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High Leave Meeting

Posted on Thu Apr 11th, 2013 @ 11:39pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant K`Wor & Lieutenant Anandra Delair & Ensign David Brody & Fleet Admiral Alynna Nechayev & Fleet Admiral Leonard James Akaar & Bail Donovan

3,123 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: Mission 82 - The Aggressor
Location: USS Durga, Bridge
Timeline: The Day After 'Talking with Jewel'


It was the morning after the funeral and Mike was back aboard the USS Durga. He spent about twenty minutes in the CO’s Ready Room downloading some information onto a couple of PADDs before heading back to the Bridge to meet K’Temoc, K’Wor, Brody, and Delair.

Mike walked around the Bridge and looked over all systems. The Officer of the watch, a Lieutenant, stood to the side of the CO’s chair, watching the Admiral. His expression was a nervous one, it was obvious he wasn’t used to a Flag Officer ‘making the rounds’. Mike hid a smirk, his Senior Staff wouldn’t of given Mike a second glance, he made his rounds around Ops every morning, just like he did aboard the Pegasus for years, but this young Lieutenant was defiantly not used to it.

K’Temoc and K’Wor were the first of the group to arrive. Dressed in their Duty Uniforms, both were ready to go. K’Wor was eager, it was his first visit to Starfleet Command. K’Temoc on the other hand preferred to stay home. He wasn’t a big fan of Starfleet Command…too many stuffy people with no personality.

“How you holding up?” K’Temoc asked his brother.

“I’m good, actually…better than I have been in a while.” Mike replied with a reassuring smile.

K’Wor looked back at his father and uncle, he was glad to hear his Dad say that. K’Wor knew he’d been under massive stress for months, to hear his Dad say he was feeling better and see the look on Mike’s face was a relief to him as well.

The turbo lift doors opened and Ensign Brody entered the bridge. He was struggling to fasten his lone pip to his gold collar. He glanced at the chronometer above the view screen and it was clear he was relieved that it read 0748 hours. He brushed at his uniform sleeve, turned to his superiors, and stood at attention. "Admiral. Captain. Reporting for duty." He turned to K'Wor and offered a friendly nod.

Anandra was right behind Brody two minutes later, securing one last hairpin just as the turbolift doors opened and she stepped onto the Bridge. "Admiral, Captain." she greeted, flashing a smile at the others as she crossed the bridge toward the counselor's seat. She didn't take a seat but instead stood beside it, her arm draped over the back of the chair as she turned her attention to the officers. "Reporting for duty, sirs."

Mike looked over at both officers before speaking, "Good morning. The little trip to Starfleet Command should be uneventful, but I didn't feel like going alone." He flashed another smile. It really wasn't about going alone, he wanted to see how Delair and Brody handled themselves around so much 'Brass'.

"Captain K'Temoc will be remaining aboard to meet with the Engineering Team from McKinley station. Hopefully, that won't take too long either."

K'Temoc smirked, "Better not."

"Anyone have any questions?" Mike asked.

Brody thought for a moment, "No, sir." He knew his service record would have indicated that diplomacy was not his strong suit. If this away mission were some sort of evaluation, Brody knew he would adapt and overcome.

"No questions, sir." Said Anan.

“All right, let’s go.” Mike said and the group stepped onto the turbolift and headed for Transporter Room Two. Several minutes later, the small group materialized on Earth again, this time in San Francisco, just outside of Starfleet Headquarters.

A lot had changed at SFHQ since the Dominion War, and even since Mike’s last visit just a year ago. Transport inhibitors now prevented direct beam ins, if you wanted to enter you had to go through the front door, through a security scanner, and then submit to a retina scan. While all of this security seemed to be unnecessary during a time of peace, Starfleet simply wasn’t taking any chances anymore.

Mike went first and was respectfully passed through the scanners.

“Everything checks out Admiral.” One of the Security Officers stated.

Mike walked over to the Receptionist and waited for Brody, Delair, and K’Wor to pass through.

“Welcome to Starfleet Headquarters, can I help you Admiral?” The Andorian Receptionist, a Petty Officer, asked.

