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[USS Falcon] Catching up with a friend

Posted on Tue Feb 9th, 2021 @ 1:24pm by Colonel Ezekiel Bagwell & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Lieutenant Commander Anna Bagwell
Edited on on Tue Feb 9th, 2021 @ 1:25pm

1,529 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 108 – Tragedies, Fortunes, and an Endgame
Location: Captain's Quarters
Timeline: MD01 1815 hrs (Episode 8)

Ezekiel just made it to his quarters. One of the few perks of being a starship Captain, was the perk of having his own replicator in his quarters. The USS Falcon was a small ship, and most officers and enlisted did not have personal replicators.

Ezekiel looked over to Anna, with a big grin on his face. "I did not know she was pregnant again." Ezekiel said, with a big grin on his face. He felt that he had missed out on his friendships on the station. All that alone on the Falcon, made him resent the Typhon Pact even more.

He knew that Ariana would be arriving shortly, as he looked to his lovely bride to be, realizing they still needed to pick a date, and someone to marry them. First though, get through dinner.

“Neither did I,” Anna said with a smile. “I am really happy for them they seem to be really doing well.” She continued to work on dinner, thinking about their wedding, which was to be a small private affair.

"Did not know, having kids back to back, meant you are doing well?" Ezekiel asked, with a confused look on his face. Did this mean, they were not doing well? Someday soon, he wanted kids. Now they were trying. Did she hold that against him?

“I didn’t meant it like that,” Anna said with a smile, turning to Zeke. “Just that I was happy that they seem to be doing good. “I am happy with us and whether we have children or not has no bearing on our relationship. Being with you makes me happy.” Somehow she had said something wrong and wanted hi to know she hadn’t meant it that way.

"I'm glad to hear it, and we will have kids when it is time." Ezekiel said, with a big grin then went on. "I am still trying to figure out, who we should ask to marry us. We live on a station full of Admiral's and Captain's so many choices." Ezekiel said, feeling a little overwhelm with all the choices.

Meanwhile Ariana put on the only dress she’d brought with her. Figuring that Zeke and Anna might want to get together if they had time. She took a last look in the mirror before stepping out of her quarters and heading for Zeke and Anna’s.

Arriving at Zeke and Anna’s, Ariana pressed the chime and waited for an answer.

Zeke walked over to the doorway. "Ariana its so good to see you." Zeke said, as he reached in for a hug.

Ariana smiled as she politely returned Zeke’s hug before letting go. “Likewise Zeke” She stepped inside letting the door close behind them. “I was happy to be assigned aboard this ship, I’ve missed you and Anna.”

"We missed you as well," Anna called out with a smile. "It's nice to be working together."

"Sorry that it has been a while, the so called Typhon Pact has been keeping us all on our toes. Please come in have a seat, take a load off." Ezekiel said, with a warm smile on his face.

“That would be much appreciated” Arianna grinned as she walked over to a comfy chair and sat politely down. “It’s nice to take the load off my feet and give my poor ankles a break!”

Anna smiled in sympathy. “It won’t be too long! I can’t wait to have another baby to spoil.” She felt like Ariana was like a sister.

“I’ve barely had time to spend with Stacie and Cameron lately. At least less hours worked over the next few months will mean more time with my family.” Arianna said.

"Trust me, she loves to spoil little ones, I can only imagine how much she will spoil our little one, when its our turn." Ezekiel said, with a big grin on his face.

“Well I hope it works out for the two of you” Ariana smiled. “I’ve no doubt in my mind that you’d make wonderful parents.”

Anna smiled genuinely. "It will happen, when the time is right." Her eyes lit up. "I Do love spoiling the little ones though, Zeke is right." She had a weakness for children, wanting them to enjoy their happy carefree days.

“Well you’re always welcome to visit and play with Stacie and this little one once he’s born” Ariana grinned.

"I think will take you up on that one." Zeke said with a big grin on his face. "May I ask you a question on a different topic?" Zeke asked, wanting to discuss the mission with her a little bit.

“Of course” Ariana nodded and smiled.

"What do you think of our mission?" Ezekiel started to say, then continued on. "To wipe out this outpost colony?" Ezekiel asked. He was being asked to take out a military installation against the enemy. Which he could do, but deep down he struggled with the morality of it. After it was done, he would need to be able to live with the decision he made.

“What do I think?” Ariana paused. “We’re expected to take out an outpost and barely bat an eyelid doing it. I can’t say I like it.”

Anna was glad to hear what Ariana had to say. She was feeling the same way and had thought it might be because she had taken an oath to save lives and this just felt wrong to her.

"Special Operations never seem to get the easy assignments." Ezekiel said, with a big grin. He was trying to lighten the mood a bit. But she was right. It was not going to be an easy mission. "The success is the element of surprise, our attack will coincide with other attacks." He started to explain.

Ariana nodded. “It requires timing and let’s hope our timing will be spot on. We don’t have to like it but we do have to do it.”

"I feel your sentiment. I hate the small margin of error we have for this mission. But if it goes according to plan. It should be a decisive victory." Ezekiel pointed out to her.

Ariana nodded. “Let’s cross our fingers and hope it goes as planned then, I hate to think what’ll happen if it doesn’t.”

“I believe we are all feeling that way,” Anna said quietly. This was one of those times she was relieved to be a medical officer and not making the hard calls, though she had her share even in medical.

"Typically I would feel very gung-ho about this mission, but given the fact, I am not personally leading the ground assault I am a little on edge, if we are being honest." Ezekiel said. He loved his ship, and loved his command. But part of him was a special operations specialist. Part of him wanted to get his hands dirty, as the old saying went.

Anna smiled at his words. She knew how hard it was for Zeke to sit back and let Sarah and her team do this. “It would be like me taking backseat to a surgery. At least you have comfort that you are sending the best.”

Ariana smiled and nodded. “You have to put your trust in your people Zeke, they know their jobs.”

"Easier said than done my friend, its hard to sit on the sidelines." Ezekiel said, thinking about the mission. He would prefer to go instead of Sarah.

Anna looked at Zeke, wishing there were magic words to make him feel better but the truth was he would have to get used to this. “One of the less appealing things about being captain but you are very good at it.”

"Perhaps, but it does not make the feeling go away. Logically your right, but deep down I wish I was going tomorrow." Ezekiel said.

“That’s understandable” Ariana smiled. “They’re your people, but you have to let go sometime. They’ll be okay.”

“I know it’s not logical in their thinking,” Anna said quietly. “But they should really allow command officers a mission once in a while. You got where you are because you are good at it:”

"Starfleet would disagree my love." Ezekiel said. He agreed with her, but Starfleet protocols were very clear. "We will not be completely safe on the Falcon you know, we still have to deal with the 16 fighters and the escort vessel." He pointed out to Anna and Ariana.

“I have medical ready if necessary,” Anna said quietly. “Though let’s hope it isn’t needed.”

Ariana sighed, “I’m not planning on getting stranded or killed out here so we’re going to win, no matter what.”

“Damn straight we are,” Anna grinned. “We are the best of the best, we will be home before you know it.”

"I love your motivation, one of the reason I want to marry you." Ezekiel said, as the scene starts to fade away.

Anna smiled at him. She was looking forward to their small wedding. Just them and their friends on the Falcon.


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