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Prepping for Departure (Yorktown & Vanguard)

Posted on Sat Nov 28th, 2020 @ 2:34pm by Captain Paul MacLeod & Lieutenant Commander Clint Cross & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Lieutenant K`Wor & Lieutenant Percy McWire & Lieutenant JG Aidan Murphy

583 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 108 – Tragedies, Fortunes, and an Endgame
Location: USS Yorktown and USS Vanguard
Timeline: MD1 - 1000hrs


USS Yorktown, Bridge

K'Temoc arrived on the bridge of the USS Yorktown. "You're new Ensign?"

"Yes, I'm Sir. Ensign Percy McWire. Reporting for duty." he said, as he was also arriving on the Yorktown. " I have received my assignment to be your acting CEO., where would like me to be, Sir." the ensign asked, hoping he wasn't to forthcoming.

"Take the Bridge Engineering station please." K'Temoc replied. "Welcome aboard."

"Admiral, I've downloaded all tactical and mission data. We should be able to warp right into the Psi Velorum system under cloak. Their defensive weapons platforms have two rapid fire Type 21 Disrupter cannons and a Plasma Torpedo launcher. However their target acquisition is slow, their sensors just aren't as good as they need for that type of weapon." Cross explained.

"Shielding?" K'Temoc asked.

"Equivalent to Starfleet's Class 8 bubble shielding, so a couple of Hellfire Torpedoes should skip right through and eliminate it." Cross replied.

"Make sure K'Wor know and upload that to the Tactical database. Also let Commander MacLeod know. We'll take on and the Vanguard can take the other. Once destroyed we'll take the Comm reply while the Vanguard attacks the drydocks. We'll then help them finish those off after the relay has been turned to ash." K'Temoc said.

Cross nodded.

K'Wor arrived on the Bridge and nodded to Cross and K'Temoc before taking his seat at Tactical One. He saw the new face across the Bridge from him.

"What's your name?" K'Wor asked.

"I'm Ens. Percy McWire. I'll be the CEO on this mission."

"What is your name" he asked in return.

"I'm Ensign K'Wor. Tactical and Security Officer. Welcome aboard." K'Wor replied.

McWire then walked over to the Engineering station. Percy tipped a few commands into his console and pulled up some status report.

"Admiral, Shield emitters, Warp core, Warp drive are at 100% capacity and engineering station indicating green light. We are good to go, Sir. I can give warp 9. If needed we could push it up to 9.75 but I recommend only for 5 hours not more, Sir." he reported.

K'Temoc nodded, "Thank you Ensign."

K'Temoc took his seat and looked around, "Alright, let's get this show on the road. He looked at the Lieutenant at the Helm, "Lieutenant, set course for Psi Velorum. Maintain half impulse until we pass the outer marker then punch it up to warp nine point five. K'Wor, engage cloak."

"No slipstream?" The Lieutenant asked.

"Not this time, they might detect the tunnel opening." Cross replied.

USS Vanguard, Bridge

"Status?" MacLeod asked as he stepped out of the turbolift.

"All systems online and ready to depart." Patel said.

"Tactical systems ready." Metsker added.

"Course set, flight control ready." Murphy reported.

Archer tapped in a few commands then added, "Main and Aux power ready, all vital systems allocated. Cloacking systems standing by."

Mac took his seat in the Captain's Chair. "Very good. Move us away from the station Mister Murphy."

On the view screen, Starbase 400's bay doors were still being replaced, the final touches to the station's outer repairs were almost done.

"The Yorktown is easing up on us sir and taking the lead. We're ready for warp when they are." Murphy reported.

USS Yorktown, Bridge

"We've reached the outer marker. We're cloaking now as is the Vanguard." K'Wor reported.

"Take us to warp Lieutenant." K'Temoc said.

"Yes sir." She replied while tapping in commands.

The Defiant class ship shot to warp followed closely by the Prometheus class ship.



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