“I have a meeting with Fleet Admirals Nechayev and Akaar. I’m Admiral Bremer.” Mike replied with a smile.

“Ah, yes, Admiral Bremer. They are waiting for you now in Fleet Admiral Nechayev’s Office.” The Receptionist replied with a smile of her own.

Anandra followed suit, passing through the security scanner and then onto the retina scan, nodding respectfully to the Petty Officer as she joined Admiral Bremer at his side. She felt a slight elevation of adrenaline - jitters, as it were - something she hadn't felt in a long time. She assured herself that it was simply a matter of facing the unknown, particularly around so much brass and so soon after starting a new assignment.

Brody observed the Security team as they performed their tasks of processing the Admiral and Delair through the checkpoint. He peeked over the console and scrutinized the readout. He took his turn through the security and retina scanners before being cleared to pass. Brody approached the Petty Officer performing the retina scans and drew him in closely with a motion of his hand. "It would appear as if your corneal recognition is off by 0.2 microns." Brody knew the variance was not severe enough to impact the efficiency of the scans, but as it was responsible for maintaining security at arguably the most important Starfleet institution, Brody felt it was nothing short of sloppy. The Petty Officer ran a brief diagnostic and saw what Brody had seen. He offered thankful nod as Brody proceeded into the expansive main lobby.

K’Wor was the last to go through, and at first the Ensign at the Security Scanner stared at K’Wor’s provisional rank for nearly a minute before telling him to proceed through the scanner. He then, shadowed K’Wor over to the retina scanner and placed his hand on his sidearm. K’Wor glanced back at the Security Officer before leaning in for the retina scan. After the computer beeped to confirm his rank and identity, the Security Officer removed his hand from his phaser and walked back to where he’d been standing before. The other Security Officers on duty continued about their usual routine.

Once everyone was clear, Mike took the lead and led the small group to a turbolift which took them up a few levels. As they exited, a Commander met them in the corridor.

“Admiral Bremer, please follow me.” The Commander said as he turned to lead the group toward Fleet Admiral Nechayev’s Office.

Mike looked around, noticing several Security Officers stationed the corridor…which was also void of anyone else. “What’s with the increase in Security?” He asked.

“VIP sir, President Matthews is here.” The Commander replied calmly.

‘Interesting’ Mike though, he wondered why the newly elected President of the Federation was also at Starfleet Headquarters today, but figured it was really none of his business. A few moments later, they arrived outside Nechayev’s Office. The Commander stepped to the side as the door opened.

Before Mike could enter, another man was stepping out, a Human in his late fifties. He wasn’t in a Starfleet Uniform, but carried himself proudly.

“Mister President.” Mike said, a little surprised.

President Matthews extended his hand and displayed a warm yet confident smile as they shook hands, then his expression changed to a more serious one. “My condolences on your recent loss, it’s never easy for a father to bury any of their children.”

Mike nodded, his expressed also changed to one of sadness, “Yes sir, thank you sir. Mike paused a moment before showing another smile, “Mister President let me introduce some of my Staff. This is Lieutenant Delair, Ensign Brody, and Acting-Ensign K’Wor.”

Matthews then shook hands with K’Wor, “Your oldest son.” He said to Mike before looking back at K’Wor. “When do you plan to apply to the Academy?”

“I’ve already applied sir, my classes start later this year Mister President.” K’Wor replied.

“Ah, very good.” President Matthews replied as he moved on to Brody and Delair

Brody was surprised to see the President. The holoprojectors had added about 4.5 kilos and he seemed shorter in person. He was satisfied that the President's hand shake was firm and professional. "It's an honor, Mr. President. Congratulations on your election."

Anandra's brow lifted ever so slightly when the word 'president' came into the conversation. 'It would seem that my jitters were not entirely unfounded,' she thought, straightening her posture. She respectfully waited her turn as the others were introduced, offering her usual warm smile as she shook his hand. "It's a pleasure and an honor, sir."

After taking a moment to shake hands with everyone, President Matthews looked back at Akaar and Nechayev and gave a respectful nod before walking to the turbolift, flanked by several Security Officers.

