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Talking with Jewel

Posted on Sat Apr 6th, 2013 @ 3:25pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & General Janice Fultian-Bremer

845 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 82 - The Aggressor
Location: Earth, South Carolina, Bremer's Home
Timeline: Following 'Saying Goodbye'

OOC: Here’s a little JP between SB400 and the USS Cairo, another simm in
The Ninth Fleet!


USS Cairo, Bridge

"Ops put out a call to Admiral Bremer on Earth" Jewel Dartt stated as she
walked to her ready room so she could take this in private. She was worried about Mike and she thought she would see how he was doing.

"Understood sir call in place." The ops officer replied. Jewel sat down and
turned on her computer and waited for the call to go through.

Bremer’s House on Earth

It had been a few hours since the funeral, and Mike and the family were relaxing, trying to enjoy the beautiful sunny day on the shore of Lake Murray in central South Carolina. It had been a difficult morning for sure. Anytime a parent had to bury their children, especially those with such a long future in front of them, it was a difficult time for sure.

Christopher was playing some toys, K’Wor was sitting in a chair close to
his little brother. Becca was sitting over to the side by herself, looking
out over the lake. Mike and Janice were sitting on an old swing on the back
porch, Janice had her head on Mike’s shoulder and his arm was around her.
They looked out over the lake, while a soft breeze was blowing on the cool
spring evening.

The quiet was broken by the comm in Mike’s Office beeping. He thought about ignoring it, but decided he’d see who it was. He and Janice both got up and walked into the house and to Mike’s Office. They saw it was coming from an old, Brigadier General Jewel Dart, and Janice tapped in a command to open the channel.

“Jewel it’s good to see you.” Mike said as the channel opened.

Jewel smiled as she seen her sister and brother-in-law on the computer
screen. "How are my sister and brother doing?" She asked as she looked at

Mike didn’t know what to say at first, words really didn’t describe. “We’re
okay, taking things day by day.”

“It’s hard…senseless.” Janice added as a tear fell from her right eye.

She nodded as to offer her condolences. "Well just wanted to check and see how you guys were doing and also inform you that the Cairo has been repaired and is ready for departure for her next mission." Jewel stated.

Mike nodded, this was something he could address easier right now, business. “Good. I want you to head for Sector 1452, it’s just beyond the
Federation border and just below Talarian space. Starfleet Command wants a closer look at the Th’iga Nebula. Keep your eyes open though, Starfleet
Intelligence believe the Talarians are in talks with the Typhon Pact about possibly joining. You’re mission is strictly scientific, but gather what intel you can…just don’t get into a shooting match.”

It was at that moment that Mike realized just how much he’d been holding in his anger and hurt, he could ‘see’ his emotions…his entire state of mind
change between talking about how he and Janice were doing after Marc and Emmaline’s funereal earlier in the day to talking about work. Could he of been letting his emotions and attempt to keep them subdued them affect his judgment and decision making? He realized he needed some alone time to meditate before his trip to Starfleet Command tomorrow

Jewel could sense that things were getting to Mike and she knew it was hard. Tears ran down Jewels face as she tried to hold back hers as well.
"Understood," she replied.

"Oh, Mike and Janice, off the record and family to family. I know we have
not always seen eye to eye and I have done some stuff that you have not
approved of but know that I love both of you and will always be there for
both of you whenever you guys need me. We need to get together again
sometime and do something as a family." Jewel stated as she let another
tear fall as she looked at them both.

Janice started to cry again too. “Next time you’re in the area, let us know.”

“We’ll have a docking back saved for you on the station.” Mike added,
“Safe travels.”

He closed the comm as Janice gave him another hug.

“I need to get a little work done.” Mike said to his wife after giving her a comforting kiss.

Janice nodded, “I’ll be outside with the kids.” She smiled as she wiped her eyes, walking toward the back porch again.

Mike closed the doors to his office, lowered the lights to make the room almost dark, then lit four cancels before kneeling on the floor. He closed
his eyes and started meditating. The Vulcan technique always seemed to
clear his head and he needed a clear mind right now, maybe more than ever…



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