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Meeting the parents

Posted on Fri Apr 12th, 2013 @ 10:00am by Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Commodore Alexandra Harrison

2,498 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Mission 82 - The Aggressor

Lee was sitting at the pilot's chair in the shuttle waiting for Alex to finish packing and doing a couple things before they left. They where on their way to meet her parents and his parents. He rolled his eyes as she was taking awhile.

"Come on Imzadi, we don't have a whole lot of time." He spoke to her through the telepathic link they where starting to form together.

Alex was nervous about the visit. She wanted everything to be perfect. As soon as she finished, she joined Lee in the shuttle, "Sorry I took so long. I hope I didn't forget something."

He held out his hand to her:"Will you relax, am sure you didn't forget anything."

"I am so nervous." She took several deep breaths, "I'll be fine once we get there."

"So where do your parents live?" As he started the shuttle up to head out.

"They used to live in San Francisco but they've retired to San Diego. How about yours?"

He gave a little chuckle:"My parents live in Molokai, Hawai.i"

As the shuttle lifted off the ground:"So I guess we visit your parents first."
"Okay. It seems like ages since I've seen them. I am so excited. My mom is going to freak when we tell her." She wasn't sure about her dad.

He flew the shuttle towards San Diego:"Am sure everything will be ok. My parent know about us already though. General Torg happen to tell my father."

"Oh he did, did he. Did he tell you by chance what their reaction was?"

He glanced over at her:"No he didn't, haven't talked to him since. Maal was the one who told me about it." He gave her a wink:"I got a message from my mother that they are happy for me."

"Well that's good. I really hope they like me. Is there anything I need to know about your parents before I meet them?"

"Am sure they will like you. My mother Stacy is full Betazoid. And my father Marcus is a retired Star Fleet Marine Colonel." He brought the shuttle around getting ready to land "There anything I need to know about your's?"

"My mother can be a little annoying. She is a great hostess but she tends to overdo it by asking if you want more drink or more food like every five minutes. And if you say no thanks, she'll try to feed you more. My dad, he is a straight shooter. He tells you like it is according to him." She thought a little longer, "I guess that's about it."

Lee nodded:"Sounds like should be a fun time." As the shuttle hovered in the air, he looked at her:"Are you ready?

Alex took a deep breath, "No, not really." She ran her hand though her hair, "Do I look okay? Maybe I should have worn the other blouse, the one that isn't so low cut. What do you think?"

He gave her a lop sided grin:"You look wonderful Imzadi. Everything will go ok so just relax and let's enjoy this time together."

"Alright. Let's do this." She stopped fidgeting with her clothes and hair.
He just shook his head as he started the landing procedures:"You are going to give yourself an ulcer if you keep worrying."

She smiled, "Who's worrying. I just want to make a good impression on them, that's all."

The shuttle finally landed and he turned towards her:"Ok am just checking" He leaned forward and kissed her.

Alex relaxed a little more, "I'm fine now."

Lee rose from the pilot's chair and held out his hand for her:"Am glad to hear you are."

She took his hand, "Lead the way then."

Lee then headed for the shuttle door and pushed the hatch door open."After you Imzadi, after all these are your parents."

She blushed a little. She was so nervous about meeting his parents that she forgot that they were visiting her parents first. She chuckled, feeling a bit silly, "I guess that would be helpful." When they stepped outside, the smell of the ocean air hit her. She had forgotten how much she missed the smell of the ocean air. The beach was less that a quarter mile from her parents house.

He stepped out behind her and then after closing the shuttle reached over and took her hand giving it an affection squeeze.

Alex led him to the front door and then knocked since they didn't know that she was coming. When the door opened, her mom looked pleasantly shocked to see her. "Oh my lord, Alex, what are you doing here? Why didn't you call me and tell me you were coming. I would have made some sleeping arrangements for you."
Alex smiled, "I wanted to surprise you. If I told you that I was coming, it wouldn't have been a surprise then, now would it?"

"You are right. Oh my, both of you, come in. Want to introduce me Alexandra?"

