Ensign Diana Ravenbroke

Name Diana Ravenbroke

Position Former SB400 Crew member

Rank Ensign


  • 13 Mission Posts

Last Post

Thu Jun 8th, 2023 @ 2:35pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Orion/Aquadian
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 6'
Weight 160
Hair Color blue in some lights, black in others
Eye Color blue pupil and black iris
Physical Description Diana has a dorsal fin that can extend and retract like an accordion, shark teeth that can also extend and retract, greenish blue skin, long hair that she wears in a braid unless off duty, has gills, webbing between her fingers and toes that have extendable/retractable claws, and can communicate with any aquatic being (be it amphibian, mammal, fish, birds, [since birds are more prevalent around water than other creatures], etc.)


Spouse none
Children none
Father Adopted Father Commander Soren Ravebroke
Mother unknown
Brother(s) unknown
Sister(s) unknown
Other Family unknown

Personality & Traits

General Overview Diana is a fun-loving, energetic, high-spirited, adventurous individual who, when it is earned, is loyal to the hilt, but don't you dare cross her, or you're NOT going to have a good day!
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: loyal, honest, happy-go-lucky, energetic. Weaknesses: overly energetic sometimes, and her short-term memory fails sometimes.
Ambitions Find out who erased not only her memory but any reference to her at all! Then, perhaps command her own ship someday.
Hobbies & Interests parkour, gymnastics, target shooting, obstacle courses,
Languages Klingon, Cardassian, Vulcan, French, German, English, Spanish, Gaelic

Personal History Diana's people lived on the planet Aquadia IV, which was destroyed when it's sun went supernova and took out the entire solar system. Diana's Mother, Sonia, had been one of 300 in a colony on the outskirts of the system, and were able to get away before the explosion. A passing merchant fleet picked them up and all seemed well...untill Pirats attacked. The colony had been spread between 3 ships, 2 of which were lost, along with 2 others of the fleet. The leader wanted to be ride of them all because he believed them to be bad luck, but Sonia convinced him to let them remain, offering their services in exchange for transportation to the nearest inhabitable planet. The leader agreed, but it took seven tries to find a planet suitable to their needs. Two years passed and the colony numbers swelled to 200 then slave ships appeared and took everyone by surprise in the night. They were sold all over the galaxy, treated like garbage, beaten, and then the lucky 100 that remained were turned over to a secret Science lab, where everyone, except Sonia, was experimented on. The head Scientist, Lomek, became infatuated with Sonia. He kept her in a separate area, and eventually, Sonia gave birth to Diana. Diana was also kept away from the experiments for 24 years, then the lab was raided, Sonia was killed, and to keep Diana from saying anything, Lomek used one of the formulas that had come from the Aquadians to erase her memories. It work, and Lomek beamed Diana away...except as he was putting in the coordinates, he was killed.

As he fell, his hand changed the last two didgets and sent her to Starfleet's steps.
Service Record this is her first mission
Simming History I serve on the Red Kite, Maelstrom, Chimera, Explorer, Artemis, Wayfarer,
How did you hear about Starbase 400 Deezel (I might be spelling it wrong) a Joined Trill Engineer