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Getting Ready to Depart

Posted on Sun Nov 29th, 2020 @ 2:37am by Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Lieutenant JG Frank Doyle & Lieutenant JG Thy'kor Shrok
Edited on on Wed Dec 30th, 2020 @ 11:53pm

381 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 108 – Tragedies, Fortunes, and an Endgame
Location: USS Steadfast
Timeline: MD1 - 1010hrs

Alex looked at the Steadfast duty roster. She had worked with Doyle but the others she wasn't familiar with. With a PADD in hand, she made her way to the USS Steadfast and stepped into the turbolift. She was surprised when the turbolift door opened, "Captain on the bridge."

Alex looked at the person who announced her arrival, "Thank you." She sat down in her command chair and looked around one more time. She turned towards Lt. JG Shrok, "Good to see you again Lieutenant.

Doyle smiled, "Thank you Captain. Hopefully, this will be the last time you'll need me for this kind of mission."

"My hopes exactly too." Alex then contacted Engineering, "Lt. Shrok, how are we doing? Is everything ready to go?"

Lt. Shrok answered back, "We, are doing well. Engineering is ready. Just give the word."

Alex smiled, "The word is given." She checked the rest of the departments who all checked ready.

Lieutenant Doyle, set course to Cratteris."

Before they took off for Cratteris, she needed to reiterate the plan to the bridge crew and Engineering, stressing that they needed to arrive there undetected so they could accomplish their task. "When we get to Cratteris, hopefully undetected, we'll take out the comm relays, raid the supply depot and get out of there. Any questions?"

"Once we get there and start an assault on their comm relays, they'll know that we are there. Their ships are going to be on us like flies." The young crewman asked.

Alex replied, "True but fortunately, intelligence reports that all they have is a squadron of Scorpion Class fighters and Mogai Class for defense. We just need to get their defensive shields down. And since they haven't upgraded them, it should be easier. Once we do, we can carry out our orders."

Alex looked around the bridge, "Anymore questions?" She waited but no one had any, "Okay then, Lieutenant Doyle?"

Lt. JG Doyle's fingers glided along his console, "Course set, ready to depart."

Alex nodded, "Thank you Lieutenant." She looked over at her Security Tactical officer, "We're ready to go as well." Everyone did a final check then reported ready. "Lieutenant Doyle, take her out, one quarter impulse. Once clear, go to warp 7."

"Aye Captain." She prayed that they would be successful.


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