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Big daddy do

Posted on Wed Oct 4th, 2017 @ 2:15pm by Sergeant Calthier

598 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: sb400

It was a few hours after the stepping up ceremony. Deborah had stayed on Calthiers arm and completely silent. She was SCARED, and not just because of what had happened. Life had turned Evil in her eyes.. She didn't know what to do.. Her sexual processes were,, Fractured.. Her mind in turmoil. She wanted to close down..

She waited, desperately for direction...

Calthier comforted Deb. He held her close. They left the ceremony early. Top brass wasn't for him anyway. He sat her down in the couch. He moved the array hair from her face. "What is it, Deborah? What's troubling you?" He asked.

She exploded... "EVERYTHING!!!!!" she screamed at him.. Not till she'd come to this station had she known defeat and pain, death, first hand.. She didn't know if she could handle it.. she was scared and confused...

Calthier held her tenderly. War and death were synonymous with one another. But there wasn't always war. Deb was a warrior. So was he. He impulsively gave her a kiss. It was meant to be just a gentle, friendly gesture but when his lips met hers, chemistry took over. It became a long, lingering, heated kiss. "I'm here Deborah " he whispered then returned to kiss.

She'd been seemingly crushed.. A Very hard lesson. She COULDN"T win them all.. Loosing was part of living.. Her spirit HAD to learn to stand up no matter. what. Her mew master,, Mostly wanted her, she could easily feel that. but he also didn't want to her to harm herself..

As they kissed she climbed into his lap, giving him her warmth, On THIS battlefield there were no loses, only blissful satisfaction..

Calthier felt Deborah's need and matched it with his own. He gently caressed her breasts through her top. "You're absolutely beautiful, Deborah " he whispered.

He was so strong, commanding. it was wondrous. "Spend all night Tearing me Apart!!??? She begged him...

Calthier grinned at her eagerly. "Mmmmm.. if that's what you want ". ..

====== Fade to Black =======

He awoke the next morning, still having Deborah wrapped in his arms. He purred in her ear and kissed her. "Morning beautiful " he whispered

She smiled remembering Ever stroke, He's been Masterful!! "If that didn't hit the spot what will..." She curled from their bed. hoping he'd been assigned to a unit in the upcoming expedition. She poured him a tall glass of milk. She considered dousing her self with it for him to lick clean for several heartbeats....

Calthier sensed what she wanting. Caitians were still very cat-like in their nature... when they chose to be. He rolled from the bed, following after her. When she turned, he was there in front of her. "Let me help you that" he smirked, pouring half the glass over her body then startied to lick it off, from the bottom up

His sandpaper tongue was exhilarating!! She writhed in his grasp. Morning nooky was the BEST!!!

He enjoyed her immensely.. all of her. "Deborah. Will you be my mate?" He asked.

She couldn't help but smile at him oddly. What had the last Several nights had been? "I Am your first mate, perhaps among many? I will forsake the universe for you if you ask it." She stretched her arms overhead and opened her knees widely...

"You are my first. Others will wait" he began licking further up.

twisting and trying not to giggle too much. Deborah enjoyed her Alpha His tongue gritty and wondrous. She held out for a while but then got so excited she blurted out. "I'm Pregnant. Fuck me More!"

(Fade to black)


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