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USS Buraq

Posted on Wed Apr 3rd, 2013 @ 9:51pm by Commodore Andrew Clifford & Captain R'nard Lokran & Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Commander Tressa Brislan

712 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 82 - The Aggressor
Location: Cestus III
Timeline: Mission plus 38 hours

The USS Kearsage came to a halt one mile from the USS Buraq.

Andrew sat watching the ship slowly turning in space, "Commander Lokran, take an away team over there, please. Take Lt Commander Brislan, Lt Quan and anybody else you feel appropriate. Don't use the transporters, take a shuttle. Given how close we are to the Gorn border, I don't want to risk not being able to beam you back in a hurry. "

"Understood,sirr." said R'nard. "I've dealt with a few Gorn in my time. One thing about them is, they will challenge you and you will have to rrespond to the challenge to get any kind of rrespect from them. That is one of two things the original colonists at Cestus III didn't underrstand. and also the fact they are intensely territorial."

Yamaguchi turned her head. "Also expect to find signs of tampering... this was done to find out infomation about our systems and the like or was bait in a trap.." she paused. "also the file satys somethoing about Gorn who can speak as we do.... without the crocadillian aspects to their voices..."

He turned to Major Crespin, "Major, your flight will escort and protect the shuttle."

"Copy that, Captain. We'll hang with them." Already she was updating information in her PADD, sending it to the rest of the team. By now, they had left their cockpits and were relaxing, still in gear, in the antichamber that was next to their fighters in the hangar. She sent them a message.

...Drain whatever you have to and limber up, we are going out on escort duty...

She could just hear the groan from Ace 3. Ace 3 usually referred to escort duty as "Baby Sitting". Then Anna turned her attention back to the Captain.

Andrew waited until the Major had finished contacting her crew, "Major, if the Gorn make an appearance, the Tearsarge will move to intercept. That means your flight will have to get the shuttle away from the Buraq and out of the immediate danger. That will not be a picnic, so be careful out there and don't let your pilots get complacent."

Anna nodded. "We will be ready sir. We take the lives of our charges very seriously."

Tressa caught up with Commander Lokran.

"Commander, there's something odd going on with the Buraq's environmentals," she said. "The Kearsage is monitoring the situation and has found no life signs, but since the sensors are predominantly searching in the infrared we may not detect organisms until much closer to the vessel."

"Infrrared won't detect a Gorn." he said. "They are rreptiles, cold-blooded. And I'm about to tell me crrew not to underestimate them. Though they are naturally sluggish, it is like the Terran alligator. They also seem sluggish but can move incrredibly fast if motivated."

Anna raised her hand. "Maybe this is more of a question that Engineering can answer, but if the external relays are still working, shouldn't we be able to communicate with the Buraq's computer. If it hasn't been locked out, could Captain Clifford give orders to the computer? If so, my thought was to have the computer lower the temperature level across the ship. With us being warm-blooded it would just be an inconvenience, but for the Gorn, if there are any on the ship, being cold blooded, shouldn't it force their biology into a type of sedated hybernation... or at the very least, slow them down? I remember it worked on the lizards back home."

Torilla heard the conversation as she turned her head to follow it, since they didn't ask for her thoughts or opinions, she did not offer them yet they had given her much to consider. "Ops.." she turned her head, not wishing to offend the Captain on his own bridge as she as yet did not know how he thought or how he did things. "Could you querry the Buraq's computer and inquire about its status....Captain, I'd like to try a remote overide from here.. with your premission.."

Andrew nodded, "Permission granted, Lt Commander"

I'm still here too folks... Yamaguchi
"Good to hear it, Lt Commander " :-) - Clifford

Who's the Ops officer aboard ship at present?, one of us or an NPC?
NPC - Maxwell I think - Clifford.


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