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Baby Admiring

Posted on Mon Feb 27th, 2023 @ 6:08pm by Lieutenant Xalanth & Ensign Diana Ravenbroke

560 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 115 - Planting for the Future
Location: Medbay

Diana was so excited to meet Lt. Xalanth's newest daughter! Diana had made three gifts and was on her way to Sickbay to deliver them.

Xalanth sat quietly next to his sleeping mate who was still in sickbay after the birth. Antistia was chewing lightly on her father's finger doing her best to lick the rest of the notion paste his people feed their young.

"Knock knock! May I come in?" Diana peeked her head around the partition.

" Come. " Xalanth said softly as he nodded his head to the sleeping Fulvia. " Antistia this is Diana." he said to the baby hybrid who was still chewing on his figures.

"Aw...hi, Antistia. She's so beautiful!" Diana kept her voice soft as she held out a hand to the cute little hybrid. "Here, I made these...I'm not sure if they're appropriate for someone of her fantastic heritage though," Diana blushed a little as she held out her gifts with the other hand.

Antistia gave the unfamiliar hand a slight sniff before chirping loudly yet happily sounding. Xalanth gave her a smile as he took the gifts. " There wonderful Dianna thank you. Picking up a baby onesie with future starfleet captain sewen upon the chest a smile spread over his face. " If all my daughters become captain I'm going to have a fleet I can boss around."

"Hey, that tickles! That would be fun to see," Diana giggled at both Antistia's antics and at Xalanth's comment. "One thing's for sure, if that does happen, they'll have had the BEST training," Diana said as she gently wiggled her fingers at Antistia.

The baby lizard made a single light harder nip at her which never even got close before she returned to her father's finger. " Sorry about that. Baby dragonains do nip to identify their egg mates in the incubator." He explained.

"No worries, Sir, she missed me by a mile. Wow, that's cool! What else do they do?" Diana was quite intrigued.

" Cry, bleet and make a mess same as all other babies." Fulvia said with a groan as she leaned up on her elbows a happy smile on her face.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Did I wake you?" Diana dropped her voice lower and hunched her shoulders in embarrassment.

" No no no my dear." Fulvia said as he daughter started chipping and reaching out for her. Xalanth carefully handed the small hybrid over who settled into her mothers arms.

"Whew, that's good! Aw!" Diana giggled softly as she watched the duo, then her shoulders dropped again as she remembered she couldn't remember her past.

" Hey," Xalanth said reassuringly noting her posture. " I'll start asking questions when my paternity leave starts. See if I can dig up anything about your past."

Diana's head came up and a smile caused her eyes to sparkle. "That would be G...great," Diana had almost squealed, but thankfully caught herself just in the nick of time, blushing slightly.

Antistia let out what seemed to be a proto-giggle before closing her eyes and falling asleep on her mother's chest. " Looks like you tired her out Diana." Xalanth joked.

Diana giggled as she stroked Antistia's cheek with the back of a finger. "She's so beautiful, and you two are so blessed!" Diana whispered softly, unable to stop smiling.

The little girl squeaked slightly as she sleep peacefully against her mothers.


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