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Day is still young and it's already gone to hell

Posted on Thu Nov 26th, 2020 @ 6:39pm by Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD

575 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 108 – Tragedies, Fortunes, and an Endgame
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD1,

0500 hours

With precious little encouragement, Rainbow dutifully followed her from their quarters and towards the arboretum. It had become something of a daily ritual, a way for them to start the day with some exercise - albeit at a more leisurely pace than normal. Her faithful companion never seemed impatient, happy to wait until they reached his favourite spot and she let him run around on the patch of glass while she sat on the bench to keep watch.

0630 hours

"Order for Doctor Corrigan?"

Lost in thought, mostly around the staff rota which had been a literal headache for the past ten days, Carolyn turned to find the barista setting down her cup of coffee and a small brown paper bag containing her breakfast. Already just the smell of coffee was lifting her spirits and energy levels, although it would be nice if the replicators would dispense some. Yet they refused. And that, people, was an overprotective boss/father-in-law for you...

0745 hours

"I already explained it was an accident," Doctor Mendez repeated, sounding more than a little frustrated as he attempted to defend himself. He flatly ignored the glare of the two nurses standing across the room with arms folded. The only thing colder than the looks they gave one another were the icy stares they aimed at him.

Seated behind her desk, the crumbs from the pastry now cleared away and the empty coffee cup disposed of (just in case Dr Hades dropped by), Carolyn groaned. There was nothing quite like being dragged into the complex relationships her fellow doctor seemed to go out of his way to create.

"Okay, okay, enough," she said as she climbed to her feet. "This is a medical bay and frankly, I have had enough. I expect - no demand - a degree of professionalism from the staff here and Doctor Hades expects next level professionalism. This?! This is not it.

All of you, go to your quarters. Report back tomorrow, Dr Hades can confirm any disciplinary action. I'll let you all know the time. I suggest, in the meantime, you practice grovelling apologies or you will be off this station in the blink of an eye. Do I make myself clear?"

Both nurses left as fast as their legs could carry them. Medez, however, lingered in the doorway. "I -"

"If you say it was an accident that you were caught cheating on your girlfriend with another nurse," Carolyn interjected, "I will scream."

He opened his mouth to speak but seemed to think better of it. He left and the door closed behind him, leaving her in peaceful silence.

Sinking into her seat she sighed as she began to write up a brief message to Hades so they could talk about it later. And honestly, she suspected they would be looking for a new medical officer. Even she was running out of ways to forgive his behaviour. And really, it couldn't get much worse for him.

"I know you said-"

"I said out Mendez!" Carolyn called over her shoulder.

"Yes but -"

"Out!" she bellowed, back on her feet and glaring at him.

"There's someone here to see you," Mendez persisted, stepping aside. "He said he's your father."

Carolyn paled as she saw her father standing in the doorway to her office, barely noticing Mendez disappearing. She groaned inwardly.

It seemed the day couldn't get much worse for her either.



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