"Please, come in." Nechayev said to Bremer after the President had left.

Mike walked in, followed by Delair, Brody, and K'Wor. "Thank you for seeing me." Mike said to Nechayev. The shorter Human woman was a stark contrast to the much...much taller Capellan man Akaar.

"How can we assist you Admiral Bremer?" Akaar asked as Nechayev, Akaar, Bremer, and Delair took seats. K'Wor and Brody both stood on either side of the door.

"Tea?" Nechayev asked of everyone.

Akaar shook his head while K'Wor replied, "No thank Ma'am."

Mike thought about it for a moment, then replied, "Sure, thank you."

"No ma'am, but thank you." Brody's voice concealed his intrigue and excitement. First a handshake from the President and now an offering of tea from the C&C? Yes, this was most certainly going in his personal log.

"I'd love some, thank you." Anan replied with a smile. Seated comfortably, she took a moment to look about the room, than found her gaze settling back on their hosts, intrigued as well.

While Nechayev was handing Mike his cup, Mike started off the convocation, "I wanted to ask you about Admiral Sevlek and his assignment to Starbase 400."

Akaar and Nechayev glanced at each other before Akaar replied, "We weren't aware of his assignment to Starbase 400."

"Admiral Sevlek is on detached duty, and any orders he has to be on Starbase 400 didn't come from us." Nechayev added.

"Detached duty?" Mike asked.

"While his intelligence duties are," Nechayev looked over at Delair, K'Wor, then Brody, "classified, I can tell you that he has been assigned to the Office of the President since his inauguration."

Mike looked over at Akaar, "As the Starfleet Liaison to the Office of the President, is there anything else you can tell me?"

"In this matter, no." Akaar replied bluntly.

He had only been with the new crew for just short of two days, but Ensign Brody already felt the need to protect his new CO. He did not like where this conversation was going and wondered how all of these secrets would affect SB400 upon their return.

Anandra listened, stoic; but as always she paid attention to the expressions and body language of those seated around her, particularly that of Admiral Bremer, who was naturally her primary concern at the moment. She had heard many things about this Admiral Sevlek, but never had the opportunity to encounter him. She recalled Admiral Bremer's admission the previous night about his 'handling' of Sevlek, and again she wish she had more on that to go on, but she expected to be seeing a lot of Bremer in the days and weeks to come and it was sure to come up. "Thank you." she said as Nechayev handed her a cup of tea.

K'Wor let out a quiet grunt, but it still caught the attention of Fleet Admiral Akaar who shot him a glance. Taking a page out of his father's book, K'Wor met the glance and held it for a moment. While he didn't want to be disrespectful, he also didn't want to appear weak. Still, the whole mess just made him angry. 'Why can't anyone give anyone else a direct answer anymore?' he thought to himself.

Mike shifted in his chair. Part of him felt like he was being stonewalled by Starfleet Command, again. Even after protecting and covering Starfleet Command's collective asses over the last few years, most notably with Admiral Jellico's court martial. However the tone in Nechayev's voice and the look on her face was different and Mike believed she was telling the truth.

"All we can suggest is, cooperate with him. He's there for a reason." Akaar added.

Mike nodded as he started putting two and two together in his mind. Things were adding up, Starfleet Command really didn't know about Sevlek's mission, which would account for why Sevlek was being so secretive. Mike then thought about his own feelings lately, could it be that he himself was under investigation and his mental and emotional stability was being called into question following the deaths of Marc and Emmaline? It made sense.

Mike took another sip of his tea before setting the cup down and standing up. "Thank you both for your time and advise." Mike said with a smile.

Akaar nodded as Nechayev replied, "You're welcome Mike. And Mike, our deepest condolences to you and Janice on your recent loss."

"Thank you." Mike replied. Then he turned to walk out the door followed by K'Wor, Brody, and Delair.

"Admirals." Brody said with a slight, respectful nod of the head before exiting the office.

Anandra stood from her seat, allowing the others to leave in succession before her and nodding respectfully on her way out, wishing the other Admirals well as she left.

