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New Arrivals

Posted on Thu Oct 26th, 2017 @ 11:44am by

903 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: USS Stark, Main Docking Bay, Ops
Timeline: MD2, 0600 hours

ON: USS Stark

Lieutenant Alex Fintel was excited that they were finally underway and heading towards his new assignment as a Science Officer aboard Starbase 400. When Alex was at the academy, everyone knew of Admirals Bremer and T'Lar, both from the records and word of mouth. Having been accepted to a post aboard Starbase 400 was nothing short of a miracle for Alex.

As the USS Stark quickly made its way towards the starbase, going about warp 4, Alex read everything that he could put his hands on in regards to the current mission, as well as previous missions that the USS Pegasus and Starbase 400 had undertaken. From taking on the Borg head on to taking on the Typhon Pact and their allies. Alex knew that he would learn a lot from the brave men and women he'd soon be serving alongside.

Breaking his intent focus for a moment, he heard the pilot say something over the comm, as well as the sudden deceleration and shutdown of the warp engines. Getting up from the rear section of the Runabout, he made his way to the cockpit and looked out the front window, seeing the shape of a base come into focus. Without a second thought, he knew they had made it to their destination.

The pilot opened a channel and said, "USS Stark to docking control. Permission to come aboard and unload supplies and personnel? Uploading inventory and personnel for review."

A moment later, a voice came over the comm and said, "Permission granted. Tell Lieutenant Fintel to report to Ops for a mission briefing as soon as he comes aboard." As soon as the comm opened, it was cut off as Alex looked over at the pilot and exchanged looks to one another.

The pilot received orders as to which docking bay to land in. Putting in some commands into the conn, the Runabout swiftly changed direction and headed towards one of the smaller bay doors, which opened as we got closer to the base. Not taking long to get inside and make their landing, Alex knew that he had been ordered to Ops and asked the pilot to have his stuff sent up to his quarters for later, which the pilot said he would do.

Thanking the pilot, Alex made his way to the nearest turbolift and said, "Ops, please." Hearing the feedback chirp and feeling the lift take off, he knew it was only a matter of moments before he would arrive onto the command center of Starbase 400. Butterflies start to churn in his stomach because Alex knew that it was becoming more and more real.

As quickly as the turbolift took off, it slowed down and came to a stop, opening to Ops a moment later. Alex took a step out onto the bridge and took a look around as the turbolift doors swished closed behind him.

Looking around as Ops was abuzz with life, he looked around for Admiral Bremer or T'Lar. Seeing neither of them, he looked for the highest ranking officer he could find, which was a Vice Admiral standing in the middle of Ops. Walking over to him, allowing the Admiral to finish talking to the Ensign, he introduced himself.

"Sir, I was asked to report to Ops. I'm Lieutenant Alexander Fintel, the new Science Officer," he said, offering a salute. The Admiral was quiet for a moment before allowing for a small laugh.

"Well, Mister Fintel. Welcome aboard Starbase 400. No need to salute here. I'm Vice Admiral James K'Temoc Bremer, Special Operations Commander. I'm in command while Admirals Bremer and T'Lar are away on a mission to the Delta Quadrant right now," K'Temoc says as Alex hands him his transfer orders.

As he puts in a few commands on the PADD, he smiles and says, "Looks like you've gotten a promotion. You've gotten the position of Assistant Chief Science Officer. Congratulations Mister Fintel. Would you mind taking a seat at Science One and being my Chief Science Officer, seeing as our chief is currently out on the mission to the Delta Quadrant?"

Looking shocked and elated all in one, Alex nodded slightly as he said, "Gladly, sir. Anything in particular going on?"

Admiral Bremer shook his head and said, "Nothing as of yet. We're just waiting to hear back from our teams that went to the Delta Quadrant and to see how their trip went, alongside how their Slipstream Drives went. Finally getting them installed throughout the fleet was amazing. We can finally explore more of the galaxy, which will mean more for you and your teams."

Alex let out a small chuckle of his own and said, "Yes, sir. We are going to become way more busy as we finally get to exploring more of the universe. Now, if there's nothing else, may I take my post?" K'Temoc smile and just nodded slightly as Alex took his position at Science One. He had looked through the logs of the Chief Science Officer and the science teams, looking at all the data they'd collected over the past several months and years. It was massive and he knew that he would be studying this for a long time and he was happy with that.

OFF: Hopefully, I can meet some more of you guys as you have fun in the Delta Quadrant and once you get back!

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alex Fintel
Assistant Chief Science Officer
Starbase 400


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