fighting around Toron so they could take part in this...exercise."

"I thought the Klingon Civil War was over." Leget Evek, the Cardassian Area Commander, said as he came though the door. Cardassian Liaison Officer Gul Mavek and Cardassian Exchange Officer and Obsidian Order Agent Glen Koval entered with him.

"That shows how little you know the Klingons, they're always fighting." Romulan Liaison Officer Commander Tamarith said with a smirk. She was followed by the new Free Romulan Area Commander, Admiral Velal, and Romulan Exchange Officer and Former Tal Shiar Agent Major T'Lana.

K'Vada smiled and laughed at Tamarith's comment. Both had been aboard Starbase 400 for many years as Liaison Officers and had developed a mutual respect, despite their species distrust of each other.

Finally, the C'hakilian Area Commander, Gavosak Xanker, entered Tactical Operations. The rank of Gavosak was equivalent to Admiral in Starfleet. There hasn't yet been an Exchange or Liaison officers assigned to Starbase 400.

K'Temoc looked around the room to make sure everyone arrived. "We'll give Commodore Pike another few minutes to arrive then we'll get started."

Lee finally stepped in entering Tactical Operations, he looked around at everyone then stepped over towards K'Temoc "Greetings everyone."

K'Temoc gave a nod to Pike, then stepped back to the front of the room, in front of the large display screen.

"Alright, thank you all for coming. As you know, we've been assigned the task of the first Federation, Klingon, Free Romulan, Cardassian, and C'hakilian joint fleet exercise. Commander Rann will pass out PADDs to each of you with fleet assignments. Half of the vessels will be designated the Combined Fifth Fleet under Admiral Kahl Th'Shras and the rest will be assigned to the Combined Third Fleet under the command of Admiral Ward. The Combined Third Fleet will depart from here at twenty-three hundred hours today and rendezvous near Argelius and simulate an attack into Federation territory from the Romulan Star Empire coming from near Galorndon Core. Their primary objective will Argelius and their secondary objective will be Archer IV. The Combined Fifth Fleet will depart from Starbase 400 at twenty hundred hours and rendezvous near Sherman's Planet and simulate an attack on Starbase 24 which will represent a Romulan Defense Base. The Combined Fifth Fleet will attack and disable to base defenses then set up defensive positions and prepare for a Typhon Pact counter-attack." K'Temoc looked around at the Officers gathered and allowed them to make notes.

"Fleet Commanders will not only be in charge of fleet deployment and tactics but also grading the overall performance of the task force commanders and ship commanders under their command. Each Fleet will be assigned a Fleet Intelligence Officer who'll also grade the performance but also provide information on objectives and any obstetrical. I'll remain here and direct both operations strategically, but the Fleet Commanders will have to carry out the objectives to their successful conclusions." K'Temoc paused again for moment.

While he explained everything, fleet designations and initial flight paths to rendezvous points appeared on the large display monitor. K'Temoc had assigned the Area Commanders to the Combined Fifth Fleet to command the Klingon, Free Romulan, and Cardassian Wings. Admiral Kahl Th'Shras was a seasoned commander and a Dominion War veteran but he didn't know him as well as he did Admiral Ward. He knew Ward didn't need anyone looking over his shoulder, so he assigned Starbase 400's Exchange Officers to command the Klingon, Free Romulan, and Cardassian Wings to the Combined Third Fleet, as well as the USS Saratoga, USS Luna, USS Steadfast, USS Conqueror, and the One-Eighty-First Tactical Fighter Wing.

K'Temoc typed in a few commends on his PADD then asked, "Any questions?"

Ward was the first to speak. "Admiral, so am I to understand that Third Fleet will be playing the part of a Romulan attack force?"

"No, the Typhon Pact ships will be simulated for each Fleet. We want to focus on Allied units working together as a group. Using the strengths of individual units to cover the weaknesses of others. We don't have time to train commanders to operation as aggressors here." K'Temoc replied. He then motioned to the screen showing each operational area, "That's also why the training area for the Combined Third and Combined Fifth are far enough apart."

"Understood", Ward replied.

Jackson then asked, "Admiral, are any elements from the First Marine Division going with any of the fleets as marine detachments?"

"This will be a Fleet Op, so no ground training this time. You'll command at the Saratoga. With Mister Hurd off on the Delta Quadrant mission, if you have a qualified ship commander then we can assign another Marine commanded vessel." He paused a moment, "General Amell Chike is working with Cardassian, Klingon, C'hakalian, and Free Romulan military leads for a ground based training as well. As soon as a date is set, you'll know."

"Thank you, I need the fleet practice, and so does the Saratoga." Jackson said with approval.

"General Amell Chike?" Rann asked.

"The new Commanding Officer, Starfleet Marine Corps. He took over for General Tru'val yesterday." K'Temoc replied.

"Good to know these things." Jackson said, disbelieving that he just found out the change through this briefing. However, he was not surprised.

"Will you be wanting any of the fighters left at home or am I taking everyone on the exercise?" Ed spoke up from his seat. "Also will the Wing be divvied up amongst the fleet's ships for transport or will we be using our deployment vessels for the transit?"

"Take the wing aboard the deployment ships. We'll have at least have a dozen of the station's ships in the system as well as the station's interceptors and new light escorts in defensive orbits." K'Temoc replied, then he smirked. "If anyone is stupid enough to attack Starbase 400 while nearly a thousand ships are gathered and close enough to defend the system...then let them come."

Andre didn't ask any questions instead choosing to listen and learn . It was bad enough that he was going to be evaluated never mind that most of his command crew were assigned to other ships. 'Oh, well' he thought, 'in for a penny'.

"Anyone else?" K'Temoc asked.

Lee shook his head "Nothing else from me."



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