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Posted on Tue Feb 28th, 2023 @ 3:13pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Commander Leksander Draven & Colonel Danny Lennox & Lieutenant K`Wor & Lieutenant Catherine Mclintock & Ensign Robert Harper & Ensign Luke Conway & Mörder

1,312 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 115 - Planting for the Future
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD1 1445hrs


“…and my team tracked him to Level 225, but when he found the Runabouts powered down and the bays offline he beamed out.” Lennox explained.

“Beamed?” K’Temoc asked.

Lennox nodded, “He somehow accessed our internal transporter system. We’d left it on line to quickly get Marines, Security, and Medical in place. I’ve had the system taken offline now.”

“We’ve also set up protocols for turbolifts.” Metsker added.

“What kind of protocols?” Bremer asked.

“Commbadge access, then you have to enter your personal security code before the lift will operate. It will slow down deployments and general maneuvering within the Station for now.” Draven explained.

Brunel nodded, “It going to slow down everything, but it will effectively shut down his access to them.”

Mike nodded. “Alright. I do want the transporters here in Ops to remain online, but with locks in place and controlled from Ops only. We can use them to beam medical and security around as needed, yet preventing him from having access.”

“I can rig that up.” Brunel explained.

“Thank you Tony.” Mike relied.

A moment later, both K’Wor and Conway returned to Ops, both in clean uniforms.

“He’s trying to get away from the station, there’s no doubt. I think we need to increase presence around the aux. vessel bays. Now that he knows what he’s dealing with he may try again.” Draven said.

Mike took a step back, turned and looked around Ops for a moment. “I don’t think he meant to come here. I think he’s suffering from some sort of head trauma. The way he keeps grabbing at his head when confronted, it’s not his usual method. It’s possible this trader he claims to be was his cover and the damage to his vessel is real.”

“The Bolian Freighter Captain did confirm the damage. He also said when they picked him up, his ship was on a course from the general direction of Sol toward the Triangle.” Draven added.

Mike took a breath. “We’ll get these answers later, for now, let’s get that son of a bitch.”

Several minutes later, K’Wor was on Level 290 outside of the main shuttle bays. Ensign Res was supposed to be there too, but she hadn’t shown up yet. K’Wor was suspicious, especially since the Ensign hadn’t responded to comms. Her commbadge showed to be in a turbolift on its way to Level 290 from Level 745 where her quarters were.

K’Wor slowly walked the corridor in his assigned section and as the lift neared he walked closer to the turbolift. However when the doors opened it was Ensign Res, it was Mörder.

K’Wor raised his rifle and yelled for him to halt, but Mörder stepped forward slowly with one arm raised. “The other is broken.”

“On your knees.” K’Wor ordered, but Mörder continued to step closer. K’Wor tightened his rifle’s grip and put the slightest pressure on the trigger. “Last warning.”

Mörder then pounced. His moves were lightening quick. As K’Wor fired the phaser beam barely grazed Mörder’s jacket. Of course, his arm wasn’t broken, he’d be hiding a small baton he’d found in Ensign Res’s quarters when he killed her and took her commbadge. Mörder used the baton to knock the rifle from K’Wor’s hands then swung again caused the Lieutenant to duck and dodge.

K’Wor managed to tap his commbadge, “K’Wor to Security, Mörder is on Level 290, Section 14 Alpha!” While making the report, K’Wor drew his mek’leth and parried another swing from Mörder. The two swung, dodged, and parried each other’s attacks for several moments before Mörder got in close and pinned K’Wor’s arm to the corridor wall. As they tussled, both men managed to disarm the other and the mek’leth and baton went flying down the corridor.

Mörder managed to get the advantage on K’Wor and punched him in the nose, followed by a quick kick to the mid-section. As the young man stumbled, Mörder moved in to deliver another blow when he was caught and tripped to the floor by Conway.

“You okay?” Conway asked as he took a defensive stance between K’Wor and Mörder.

K’Wor slowly got to his feet and stood beside Conway as Mörder also stood. “Let’s take him!”

K’Wor and Conway attacked together, as one swung high the other kicked low. Mörder try to defend himself but as he blocked one attack the other got through. He stumbled back against the wall from a series of kicks and punches. With the wall aiding his balance, Mörder was able to better defense himself. After another kick from K’Wor, Conway threw a punch but Mörder was able to defend. He side stepped and grabbed Conway’s arm, twisted and turned it and caused the Ensign to stumble to the deck. Mörder then twisted further and snapped the bone in Conway’s arm while pulling the shoulder and hyperextending it to the point it was out of place. K’Wor attempted to keep the pressure on Mörder and was able to force him to release Conway who tried to roll away and protect the injured arm. K’Wor then moved between Mörder and Conway, but this also freed Mörder from having his back against the wall. K’Wor delivered a perfect roundhouse kick and Mörder stumbled, but as K’Wor kicked again, Mörder was able to evade, grab K’Wor’s leg then dropped down on it with his elbow impacting K’Wor’s knee causing him to also fall. As he did, Mörder twisted K’Wor’s lower leg until his ankle broke.

Mörder, bleeding and battered looked down at the two security officers in pain. He limped over to where K’Wor’s rifle was laying he picked it up and walked back over to K’Wor and Conway laying on the deck in pain. He took aim with the rifle but before he was press the trigger he was tackled to the deck by Bremer. The rifle dropped from Mörder’s hands as he hit the deck. Mike took swing after swing, punching the assassin in the face over and over again. Mörder tried to protect himself and get free but his struggling was for not.

At the same time Brunel, Dr. McLintock, Colonel Lennox and two other Marines rushed to K’Wor and Conway. McLintock quickly had Ops beam them to Sick Bay as Mike brought the beaten Mörder to his feet. Mörder stood, his legs wobbly as blood dripped down his face. He eyed Bremer for a moment then looked at the Marines nearby.

Brunel grabbed Mörder’s arm. “You know where the Brig is. Move.”

Mörder took a step toward the turbolift, then threw and elbow back at Brunel and popped him in the nose, breaking his hold. However he couldn’t escape Bremer as he shoved Mörder against the wall and pinned him to it by his neck. “You’ll either walk on your own to the brig, or Mr. Lennox here will shoot you and then carry you there.”

Brunel regained his footing and raised his phaser.

Mörder tried to struggle away. Mike released his hold as Mörder eyed him. “You won’t shoo…” but he was cut off by a phaser blast to his chest. Mörder slumped to the deck, unconscious.

“Yes, I will.” Lennox said looking down at Mörder.

“Get his ass out of here, I’ll be in sick bay.” Mike said Lennox who nodded.



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