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In the hangar

Posted on Wed Apr 3rd, 2013 @ 9:45pm by Commodore Andrew Clifford & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr

1,484 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 82 - The Aggressor
Location: USS Kearsarge
Tags: Lieutenant Colonel David Hurd Sr., Captain Andrew Clifford

== 48 hours ago ==
After a transfer from two different ships, one of them being the aged USS Constantine, an old Excelsior Starship in desperate need of a refit and then a long transit in a runabout that seem to grow smaller with each passing moment, Anna was thankful to be stepping foot on the deck of one of the hangars on Starbase 400. She looked out the hangar bay doors at the stars… something she always did. She didn’t know why or how this tradition had started, but she always tried to find something familiar… something comforting that she knew. But like most times, she were foreign to her. Still, she thought, musing over the situation while she retrieved her bag. If I’m here for a bit, they will grow to be home.


Nowadays, home was the cockpit of her fighter as she spend more time in there than she did anywhere else. She knew that as CO of the fighter wing and being a Major, she would get her own small quarters, but the cockpit was where she felt the most comfortable.

Picking up her bag, she slung it over her shoulder. “It will be nice to get settled in though and get some bunk time”, she said to no one in particular.

“Too bad that won’t be the case Major.”

Anna spun her head around and saw a man in a Marine Uniform approaching her. She noticed that his rank was Major as well, but she did not recognize him as one of her pilots. Therefore, she assumed that he was with the Marine Detachment. “Why would you say that?”, she asked warily.

The Major stopped in front of her and held out a PADD for her to take. “Orders.”


That one little word had could light the entire galaxy on fire with war and fighting… or it could heal the broken hearts of children and widows with mercy missions. Being a fighter pilot, though, the first was more likely than the last. Nodding, Anna took the PADD and let the other Major leave. Then she activated, giving her passcode authorization. Then she turned and quickened her pace to her new quarters. If she was lucky, there would be enough time to shower, get some bunk time, eat and meet her new pilots before they left on a mission.

It seemed the USS Buraq had been hit by the Gorn and a flight of Black Aces, which was to be her squadron, were going to accompany the USS Kearsarge out to rescue the crew and bring back the ship.

Yep, the life of a starfighter pilot.

== Present Day ==

Major Crespin had pulled One Flight for the duty. It was tight, making 4 fighters fit in the space usually allowed for just a handful, but they had gotten done. You didn’t make it to One Flight of the Black Aces without being able to pull something out of the nether-regions.

When they had dropped from Warp, Crespin and her Flight were already in their birds, hot and ready to go. Since they didn’t know when the area could be contested, she made sure they were ready for anything. Since no direct orders were given to her as the approached the ship, she decided to update the bridge on their readiness.

“Black Ace One Flight standing by for recon flight.”

Lt. Col. Hurd overheard Major Crespin's transmission, and said, '' This is Lt. Col Hurd, First Marine Division CO, Your orders are to stand by, and await further instructions, out'' Turning to the Captain, he said, ''Sir, i had an idea, that since the Kearsarge was not specificicly buillt for combat, i could have my ship, the Saratoga, an Akira-class heavy cruiser, at this location in under 7 hours at warp 9''

Andrew raised an eyebrow, he wasn't aware the Saratoga was that close. It also made him wonder why the Admiral had only sent the two Intrepids if an Akira was available. "The Admiral only ordered the Kearsage and Avenger to patrol here, Colonel. However, I like your suggestion. Bring it to within one hour at warp 8 and have it stand by. The Saratoga could now be our ace in the hole."
Smiling in reply, which was rare for the Colonel, he replied to the Captain, " Aye Sir, the orders have been sent, and the Saratoga is on her way"

Andrew smiled, "Excellent."

=^=Copy that Colonel. We stand ready sir. =^=

Well that was the way it went sometimes, thought Anna as she toggled between fleet and squadron frequencies.

=^=We are on standby One Flight. Grab a book or PADD. =^=

A chorus of groans filled her cockpit from the other 3 pilots. She knew how they felt. There was a certain period of time where after that, the pilots could become too uptight or lose their edge. If they didn't launch within the hour, she'd order them to the ready room to relax.

=^= Pipe down. We have a job to do and right now that job is to keep the birds warm and be ready for an ambush. Leader out. =^=

Pulling out a PADD, she began to go back through the fighter groups assigned to her and check out their last performance evaluations.

on the bridge, Andrew tapped his comm badge, "Major Crespin, report to the bridge."

=^=Copy that. =^=

=^= Hang on One Flight, there might be a change in the plans. If you don't hear from me, then Regulation 2-Niner Alpha Delta is in effect.=^=

2-Niner Alpha Delta was just reg jargon for they could have a break and leave their cockpits but not the hangar in 30 minutes. Anna hit the clasps on her restraints and jumped out of the cockpit. She slid to the ground and then headed off at a brisk walk to corridor that led back to the turbolift. Within a few minutes, it's door were opening, releaving the bridge. Up near the command section, Lt. Colonel Hurd and Captain Clifford were in conversation, probably about what the next move should be.

"Major Crespin, reporting as ordered, sirs."

"Welcome to the bridge, Major. I believe this is your first visit", Andrew said with a smile. He had been aware of the Majors arrival, but with getting the Kearsarge on its way he hadn't had chance to meet her personally and welcome her aboard.

Turning around from the console he had been working at, Col. Hurd extended his hand, and said in a deep voice, "Welcome aboard Major, i am Lt. Col. Hurd First Marine Division Commanding Officer"

"Thank you sir", replied Anna, shaking her CO's hand. She looked between them at the console they were looking at.

Andrew turned to face the screen, "You are aware that we are approaching the Buraq at ful impulse, ETA in about 30 minutes. Thoughts, Major?"

Anna crossed her arms and tapped her chin in a thoughtful manner. "Well at this range if anyone is out there, then they probably know we are coming. If this is just a rescue mission then I'm not sure if my suggestion is appropriate, but if we are trying to retake the ship, I do have an idea."

"We could launch a shuttle with a bridge crew and security teams and have my fighters fly cover for it. We would hang here and let the Kearsearge go in. If you are attacked, you could retreat slowly and pull them away. Once they are far enough away, we microjump in and take the ship. The shuttle would dock and the fighters could hide in the shadow of the ship. If there is any resistance on the ship, though, it could take a bit of time to gain control."

She paused for a moment. "A bit risky, I know, but if you've read my record, then you already know that about me", she said with a grin.

Lt. Col. Hurd paused, deep in thought about what the Major had proposed. Talking in a low voice, he said ''Major, i would suggest that in addition to what you have proposed, include my Delta Marine Units.''

Anna nodded. It was not usually expressed, and sometimes it created tension, but most of the security teams that Anna had come across were good at their perspective jobs. They had to be a jack of all trades type officer who could go on the offensive, but also do crowd control and security. In this instance, if they came across a ship of Gorns in an ambush, they could be overwhelmed. Marines packed the heaviest weapons and the hardest training. As she liked to put... they were just RAISED to do their job.

"I would second that decision, Colonel."

Andrew looked at the two officers, "Then consider it agreed. Now lets get a little closer and see what the Gorns have in store for us"

OCC sorry for my absence. been a bit busy. Clifford


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