Alex looked at Lee then back at her mom, "This is Lee."

Lee nodded to her and gave a small smile:"Pleased to meet you ma'am. Am Captain Lee Pike."

"Well nice to meet you too. Come in, come in." She waited for them to enter, then shut the door. Alex stood just inside the living room. She turned to Lee, "My husband Mack is in the back. I'll go get him. He is going to be so excited to see you." She disappeared for a moment then returned in a matter of minutes. He smiled brightly, "Alex, I can't believe you are here." He gave her a hug, "What are you doing here?"

Alex looked up at him, "We were here and thought it would be nice to see you both. We have some exciting news for you and I wanted to tell you both in person."

Mack motioned towards the couch, "Have a seat." Her mom didn't waste any time, "Would you both like something to eat? Drink?"

Alex shook her head, No mom, I'm fine. Victoria turned to Lee, "How about you? Anything for you Lee?"

He smiled at Alex then looked towards Victoria:"No ma'am am fine for now."

"Are you sure? It would be no bother. I could whip something up in a hurry. How about some crackers and cheese? Tea?" Alex sighed, "Mom! We're fine. Please sit down, I have something to tell you." They both sat down.

"Dad, this is Lee. Lee, this is my dad, Mack."

Lee reached out to shake the man's hand:"Nice to meet you sir."

Mack shook his hand, "Same here." Victoria noticed the ring on Alex's finger and jumped up put of her seat, "Is that what I think it is?" She grabbed her hand to see the shiny thing on her finger, "Oh my, it is."

Alex pulled her hand away from her, "Its exactly what you think it is, Dad, Mom, me and Lee here are engaged to be married."

Victoria got tear in her eyes, "I'm so happy for you. Does Paul know?"
"Yes he does and he is happy for us as well." Alex assured them, "He likes Lee very much."

Mack stood up and shook Lee's hand, "Congratulations. You have a great girl here. I thought that she'd never marry again after that creep..."

Alex stopped him, "Yes dad. Let's don't spoil it okay?" Mack backed down, "So Lee, we haven't heard anything about you."

Lee shook the man's hand back:"Don't worry sir I promise to take good care of her and Paul as well."

"Well I am Second Officer/Chief Intelligence officer aboard Star Base 400. I come from a long line of Star Fleet officers including being a direct descendant of Chris Pike."

"That's great!" Mack sat back down, "Alex, looks like you got a winner. Don't let anything happen to this one."

Alex smiled, "As soon as we set a date, we'd like both of you to come. We haven't made any arrangements yet but we'll let you know when we do."
"I can hardly wait." Victoria beamed, "So, have you discussed kids?"

Alex wondered when she'd ask the question. She smiled, "We've...discussed it."
Lee sat down next to Alex:"My family will be able to bring you guys to the wedding aboard Star Base 400. Two of my cousins have their own command." He then leaned over and whispered to Alex:"Are you going to tell them what talked to you about Paul?"

She whispered back, "I'll get to it." Mack replied to Lee, "Good." Victoria was still waiting for her answer. She leaned forward, "Are you going to keep me hanging or what?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, kids. Like I said, we've discussed it and the answer is...yes. At least one more.."

Victoria sat back in her seat, "So Lee, ever been married or have kids of your own?"

Lee shook his head:"No I have never been married and have no kids.
Her dad chimed in, "That's good. Then there is no one to interfere with your marriage." Alex gave her dad a look then let it go.

Alex continued, "We did talk to Paul about maybe Lee adopting him and it would be his choice of course."

"And if Paul isn't ready or doesn't want to be adopted then would understand but either way I do plan on being there for him no matter what."

Mack and Victoria looked at each other and smiled. Victoria replied, "Well, if Paul does decide to let you adopt him, we are behind him 100 percent. Lee, you seem to be a good man from what we have seen so far. We are happy for our daughter. It's about time that she is really happy."

Mack also spoke, "I agree. It's no secret how I felt about her last husband. We hardly got to see Paul and we always had to go see him. His dad didn't trust us, thinking that we'd kidnap him or something." Her dad had to take a deep breath, "I apologize for my rant. I'm sure you've heard all about him."

