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That's a big request

Posted on Thu Jul 29th, 2021 @ 12:36pm by Lieutenant Samuel Carrington & Commander Sarah Rodgers
Edited on on Thu Jul 29th, 2021 @ 12:37pm

1,218 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 110 - An Endeavor in Discovery
Location: Flight Control Operations Bay
Timeline: MD02 1015 hrs

"Doctor, what do I owe the honor of this visit?" Sam asked, he was a little surprise to see the doctor in the operations bay. This was not like her. Was the Falcon going to be sent out soon? He was stumpted on why, she was here.

“I wondered if you had time for a cup of coffee.” Anna asked him. She didn’t want to ask him there but in a more personal setting.

"I do love coffee." Sam said, with a warm smile. He could tell that something was on her mind. He wondered what it was.

“Let’s go then.” Anna said with a smile. “It’s been a while since we have sat and visited.”

"It has?" Sam said, remembering they were just working with each other, the other day. Back on the USS Buccaneer. He swore they sat down for coffee then.

“Just to talk I meant.” Anna was nervous. He probably thought she was acting weird. “Without work as well.”

"You see tense, everything alright?" Sam asked, wondering if everything was okay?

“I am a little nervous.” Anna confessed as they walked. “Let’s get some coffee and then I’ll explain.”

"Alright." Sam said, wondering what Anna completely nervous. This was not like the good doctor.

Anna grabbed a cup of coffee and waited for Sam to get his. She looked for a table and sat down. “You probably think I’m losing it.”
Sam walked with Anna, and watched as she grabbed her cup. He was no telepath, but he could tell that something was on her mind. He was not sure what it was. They both sat down together. "Losing it?" Sam asked, wondering why she thought that.

“I’ve been kind of cryptic.” Anna said with a nervous smile. She took a drink from her cup. “I have something I want to ask you and though I want you to say yes, please be honest with me.”

"Hard to say yes or no, unless I know what the question is?" Sam asked, being a little intrigued to learn more.

Anna looked at him. “As you know Zeke and I are getting married.”

"I am aware, and congratulations again." Sam asked, wondering if Anna was going to ask them to attend. There was no doubt in his mind, that he would attend.

“I asked you here.” Anna said, looking at him for his reaction .”To ask you if you would walk me down the isle.”’

"You serious?" Sam asked, a little confused. His first reaction was why him? He was deeply honored, but curious why him. Surely she had other people to ask. People more like mentors to her. So why him, he wondered.

“I am.” Anna said with a nod. “You are a good friend to me and you know how deeply committed Zeke and I are.”

"I am honored, but if I may. Why me?" Sam asked, he wanted validation to why she choose him. When she could have chosen anyone.

Anna thought for a moment. “You know both of us well. You know our sincerity to one another and that the love we have is real.” She smiled at him. “You are like a brother to me and it would mean a lot to me.”

"I would be happy and deeply honored to walk you down the isle." Sam said, trying not to get all emotional.

Anna sighed in relief. “Thank you Sam!” She felt emotional and took a deep breath. “I was worried you might not want to be in the spotlight but this means so much!”

"This is your special day, all the attention and spotlights will be on you." Sam said, with a big grin on his face.
“It will.” Anna nodded. “It’s a day I wil never forget.” She looked at him. “I am so excited I can’t wait.”

"I am happy to help out1" Sam said, as he could see that him saying yes, brought a huge smile to her face. And her nervous vanished in an instant.

Anna let out a deep breath. “You wouldn’t believe how nervous I was. I stood outside your department for a good half hour!”

"I am sorry if I made you nervous, it was not my intention." Sam said, wondering did he come off as to abrupt?

“It wasn’t you.” Anna grinned. “It was because it was important to me and I was nervous you might say no.”

"That was never going to happen. Only a fool would say no." Sam said, feeling deeply honored that she asked him.

“You know how it is.” Anna said with a grin. “Until an answer is given you get nervous in case it isn’t what you want.”

"I am sorry for adding to your stress, that was not my intention." Sam said, knowing he needed to move the conversation forward. "So when is the big date?" He asked.

“Oh.” Anna smiled as she handed over an invitation. “I am old school, I had them printed. It’s in two weeks unless some unforeseen emergency comes up.”

"That's pretty fast, I did not know you had a date set yet." Sam suggested to her, as he took the invitation from her.

“You never know when we may be called out on assignment.” Anna confessed. “It seemed to us we needed to do it when we knew we wouldn’t be off the base.”

"So this is going down soon?" Sam asked, wondering how much time had to get ready for this big day of theirs. He was happy for them. However, he wanted to give a toast, since he was giving her away.

“I misspoke myself earlier.” Anna said with a smile. “Our wedding will be four weeks from tomorrow.” She shook her head. “We had originally planned it earlier but had to move the date.”

"Four weeks?" Sam said, a little surprised, but happy for them. That gave him some time to research walking the bride down the aisle.

“Sounds fast doesn’t it?” Anna said with a smile. “But Zeke and I have been wanting to get married forever! I can’t wait!”

"More like, its about time." Sam said, trying to make light of the fact, that she was right. It was a bit fast. But given their track record, well overdue.

“Sometimes I wonder why we waited so long.” Anna said with a smile. “But we were waiting for that perfect moment and I think we both realized that for us our marriage will be perfect no matter what or when.”

"You can not rush a good thing." Sam said, trying to sound supportive. Despite what he said, he agreed with her. About time they were getting married.

“You are right.” Anna nodded. “We have been happy and everything so far helped lead us to the next step.”

"I am happy that you chose me, to help get you to the next step. Anna, I am deeply honored." Sam said, with a big grin on his face, as the scene starts to fade.

Anna smiled back at him. ”You have made me happy by being willing to do it.” She smiled as she thought about telling Zeke that Sam had agreed. He had told her that he would.


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