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Posted on Fri Apr 12th, 2013 @ 6:40am by Fleet Admiral Sevlek & Bail Donovan

1,142 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 82 - The Aggressor
Location: Starbase 400/USS Gladiator/Earth
Timeline: Concurrent

Sevlek stood at a readout that detailed the latest fleet movements by the Krazzle into C'hakilian territory. They were eating up system after system from the C'hakilians, and now Sevlek knew how they were able to move so quickly.

Sevlek was deep in thought when the voice of his personal attache broke the silence, "Admiral, you have a subspace message from Earth." A slight pause, "Office of the President."

Sevlek nodded towards his office and walked there, knowing the transmission would already be waiting for him. He entered the room and as the door shut behind him he spoke, "Computer, transmission receipt authorization code, Sevlek-2-8-Theta-Gamma."

"Authorization accepted." The screen activated with the image of someone Sevlek knew well enough.

Sevlek spoke first, "Mr. President."

"Admiral, I just came from a meeting with Fleet Admirals Nechayev and Akaar. I've informed them that you were sent to Starbase 400 under my direct orders and that your detachment from the standard CoC will last until I choose otherwise."

The Vulcan raised a brow, "That would essentially make me the Starfleet Liaison to your office, sir."

"It would." Matthews had a grin on his face. "Vice Admiral Mellorie informed me of her desire to retire in six months, it made sense to shift you into the position if you want it. I'll let you decide on the permanence of your position as you would have to dedicate to it full-time and abdicate your position as Chief of Starfleet's Strategic Intelligence."

Sevlek nodded, "Understood."

Matthews' demeanor changed to a more serious one, "Do you have any answers for me about how the Krazzle are moving so quickly in their war with the C'hakilian people?"

Sevlek nodded, "The Typhon Pact is assisting them. The Krazzle keep their own ships close to their borders and as far into them as we can effectively scan and their new Typhon Pact allies are responsible for the systems on the far side of their territory."

The President leaned back in his chair, "So, you were right." He looked off to his left, "This new information could change the stance of some of the Council members."

"The C'hakilian Ambassador will no doubt re-file his petition for temporary protectorate status with the Federation when this information comes to light."

Matthews leaned forward slightly, "Yes, well, forward me any data you have right now in the most secure way possible."

Sevlek nodded, "The Gladiator will depart immediately and Colonel Andrenicus will bring the information to you."

"Is that necessary? To send an entire starship to carry some data."

"It is the quickest way to ensure the data reaches you without being intercepted."

"Very well, Matthews out."

Sevlek tapped his combadge as the screen deactived, "Sevlek to Zandusky."

After a brief second, "Zandusky here, sir. Go ahead."

"Prepare the ship for departure. You leave in 15 minutes to carry sensitive data to Earth. Colonel Andrenicus will be aboard as the courier."

Daniel knew not to question sending an entire ship for something like this. Sevlek didn't often go to extremes. The data had to be important. "Understood, Admiral." A pause, "Commander T'radiak is clearing our departure with Station Ops. Am I correct in assuming that we are to report back to Starbase 400 with all due speed?"

"Affirmative. Deliver the data then return. We are moving on to the next stage in the plan." Sevlek closed the comm channel and then tapped his combadge again, "Sevlek to Andrenicus, report to my office."

There was no response over the comm channels, instead the Marine walked into the office and said, "Sir."

Sevlek had just finished transferring the data to a security PADD and handed it to the Marine, "You will take that information to President Matthews. Captain Zandusky is awaiting your arrival to the ship and you depart in 15 minutes."

The Marine nodded. He'd served the Vulcan for nearly 15 years now, joining his original command as a lowly 2nd Lieutenant. "Understood."

Sevlek watched as the man left.

****3 Hours 20 Minutes Later; U.S.S. Gladiator Bridge****

Zandusky stood from the command chair, "Ensign, transmit our slipstream exit transponder signal to the necessary recipients in the Sol System. Don't want to get us blown up when we drop out of slipstream between Earth and Mars."

The ensign at Ops nodded, "Understood. Transponder signal sent, sir." After a few seconds, "Receipt acknowledged, clear for exit from slipstream at Alpha-1 coordinates."

The lieutenant at the helm spoke now, "Exiting slipstream in 30 seconds."

The captain turned to face his XO and the Colonel, "Commander, you and a security detail will accompany the Colonel to the surface."

Andrenicus nodded, "Better safe than sorry."

The half-Romulan/half-Vulcan woman nodded as she tapped her combadge and ordered a security detail to the transporter room, just as the helmsman spoke, "Exiting slipstream now."

Zandusky turned just to see the slipstream corridor break into normal space with Earth just ahead. "Establish geo-synchronous orbit of Paris and inform the President's office that we're sending an away party."

The Tactical Officer, Lt. Commander Brenson spoke, "The Durga is still in the system." Zandusky looked at his curiously as the Tactical Officer continued, "That's the ship Admiral Bremer left Starbase 400 aboard."

"Thank you for noting that." The captain nodded to his XO and Andrenicus as they both stood and moved to the turbolift.

****5 Minutes Later; Office of the President****

Andrenicus walked through the security checkpoint, PADD in hand and nodded to T'radiak to indicate she could wait at the reception desk. He got aboard the turbolift and waited the twelve seconds it took to reach the top and stepped out. He walked to the assistant behind the desk and spoke, "I'm here to see the President." He paused, then added, "Taris burns vows avowed."

The man nodded and entered a few commands and motioned to the door.

Andrenicus walked in noticed the panoramic view the office had over the city of Paris and the man standing behind the desk at the window. He also noticed the four half-eaten plates of food on the dining table to his right.

The President spoke, "Colonel. You have something for me."

Andrenicus nodded and then said, "The response to Taris burns vows avowed if you would please."

The other man smiled, "Just testing you, sir." He paused, "Vilar alight in star's light."

The Marine nodded as he handed the PADD to the President. "If you'll excuse me, Mr. President. I have to return to the Gladiator and prepare for departure to return to Starbase 400."

"Not so quick. Remain in orbit for a few more hours, I'll inform the Admiral I've requested it. I may need you to ferry some cargo to the starbase."

Andrenicus nodded, "I'll inform Captain Zandusky. Good day, sir."

The President nodded as he began perusing the PADD's data. Data that could have a ridiculously huge impact on the Federation's current state.


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