Victoria stood up, "Let's change the subject, shall we? But first, drinks." She replicated some ice tea and brought it out before anyone could refuse. She set them on the coffee table in case they wanted some anyway, "So Lee, you mentioned that you are a Captain. I'm impressed. How long have you been a..." She had to think for a moment what he said he does, "um, oh yes, Chief Intelligence officer?"

Lee looked at her:"Well I've been Chief Intelligence Officer for almost a year now, before that I was Marine Commander and then before that spent quite awhile as Chief Strategic Ops."

"Bronze and brains. Good." Victoria was truly impressed.

He then looked towards Mack:"Yes have heard some things about Alex's ex-husband. To me he was nothing but a moron to put it lightly."

Alex stifled a laugh. Victoria looked over at her daughter and realized that it had been a year and a half since they actually had a conversation about anything besides Ruben. "Alexandra, last time we talked, you were the Chief of Security on Starbase 400."

"No, not anymore." Alex didn't offer much else. Victoria hadn't realized until now how much her daughter had changed. This wasn't the girl who aced a test and couldn't run home fast enough to show it to her.

Victoria would have to pull it out of her, "Oh. So were you promoted or was it just a departmental change?"

"Promotion. Special Operations." Alex again didn't offer more information.

Her mother's face lighted up, "A promotion. That's fantastic. So tell me more."

Victoria was beaming and Alex saw that. Ruben had a way of making anything she did not good enough. Seeing their proud faces made her feel good about her accomplishments, "I was also promoted to Captain."

Mack stood up and walked over to Alex, bent down and gave her a hug, "We are so proud of you, always have been. I just want you to know that." Mack sat back down. He then looked at Lee, "Do you have family Lee?"

"Well my father is a retired Star Fleet Colonel, my parents now live in Hawaii. I have several cousins who currently serve in Star Fleet like I do."

"Oh, okay." He thought for a moment, "Kids?"

Lee sat there:"I have no kids currently. Also my uncle saved the life of a Klingon many years ago so his family swore a life debt with the Pike family. So each of us has a Klingon who stay with us."

"A Klingon." He hadn't much interaction with Klingons. In the schools he taught at, it was rare to find a Klingon in class.

Victoria on the other hand, had a lot of interaction with the Klingons, "That must be nice to know you have such a powerful backing."

Unlike my wife, I've never really had any contact with the Klingons. I taught public school. Did Alex tell you that her mother was a Starfleet officer?"

Lee raised an eye brow and glanced over at Alex:"No she did not tell me that."

Victoria smiled, "I served on the USS Essex as Executive officer for about a year but my health wouldn't allow me to continue."

He nodded:"Sorry to hear that your health wouldn't allow you to continue."

"It's okay. Me knowing the CO, it gave Alex a chance to be assigned to that ship. It all worked out in the end."

Lee then turned towards Alex:"Imzadi, it is time for us to go."

"Already?" Alex asked.

Victoria got up from her chair as well as Mack, "Do you really have to go? It seems like you just got here."

Alex stood up as well. "Sorry but we have only a little bit of time before the ship leaves and we still have to meet his family. I promise that as soon as we set the wedding date, we'll let you know."

Mack turned towards Lee and put his hand out, "Well Lee. It was nice meeting you, son." He smiled at his own remark. Victoria smiled as well.

Lee stood up and shook the man's hand:"Nice meeting you to sir." He bowed slightly to Victoria:"Nice meeting you also ma'am."

"Same here." Victoria looked back at Alex, "Now if you need anything for your wedding, you let me know." She hugged her daughter and Mack followed, hugging her as well. As he hugged his daughter, he looked over at Lee, "You definitely have my blessing Lee."

He then started heading for the door and waited there for Alex.

"I love you both. I promise to stay in touch more. Love you both." Alex joined Lee at the door. Alex waved goodbye as they went out the door.

Lee and Alex then entered the shuttle.



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