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Unexpected news

Posted on Fri Nov 27th, 2020 @ 9:13am by Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers & Lieutenant Commander Croesus

1,008 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 108 – Tragedies, Fortunes, and an Endgame
Location: Kah’lyn’s Quarters
Timeline: MD1 0630 hrs


Another passionate night over, their first real chance at an uninterrupted evening since the retake of the station, and Kah’lyn awoke feeling more than a little off-colour. Gently sliding out of bed she took a quick look at Croesus making sure she hadn’t disturbed him before walking into the bathroom and diving for the toilet. One session of ‘getting rid of her lunch’ later she sank down onto the floor near the toilet. Her stomach had been doing summersaults on and off for the past few days, she’d been doing her best to hide it but sharing Croesus’ Quarters made that difficult in-fact him sharing her quarters wasn’t helping either.

It was then that she realised she’d left the pregnancy test results she’d had in the bedroom along with Croesus. He’d only have to look on the bedside table and he’d see the PADD, she just hoped he wouldn’t bother to look. In a way she was excited at the idea of being a mother but something was holding her back and she didn’t know what.

Croesus had been a clumsy oath that morning and had inadvertly knocked over the padd. Revealing news he would have to discuss with Kah'lyn.

" Croesus to Kah'lyn where are you?" he asked tapping his badge.

“I’m right here” Kah’lyn reappeared from the bathroom putting on a brave face as she did so. “I didn’t want to disturb you, I thought I’d give you a few more minutes to sleep.”

" What is this all about?" Croesus asked as he pointed to the padd.

Kah’lyn looked at Croesus. “I don’t know ...” she was about to deny any knowledge of what he was talking about when a wave of nausea made her sit down on the bed. “Alright ... I’m sorry I should have said something.” She motioned to the PADD. “I’m 6 weeks pregnant, hence the morning sickness.”

" 6 weeks? "

Kiara nodded. “I didn’t know myself until a few days ago.” She sighed. “I’ve felt off colour for a coupe of weeks and I worked out my cycle on the calendar and found I’d missed my monthly cycle. That’s the results of the home test I did.” She gave Croesus an apologetic look. “I haven’t been with anyone else Croesus, you are the one I love, and this is your baby.”

" Wow! Preggers? Not what I expected to hear this morning." Croesus replied. "Are you ok?"

“Preggers?” Kah’lyn smiled. “That isn’t a Klingon expression! To answer your question ... with the exception of morning sickness I feel fine. I do need to see the doctor though to make it official.” She looked at Croesus. “You’re not angry with me?”

" No I am not mad. Hell, I've still got it. My kids are grown. One is a Professor. You do know my father in human right? Very viral man himself. I just was caught off guard. 6 weeks? We need to retrace our steps.. Procreation is important."

Kah’lyn smiled the biggest smile yet. “You want more children when you’re a father already!” She felt like a large weight had been lifted from her shoulders. “I thought you’d give me a roasting for forgetting my birth control. Oh and six weeks ago ... I think that was the night we did our romantic meal, movie and then spent the night making mad passionate love!”

"You're so right. I thought that was the night we dropped the delithium cells out of the Horizon? " Croesus joked. " A baby klingulan...that will be some trouble."

“A Klingulan?” Kah’lyn grinned before looking off colour again. “Ohh I hate morning sickness!” She took a few deep breaths before offering a small smile. “This baby is Human, Klingon, and Romulan. From what I understand mixed hybrids are usually difficult to conceive. Our Human dna must have made this baby possible.”

" Little baby Rivers." Croesus said kissing Kah'lyns head.

Kah’lyn smiled. “I wasn’t expecting this reaction, I don’t know what to say!” She grinned. “I guess this makes our relationship more important, I guess what I’m saying is ... would you ... like to live together? We could request family quarters?”

Croesus gave the big pause.

" Wow that is a big step. Then again so is having a child. I will look into it."

“If you’re not ready ...” Kah’lyn gave Croesus a smile. “Maybe I’m rushing, all I know is I’m expecting our baby and I don’t want to be without you. Maybe I’m insecure, I honestly don’t know.”

" Calm down Kah'lyn. We will make this work together it's just hormones." Croesus joked.

“I guess you’d know” Kah’lyn smiled. “You’ve been a father before. Any tips for morning sickness?” She sat and rested her head in her hands. “It’s fair to say I hate this part!!”

" I can't believe you are going to calm down. First woman ever. As for morning sickness we can stop by the infirmary. We both got assigned to the Essex." Croesus replied.

“Seriously!?” That news seemed to cheer up considerably. “So I get to go out onboard ship with you this time.” She offered a smile. “I will drop by the infirmary I have to get official confirmation of my pregnancy. Though there definitely seems little doubt.”

" Let's try one more time to make sure," Croesus winked.

“Right now?” Kah’lyn grinned as she looked up at Croesus.

" You started the launch sequence."

Kah’lyn smiled, just the thought of making love with Croesus took her mind off her morning sickness. “Well I was about to take a shower” She stood and took his hand leading him to towards the bathroom.

Croesus had not gotten dressed yet as he was still in a pair of boxers. Following her he had a nagging feeling about her news despite his reaction. It was probably nothing but Croesus hated having this feeling.



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