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Saying Good-Bye

Posted on Sat Apr 6th, 2013 @ 3:18pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & General Janice Fultian-Bremer & Ensign Becca Bremer & Christopher Bremer & Lieutenant K`Wor & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Lieutenant Anandra Delair & Commodore Alexandra Harrison

1,831 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 82 - The Aggressor
Location: Earth, South Carolina, Bremer's Home
Timeline: Immediately following 'Arriving at Earth'


The Bremer Family had beamed down to the Family house in central South Carolina. The air was cool and had a slight breeze, the waters on Lake Murray were calm. It was a picturesque day, except for the solemn occasion.

Bremer beaming down, Pike, Harrison, K'Wor, K'Temoc, and Bremer all changed into their Dress Whites. Janice did the same, even though she was retired, officially, from the Starfleet Marine Corps.

Near to the house, several yards off the water's edge, was a family plot. A few of Mike's ancestors were buried there, his great great grand-father Vice Admiral Walter Norman Bremer, his great great grand-father Vice Admiral Christopher James Bremer and there was also a small marble headstone for his brother Vice Admiral Brian Bremer who on 5 May, 2222 took his boat out into Charleston Harbor for the last time at the age of 99. Brian Bremer was seen by several people that knew him, or often saw him on the water. He was last seen heading out into the Atlantic in the late afternoon. Two days later his boat was found adrift off the coast of South Carolina, Brian Bremer was never seen again. Also buried there was Mike's first wife, Rebecca, who had saved Mike's life aboard the USS Pegasus-A during the battle against the USS Universal at Remu III in late 2375.

A lot of Bremer Family history was there, and it was only fitting that Marc and Emmaline be laid to rest there too.

Everything was already prepared, and a Christian Pastor, who was also well versed in Klingon Religion, was present to preside over the brief service. Pike and Harrison escorted Mike, Janice, and the rest of the family to seats prepared for them, and after the family sat they took flanking positions beside them.

Janice and Becca were crying, K'Wor and K'Temoc both visibly fought back tears. Mike comforted his wife, but tried to put up the brave front but was also upset. He glanced over at Delair who was seated over to the side, then looked back at the caskets holding two of his children. At that moment, his eyes also watered up and tears streamed down.

Lee stood there at attention in his dress whites. Not moving or saying a word until need be. It was never easy for any parent to lose a child so young.

Alex couldn't stop thinking about Mike's and Janice's loss and how she would have felt if that had been Paul lying in one of those caskets instead. She could only imagine. Alex closed her eyes, trying to fight the tears that were forming but she couldn't.

Anandra sat stoic as the service unfolded, paying special attention to the Admiral and his family, their faces wrought with sadness. She watched as tears streamed down the Admiral's face and wished she could reach out, offer him some comforting words, but that would have to wait until after the service. She stared for a long time at the caskets as the Pastor and others spoke, and she found herself struck by the reality of those being children lying in those smaller than average size caskets. Her own eyes began to water and she averted her gaze, looking out over the lake.

The service was short, at Janice's request. The Pastor said all the right words, then offered comfort to the family excusing himself. Becca laid a single red rose on the tops of each casket. Janice had picked up Christopher and was holding him. The three year old had an expression of sadness on his face too.

After several minutes, the family stood and retired to the house to allow the burial detail time to lay the caskets into their vaults and cover them using great respect.

Inside the house, friends of the family had brought food, mostly human 'finger foods', but out of respect they hadn't stayed. Janice wanted as much alone time as possible, and everyone seemed to understand.

Mike thanked Pike, Harrison, and Delair for coming then offered them food and drink.

Alex only accepted a drink. Between the funeral and developing nerves, she had lost her appetite. She looked over at Janice and observed her for a few moments wishing that she could take away her pain.

Delair graciously passed on the offer of food, though she was feeling more than a little parched and thus helped herself to something to drink. She crossed the room as she sipped from her drink, then spotted Mike through the window as he crossed the lawn toward the lake.

Janice was sitting on the sofa alone. K'Temoc had a glass of sweet iced tea and was looking out one of the windows at the lake. K'Wor was up in his old room, looking for a few things he wanted to take back to Starbase 400 with him while he tried to clear him mind. Becca was sitting in a chair as she nibbled on a chicken salad sandwich, picking small pieced at a time.

Mike walked back outside and down to the water's edge, looking out over the lake.