K'Wor didn't say a word. He looked up at Akaar then over and down to Nechayev before turning and leaving her Office. After a few steps, he felt like he should of at least said a polite 'Admirals' as Brody had. He shouldn't of let his angry show so much and he just shook his head as he walked down the corridor.

The group headed for the turbolift and after a few moments they were back on the ground floor heading for the exit. Out the corner of his eye, Mike saw a familiar face.

"Anthony." Mike called out.

The man turned to look, saw Mike, and flashed a smile as he walked over. Antony Brunel, now a Vice Admiral, was once Mike's Executive Officer on the Pegasus-A during the Dominion War and later the Pegasus-B before transferring.

"How have you been?" Mike asked while Antony walked up.

"Good. Taught at the Academy for a while, now I work for Starfleet R&D. As a matter of fact, I have something for you." Tony replied with a smile as he pulled out a PADD from his satchel.

He handed the PADD to Mike who looked over it, "Positronic computer core?" Mike replied.

"A leap forward, even over the Bio-Neural systems. The USS Gladiator is currently the only vessel equipped with one, but we want that to change. I'd like your Engineering and Operations staffs to work out any kinks and get a working core installed on one of those many vessels you have at Starbase 400." Tony replied with a smile. "The specs also include the new LCARS 7 upgrades."

Mike smirked, these new systems could be quite useful, and it only seemed 'right' that they would come from Brunel. "Are these former STOAT toys?" Mike asked with a smile.

"Well...they dissolved STOAT shortly after the end of the Dominion War. Mike Jarovik tried for years to get it reactivated, but after the Borg threat was eliminated a few years ago, STOAT was finally and fully shut down." Brunel explained.

Mike already knew that, but hearing Tony explain it made it all a little sad. Still, it didn't answer the question, and Mike figured that meant 'yes' this new system was the brain child of the STOAT special ops group.

"Jarovik retired a year later, he lives on Bajor now." Tony added.

"I'll drop him a line." Mike replied.

Tony then handed Mike two more PADDs, but didn't say what they were for or about, "I've got a meeting with Toddman, Janeway, and Savok in five minutes, I better get going."

Mike and Tony shook hands, "Good seeing you again Tony."

"You too Mike." Brunel said with a smile, then he headed for the turbolifts.

Mike looked back at his staff, "How about some early lunch?"

"Aye, sir." Brody replied. Whatever nerves may have affected his appetite had long departed and a moderate hunger had filled the void.

"I could certainly use a bite." she said, forgetting her rank and adding a latent 'sir'. She had a lot on her mind, and thinking on an empty stomach was rarely constructive.

K'Wor smirked. Usually, that meant Mike wanted to go to Sisko's in New Orleans when they were on Earth. "Yes sir." He replied with a smile.

"Good, I know a place." Mike replied as the group walked out of Starfleet Headquarters. A few feet away, the group stopped and Mike tapped his commbadge. "Bremer to Durga, four to beam to Charleston South Carolina, set us down near to the Old Market."

The reply from the Durga only took a moment, "Transporting now Sir."

K'Wor shot a glance over to his dad just as the group disappeared in a swirl of blue energy.

A moment later they were in old Charleston, standing at the corner of South Market Street and State Street. About the same time, K'Temoc beamed down from the Durga too.

"Not Sisko's?" K'Wor asked, surprised.

"Not this time." Mike replied with a smile. "Charleston Crab House, a favorite of mine growing up."

K'Temoc smirked, "Shrimp, craplegs, oysters, scallops, and their 'crap pot' is great."

"If you were wanting jambalaya, Bubba Gump's is down the street, you can pick up some before beaming back to the ship." Mike said to K'Wor. "It might not be quite as good as Sisko's, but it is good."

"A restaurant created because of a twentieth century movie?" K'Wor shook his head, "I don't know.

"Try it, I like it." K'Temoc replied.

"We have time, after we eat you can pick up some southern barbeque, other sea food, anything, Charleston has some wonderful restaurants." Mike added. "We won't be leaving Earth until tomorrow morning.

K'Wor nodded and the group turned to walk into the Charleston Crab House to eat...



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