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Further Investigations

Posted on Mon Jul 26th, 2021 @ 9:37am by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant Xalanth

354 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 110 - An Endeavor in Discovery
Location: Admiral's Ready Room
Timeline: MD2 0800hrs


Xalanth was furiously tapping his fingers against his arms as he waited outside the Armdiral's ready room. What he'd found from the Ferengi's ship and what he'd stumbled upon was sickening to him. Not only from his federation oath but from one of his own people. His namesake had led a rebellion to free slaves before leading them out into the deep deserts to escape the monarchy's that had ruled his world. He could hear his namesake calling from the ancient past telling him to kill them all for their crimes.

If only he did live in such a world of such black and white morality with the barbaric yet simple laws of his ancient kinfolk.

Taking a seat he waited for the admiral to finish with whoever he was talking to.

Mike turned around, "I don't have long, I'm supposed to be aboard the Pegasus in twenty minutes. Did you find something?"

" I have sir, but it's not good. The three people we found in the Ferengi ship appeared to be a tip of a slavery operation we've stumbled into." The lizard said as he handed over a padd. " We believe it's being run by a federation admiral who was declared MIA . Her ship has attacked a Federation colony as well. Starbase 67 sent a ship to investigate and found over two hundred people taken."

Mike paused, "What the hell?" He almost didn't believe what he'd heard. "Who's the Admiral?"

" Admiral Keandra Wood." Xalanth said handing over the data padd. " We've narrowed down the locations and believe we found their base. I need a ship to go after her sir before they move the kidnapped civilians."

"Where's the ship Starbase 67 sent?" Mike asked.

" Staying to defend the colony sir they really did a number on her defense. We're the closest starbase to their likely hideout." The lizard explained.

Mike let out a sigh. "Okay."

Mike thought for a few moments, so many of the station's ships were either on assignment or undergoing repairs or overhauls following the war.

"Take the USS Avenger, Intrepid Class, NCC-74206-A. Get those people back." Mike said.



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