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Past, Present...Future?

Posted on Fri Mar 3rd, 2023 @ 1:56pm by Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Brandon McNamara

1,110 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 115 - Planting for the Future
Location: Various Locations
Timeline: MD1 1500 hrs

Mirror Universe

Jack Solomon of the mirror universe had a plan to further torment his prisoner by taking the one thing that Deela’s Jack loved the most, her. He needed someone to keep tabs on her so he could capture and kill her in front of Jack...the ultimate revenge. He managed to get someone to replace their doppelganger on Starbase 400 so that the person could keep an eye on her. He laughed to himself.

Mirror Jack went to an undisclosed bar where he knew several people who would kidnap others for a fee. He met with several and found two that were reported trustworthy. An image of Deela was shown to these two men. One of them, his eyes widened. He recognized the woman. He was more determined to go on this mission. There was a history between them back in the days when Deela was married to Jim and in command of the Essex. He was trying to infiltrate the Essex but because of Deela’s abilities, she figured out that he wasn’t her Jim. He tried to flee, got a phaser and then got into a scuffle with the shuttlecraft pilot. All hell broke loose, and he was almost killed. But Deela intervened, saving him from a phaser fight. Instead of arresting the mirror Jim, she helped him get back to his universe. Mirror Jim wasn’t a killer but he wasn’t a good guy either. One thing that was true to himself was that he paid his debts no matter who or where the person was from.

The other guy really didn’t want to because of her high position in Starfleet. Kidnapping an Admiral wasn’t a smart thing to do in either universe. But Jim wanted to protect her. Pay his debt to her that he never thought he could pay back or the opportunity to do so.

“Go for it.” Jim encouraged the other guy, “I’ve been to that universe, and I know how to get her without getting caught.”

“I don’t know. It’s crazy to think that we can pull this off.” He frowned.

“Trust me. Besides, I really need the credits. I’m broke.” He glared at the other guy, “And so are you.”

“Okay, okay. We’ll do it.” He yelled over at the other guy who was nearby, “Hey Pete, we’re going on an adventure. You in?”

“You know I am.” Pete walked over with a drink in hand, “What’s the adventure?”

“I’ll tell you later. Let’s go.”

Jack gave them the info and walked out, happy. Jim chased after him, “Um, question. The woman’s husband, is he still alive?”

Jack nodded, “Oh yeah, unfortunately, he is.” He added, “But that WILL change. I have something in store for him and he is going to hate it. I’m counting on it.”

Jim sighed in relief.

The next day, he got word that Deela was taking her son to Kaleb and they’d be alone. The plan was now set in motion.

Starbase 400, OPS

Deela sat in her office, feeling like she needed to get away for a day, off base. She hadn’t had a vacation for a while and with Jack gone, she hadn’t felt like going anywhere. She sighed slightly as she stared at the wall.

Brandon was now 17 and next year, he was going to be going to Starfleet Academy. He had been wanting to go to one of the planets nearby and Deela had promised him that they would go. She felt bad that she let her depression get the best of her.

Deela decided that today was the day. She and Brandon would take a road trip. Raivyn had been invited to a friend’s quarters for a sleepover.

This would be a good time to do it. Deela was always accused of never being spontaneous but today was the day that she would be.

She walked out of her OPS office and went to her quarters. When she arrived Raven and Brandon were playing a game. They were surprised to see their mom there so early in the day. Deela would normally ask permission but today, she would go anyway and ask for forgiveness later. Her kids are more important right now.

“Mom? What are you doing here?” Brandon sounded surprised.

“Since Raivyn here is going to a sleepover, I thought we’d get off this God awful Starbase and take a trip. What do you think?”

Brandon almost jumped up and down, “Anything is better than being here. Sure!”

“Good then. Go get dressed.” She looked at her daughter, “You too Raivyn. I must secure a shuttle so take your time.”

They went to their rooms. Meanwhile, Deela made arrangements and left a message for Pike that she was going off base with her son and he was second in command., until she got back the next day. When she got back to her quarters, they were both ready to go. They dropped off Raivyn, then boarded a shuttle. They went on their way.

“Mom. Are you going to get in trouble for leaving and not getting permission?” Brandon asked.

“I’m the executive officer and an Admiral. I don’t need permission.” She didn’t want him to worry.

Brandon hadn’t decided what he wanted to do in Starfleet. There were several things he was good at. Science, computers, and anything that took smarts. Security wasn’t one of them. He was leaning towards science. He was excited to get out. They finally arrived at Kaleb. New Hampton to be exact. She also planned a visit to an archeological site as well. She was going to take him to a Starfleet facility as well as the entertainment section. It would keep them busy for the rest of the day.


They had been at the Starfleet facility since they got there. Brandon was still leaning towards being a science officer. He was really excited about going to the archeology site. But Deela insisted that they eat dinner. They ordered their food and sat down to eat. After most of his food was eaten, he had to use the restroom. He went by himself, not suspicious of anything.

Brandon was coming out to meet back up with his mother. He really wanted to leave for that archeology site and didn’t want to wait anymore. As he rounded the corner, he was nabbed by two men. Brandon’s telepathic abilities were good. He called out to his mother, “Mom! Help me!”



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