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Past, Present...Future? PT2

Posted on Fri Mar 3rd, 2023 @ 10:59pm by Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Brandon McNamara

1,324 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 115 - Planting for the Future
Location: KALEB
Timeline: MD1 1730 HRS

“Brandon?” She paused, “Brandon!” Deela felt this overwhelming fear come over her. She quickly stood up and ran to the area where he was supposed to be. Brandon was missing. Panic hadn’t set in yet but it was getting there. She described to several people her son’s description and a few pointed the way. She spoke to him with telepathy as well, “Brandon, you need to give me clues. Just think in your mind places and landmarks that you pass.”

Brandon did so. She was close. It was working but he was getting tired. As she rounded the corner, someone grabbed her and pulled her towards him. Deela fought back, making her abductor fall on the ground in pain. The man was panting from the pain but managed to say her name, “Deela!”

Deela looked down, “Jim?” She wondered for a moment if she was dead then remembering what she learned earlier, she realized she was alive, “WHAT IS GOING ON? WHY ARE YOU HERE?” She put out her hand to help him stand up.

“Damn girl. I had forgotten how strong you are. And stop yelling at me. Sheesh.” He straightened his clothes, trying to regain his pride, “It’s good to see you too. Don’t worry about your son. Sorry that he is scared but I needed to talk to you first.”

“I don’t have time to talk to you. I need to get Brandon before they do something to him.” Deela started to walk away in a rush

This time, he called her name again, this time with more force, “DEELA!” He ran towards her, “It’s about your husband.”

“Jack? What do you know? Are you in on it, the abduction?” He now had her attention, “Your husband is alive.”

“Have you seen him?” She looked so upset, “Where is he? Who has him?”

“Deela, one question at a time. No, I haven’t seen him but the man who hired us to bring you to him told me that he is alive, but I don’t know if he’s well.”

“Why does he want me and my son?” She was confused.

“He must really hate your husband. From what I can tell, he wants to use you to torture Jack more.” He closed his eyes and sighed, “I think he wants to kill you in front of him.”

“And how do you know this? Why are you involved? She was about to hit him if he didn’t give her a straight answer.

“This is what happened and why I’m here.” He continued to explain to her how he found out about the abduction and how he and two men were hired to bring her in. And why he involved himself, “I owe you my life. I pay my debts and I owe you so much. You could have jailed me, killed me or something more but you didn’t. You let me go. I was surprised when I saw your image.”

“I am surprised that you even recognized me. It’s been 16 years since that whole fiasco on my ship.” She was pissed.

“You haven’t changed much. You look the same.” He ended the small talk, “I know where they are taking him. They’re just waiting for you to rescue him. They’re counting on it. But I have a plan.”

“A plan.” She started to walk away again, “Well, just don’t stand there licking your wounds. Tell me your plan while you lead the way.”

“I have only one condition. If I do what I need to do, I need asylum. I won’t be able to go back. The Jack from my world will kill me and then send someone else. His hatred is so strong, he won’t kill your husband until he can make him suffer which is taking away something that he feels your husband did.” He was compelled to keep her safe. He fell in love with her the first time they met.

“I can’t promise that I can get that for you but if we succeed, then I will fight for you. If, and when Starfleet lets me rescue my husband, I will need your help.” She followed him.

“Deal.” He tells her his plan, “On their return, I have planned something for them when they get back. When they return without you, Jack will probably kill them. That’s why I can’t go back because he’ll know that I helped.”

“Okay. Let’s get my son.” Jim, once at the rendezvous place, Jim points the phaser at her, pretending to have captured her, “Is her son secure?”

“Yes, of course. So, this is the woman that Jack wants. Isn’t she a pretty thing.” They both eyeballed her, looking her over. They’d never seen a Betazoid, Vulcan mix., “Let’s go. We’ve been here long enough.”

They entered their small ship. Once Brandon and Deela was reunited, Jim, still with his phaser in hand tricked them into believing that he was going to hold them there with the phaser. He stunned them both, rendering them unconscious. Deela checked her son over, “Are you okay? Did they hurt you?”

“No, I’m fine. Can we please go now?” Brandon was visibly upset.

“Yes. I’m so sorry Brandon.” Deela hugged Brandon.

“Go you two. I have something I need to do.” Jim looked at them.

“You’re not going to?” She didn’t finish the sentence.

He shook his head, “No, geez, I’m not a monster.” He shrugged, “Okay, maybe I am. Anyway, I contacted a few friends to help me. They are going to take them back to my universe and give them to their nemesis. They’ve been looking for them for a long time for another botched kidnapping.”

Deela now had proof who had him and where he was. But what was she going to do with Jim? Brandon was so confused as to what happened and why. Deela explained it to him. He understood now. She put her hand on Brandon’s shoulder, “Ready to go home?”

“Actually?” He thought about it, “One question. Do you trust him that he won’t try anything?”

Deela was sure that he wouldn’t do anything to harm them but she wasn’t sure if anyone else was still there in case they failed. She looked at Jim, then Brandon, “I truthfully cannot answer that. “

Brandon observed Jim as he gave it some thought, “You know what mom? I'm not going to let some jerks ruin this for us. Let’s go see that archeology site.”

Deela faced Jim, “Is there anyone else after us today where we are? Answer me truthfully because I’ll know if you are lying.”

“No one else today but I can’t promise that he won’t try it again. And I can’t go back. Like I said before, he’ll kill me if I come back without you. And if I’m dead, I won’t be able to stop anyone else that he may send.” He spoke the truth.

“You’d better take care of them right now before they wake up.” Deela wasn’t sure how to handle JIm or what to do with him. If he wants asylum, he’d have no choice but to come with her, and she’d still have to report this to Starfleet. How was she going to explain him to Bremer?

“I will meet you at your shuttle at 1900 hours. You need to go.” Jim’s friends would be showing up anytime. He didn’t want them to see Deela and Brandon. He wasn’t quite sure who he could trust yet.

Deela wasn’t sure if he’d even show up. But she didn’t sense any deception. She would trust him against her best judgement.



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