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Boss Level

Posted on Mon Jul 26th, 2021 @ 9:37am by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant Jackson Blake Dr & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne

788 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 110 - An Endeavor in Discovery
Location: SB400, Admiral's Ready Room
Timeline: MD2, 1000 hrs


Leaving his family to enjoy breakfast, Lt Commander Blake had boarded the space station which was now home to carry out his first order of business. Reporting in. Adjusting his uniform jacket, the medic followed the directions which sent him in a dizzying array of twists and turns until finally he tracked down the man his son was already calling the Boss.

Turned out he wasn’t even on the base…

“Admiral Bremer?” Jackson spoke up as he heard the call to enter. “Doctor Blake, reporting in.”

"Doctor, please come in." Mike said as he stood. "I've asked Commander Monroe to join us too." Mike motioned to a seat for the Doctor to sit.

“Thank you,” Jackson replied with a friendly smile, taking the offered seat. “We just docked with the station but I was keen to get a look around and see the department. I assure you, Admiral, your medical bay is in good hands.”

Arriving at Bremer’s office Ariana pressed the chime and waited for the call to enter. Walking in she smiled politely at Bremer and the newest officer in the room, “Reporting as requested Admiral.”

As the door had opened, Dr Blake had stood. While he was as new to this crew as could be, he had spent time on the journey to review the manifest, focusing on those he would be likely working with on a regular basis. Lt Commander Monroe was one such person. Still, he resisted the urge to jump in with a handshake and a friendly 'hello' until the Admiral had been given a chance to speak up.

"Doctor Blake, our new CMO, this is Commander Monroe our Chief Counselor." Mike motioned to the two officers introducing them.

"Pleasure to meet you Commander," Dr Blake offered with a relaxed, easy going smile.

"Please have a seat." Mike said before allowing them to talk for a moment.

“Thank you Sir” Taking a seat Ariana made herself as comfortable as she could.

Mike took a seat once the introductions were done. "You've got a lot live up to around here Doctor. Doctors Hades and Corrigan were well liked and top notch." Mike flashed a smirk. "Have you had a chance to look over the Starbase's medical facilities?"

"Oh I don't doubt it," Dr Blake agreed with a relaxed smile, "Dr Hades has quite the reputation and I've known Dr Corrigan since she came into my ER as a fresh faced student, so believe me, I know I have big shoes to fill. Figurately speaking. I literally just arrived, Sir, so I've not had the chance to do the grand tour, it is next on my agenda. I've studied the crew, the specs... all very impressive."

Mike nodded. He was glad Doctor Blake had done his homework. Mike was also glad the Doctor knew Doctor Corrigan. Hopefully it wouldn't happen, but if there was ever a need for him to getting more detailed, off the record information, he would call on the last medical staff for it.

"I'm due aboard the Pegasus-C soon for her shakedown cruise, why don't you both join me? The medical staff on the Starbase can handle anything that comes up while we're away, and you can do your formal introductions when we return. It shouldn't be but a few days." Mike stated.

"Sounds like fun," Jackson agreed with an enthusiastic nod, not that one ever said no to an invitation from an admiral. He was fairly certain at least one of the children would miss him, as certain as he was that his wife would probably be glad not to have him trying to 'help' unpack. Although the mother hen in him wanted to make sure she didn't overdo things. "When do you expect to depart, Admiral?"

"In a couple of hours, so if you need to finish settling in, you have a little time." Mike looked at the clock on the way, "1700 hours."

"Perfect," Jackson nodded, figuring that would give him plenty of time to be an unhelpful helper.

“I’ll see you there then Sir” Ariana was pleased she had some time to make apologies to Cameron and promise they’d be heading off station for their family trip once she returned.

Mike stood, "Great. And Doctor, welcome aboard Starbase 400."

"Pleasure to be here. And erm, apologies in advance, I'm not sure if my kids are ready for a new adventure but I'm pretty sure the base isn't quite ready for them. I'll do my best to keep them out of trouble," Jackson assured the man as he stood.

Ariana looked towards the Doctor curiously at the mention of children she would ask him about them at a more appropriate time.



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