Alex saw Mike walk out. She then saw Lee grab a drink and follow Mike. Alex wasn't quite sure where to settle so she sat in a chair across from Becca to finish her drink and wait for Lee to return.

Lee had stepped outside and spotted Admiral Bremer down by the lake. He headed down there with a couple glasses of sweet iced tea. "Here you go sir." Offering one of them to Admiral Bremer.

Mike took the glass. It wasn’t something he usually drank, it was too sweet, but this was the South and Sweet Tea has been a staple for hundreds of years. He took a sip then looked over at Lee. “Thank you.”

Lee looked towards the lake:"I wish I could say I know what you're going through but I don't. To me no parent should have to go through losing a child so young."

Mike nodded. He agreed, no parent should ever bury their child, and the senseless nature of their murder made it all the worse.

For a short time, Anandra watched from her spot at the window, allowing time as others approached Mike, but she could not put off her responsibilities and instincts as a counselor forever; she had to approach him. She set her drink on the steps as she walked out, crossing the lawn to where Lee and the Admiral were standing. "Pardon my intrusion Admiral, Captain." she greeted with a nod to each of them, then spoke directly to Lee. "I wonder if I might steal the Admiral from you for a few?"

Lee turned and looked at Anandra then nodded:"Sure thing, he's all your's." He then nodded to Admiral Bremer before heading off towards the house.

Mike looked back at Lee. “You and Alex go enjoy your time.”

He then looked over at Delair, “Counselor…I’ve never been one to talk about my personal feeling, emotions, or anything of the sort, but I feel like things are finally catching up to me. I haven’t felt like this in years, since my first wife was killed.”

He looked back at Anandra, “I think I’ve had moments since their death were I have allowed my anger to over flow…I was evening giving orders in Klingon aboard the Pegasus at the time. I hadn’t done that since the Dominion War.” He paused a moment, “I also believe I’ve allowed my anger and hurt to cloud my judgment in other areas too, like in my dealing with Admiral Sevlek.”

“I want you to help me, and the rest of the family, get through this. I’m also going to need someone there that I can turn to for advice from time to time, that can help me keep my temper in check too.” Mike flashed a smile.

Anandra thanked Captain Lee and nodded a goodbye as he left. Then, Mike spoke and she listened, her gaze fixed on him in an expression of poised concern. Through his own assertion he claimed not to be an open man, yet Anandra was pleased with how much he did just reveal to her in these short moments alone. Admittedly, she was not entirely certain she knew just what he meant about his dealing with Admiral Sevlek, but she had no doubt that would be understood over time, and presently there were more pressing matters at hand - such as the grieving family who'd lost two children.

"I'll do what I can to keep the temper in check, sir." she returned the smile, impressed that the Admiral seemed to be holding together pretty well at the moment, all things considered. "I'll be here for you and your family in any capacity you need." She hesitated briefly, straightening her posture a bit before making a request. "Permission to speak freely, sir?"

Mike took a deep breath and nodded, "Of course."

"Thank you." Anandra took a deep breath herself, glancing out at the surface of the lake - it was tranquil, unlike her thoughts. She turned her attention to Mike and spoke gently, intending to be frank but wary of the sensitivity issues at hand. "I have never been a parent, but I have lost children who were very-" she balled a fist and held it over her heart, as if words alone wouldn't suffice. "Very close to me." She brought the hand away from her heart, placing an open palm on Mike's shoulder in a gesture to accompany her comforting plea. "Losing a child is never a burden one should carry alone. If you need anything at all, reach out to someone around you - myself especially. I am at your family's disposal, of course, anytime they may need as well, but it's your self described propensity for bottling things up that will have me checking up on you." Her tone became somewhat more of a wry one when she threatened to check up on him. She didn't mean to be a pest, but she would if she had to be in order to see him - all of them - through this. "Respectfully of course, sir."

Mike flashed a smile, "I would expect nothing less." It was exactly what Mike and Janice both needed. Deep down, Mike was worried Janice would start drinking again, and having a solid support system would keep that chance to a minimal. For himself, having a 'professional conscious' would not only help him keep his Klingon half and the rage it meant in check. Between his family, Counselor Delair, and the new Vulcan meditation techniques he'd recently learned, he felt he was ready to move forward and talk with Admiral Sevlek when he returned to Starbase 400.

"Let's get something to eat, and then I want you to enjoy your shore leave for the rest of today. We'll meet aboard the Durga in the morning."



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