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Time on our hands

Posted on Wed Apr 10th, 2013 @ 2:39am by Lieutenant Saith i-Ki Baratan & Sergeant Maal son of Torg

1,042 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 82 - The Aggressor
Location: The Avenger
Timeline: Shortly after arrival at Cestus III.

Maal was sitting in his quarters, they still had no contact with the Gorn so he had decided to get a few hours of relaxation. He really couldn't sleep since he had asked Saith to move in with him when they got back to Star Base 400, she had freaked out and it was understandable that she did. She had sent him a message saying yes but didn't know if she was actually talking about the move or something else. Maal sat there on his couch bare chested while playing with his d'tang.

Saith worked so she didn’t have to think too hard about her life and her relationship. Maal hadn’t acknowledged her ‘yes’ but she suspected it was too private to discuss over the comm. After all, that is why she only said yes, and did not give further explanation.

She turned her thoughts back to the Buraq, the Gorn and Cestus III. “A science vessel.” She said it aloud but inside was considering possible reasons to attack a science vessel. Had she discovered something? Was she carrying something? Or was she just in the wrong place at the wrong time? It wouldn’t be the first misunderstanding between the Gorn and the Federation. Saith had read the history of Gorn – Federation relations. It was replete with misunderstandings. This could have been one . . . Saith’s stomach gurgled. “Perfect,” she thought, as she looked around Security.

She logged out and told her crew she was going to go get some food. Instead of turning right out of Security she turned and headed left down the corridor, eventually making her way to Maal’s quarters. She waited for him to answer the door chime and when the door slid open she looked up and smiled, "hungry?"

Maal looked up as he flipped his d'tang in his hand:"I am a little but first we need to talk about some things." He motioned for her to come over to the couch.

Saith felt her defenses go up. Her face went neutral and she tensed as she moved toward where Maal sat. As she perched on the edge of the couch her mind was running through potential disasters.

He put the knife down on the table and looked at her:"So what was this yes you sent me on comm.

Yes, I will move in with you.” As was a typical problem for Saith, her mind raced on unchecked. [He doesn’t want us to live together?]

Saith’s voice was tense, “isn’t that WHAT YOU wanted?” She stood up and began pacing. “I thought that was what you wanted. Are you now saying that isn’t what you wanted?” Her voiced raised a little more. This man was so confounding! She didn’t know what she was supposed to do; she glanced at the door. [Have I screwed up again? Should I leave?] Saith began pacing faster.

He quickly got up and went over and picked her up and then went and put her down on the couch then he sat down on her lap and kissed her deeply and passionately:"Will you just relax"

Saith tensed as Maal got up, and would have hit him had he not picked her up in such a way as not to allow it. She was furious. Then he added insult by sitting on her lap. Saith was surprised when he leaned in and kissed her. She felt her anger slip a little, but she was still tense.

Maal smiled at her:"Yes I do want you to move in with me otherwise I wouldn't have asked. I was just trying to clear the air from that yes message."

She took a deep breath, and glared at him for a moment but his smile allowed her to relax. His words were like music. “It sounded like you had changed your mind,” she said weakly. She let her head fall back to rest against the back of the couch, “I know I sometimes overreact. . . “ she smile, “no let’s be honest, I ALWAYS overreact.” She lifted her head and looked in his eyes, “I can’t seem to help myself,” she added with a defeated shrug.

He looked into her eyes:"Yes you do overreact a lot but it's ok. It's how you have been all your life. I do like that fire in you."

Saith smiled up at him. "You are pretty much the only one."

Maal still sat there on her lap not moving:"Your a good woman Saith, you've just had a few bad cards dealt to you in life but things are looking up for you."

She nodded, "I suppose, but I still feel so . . . I don't know . . . wrong? Like I don't belong?" her brow furrowed in puzzlement.

With a sigh and toss of her hand she added, "if I don't eat soon, I will have to go back on duty without any sustenance. I am taking long range scans of the area, because the Buraq has nothing moving, I am concerned about a trap."

Maal looked at her:"You do belong her trust me and if you ever say that again I'll kick your butt."

"you mean you will try," she laughed, pushing him gently.

He gave her a smile before standing up and offering his hand to her:"So what do you want to eat?"

"Lasagne" she said taking his hand and letting him pull her to her feet. As she stood her comm badge beeped. "i-Ki Baratan." she answered. She listened as one of her security detail told her that a shuttle and some fighters had just left the Kearsage and were enroute to the Buraq. "I am on my way to the bridge," she said to the officer. To Maal she said, "what the Hell! I guess no lunch."

Maal looked at her then growled in frustration:"I guess not. We probably both should get to our posts."

"I think so," she replied.

He gave her a hug then kissed her on the lips."I love you."

"I love you to. See you later." Saith turned into the corridor and headed for the turbo lift that would take her to the bridge. She heard Maal head out also.


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