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Orbital Skydive - Part 3 of 3 - The Drop Zone Bar (Conclusion)

Posted on Wed May 6th, 2020 @ 9:03pm by Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri & Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman & Lieutenant Timothy O’Riley & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Commander Kisha Ventar (Maab) & Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers

952 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Starbase 23 - M-1137 Beta Hypensis - Drop Zone Bar
Timeline: MD3 - 1100


The sub-orbital lift had a very wide base. At least two miles (3.21 km) wide with all of the logistical support structures, the elevator cars and maglev grapplers. The warehouses, the monorail trains that would have taken cargo to destinations all over the planet. That was Beta Hypensis then.

Today, large empty fields had been created. Perfect for creating thrill-seeking adventurers landing zones. And there was a bar not too far off where beer and other beverages may be had.

Vox, with his fear of heights, had decided to sit out of the skydiving fun his friends were taking part in. However, this gave him one key advantage, he was the first to get to the bar that was a short walk from the landing zones.

The bar, 'The Drop Zone; was quite the place. The selection of ales, spirits and other assorted drinks was quite eye-opening. You could even watch on large screens, live footage of the skydivers, in between a compilation of previous visitors to the experience with the backing track of 'The Greatest Show'.

The pictures from the orbital jumpers appeared on the screens. While outside, their chutes were automatically articulating back into their jump suits. Matt was going around, happy as a kid, smiling and high-fiving the group. He saw Raekwon and said, "Hey there! Glad to see you here. We missed you on the jump man? Next time?"

"Hey look who 'dropped' in" he said with a smile. "Absolutely not. Not with my fear of heights. "Vox replied.

Matt razzed him but he was all smiles and laughs. He said, "Well, OK, looks like I'm buying the beer. Join us yeah? The jumpers? I'd like to have you there. I don't know many people around from the crew and it'd be good to have you there you know? C'mon, what do you say man?" Plumeri was hard to say 'no' to.

"Sure, " Vox replied. "Lead the way."

Matt play-punched him on the shoulder, "Right on...OK. Welp, first we need beer."

"Without a doubt" Vox replied.

Tim laughed, “I could use a drink as well.”


With help from Raekwon Vox, Matt had four pitchers of beer in his hands. With a rowdy "HHHeee-hooooo!!" he put the pitchers on the table and started welcoming the jumpers to the table. On a large screen above them, the recording of their orbital dive was about to be replayed.

Kah’lyn downed a stiff drink. “I am Oh so not watching that! It was bad enough first time round.”

Alex gave Kah'lyn a look, "Are you crazy?! The rush in itself is enough to make me want to do it again. And I am so thinking about it before we leave this Starbase."

Kisha hadn't ever seen Alex like this. She was a little concerned, "Alex, come on. Really? Leave the girl alone. I'm with her. I can only stomach it once."

Alex gave her the same look as she gave Kah'lyn, "You're kidding, right? You have gone soft.

Kisha pushed a mug of beer towards her, "Whatever. Here, drink."

Alex shrugged, "Fine."

After a few minutes a few pizza pies arrived. They were pretty big. A nice Hawaiian Pizza seemed to be a favorite. The slices were generous. A Chicago-style deep dish arrived warm, cheesy with nicely done pepperoni and sausages. A couple thin style arrived some that were just veggies. There was plenty of food. Plenty of goodwill. Laughter filled the room.

The video started to play on one of the monitors. Haku came into the bar now that all the jumpers had been recovered. Matt welcomed her with a frosty cold mug of beer, "Our fearless leader! Haku? You run an awesome jump!" Plumeri said as he thanked her.

"Happy to do it and I have fun everytime too!" she took the mug of beer and raised it high to toast the group, "Well done everyone. Everybody walks away is a good day!"

Sitting down with a beer Tim smiled at those around him it was like a big family again. He looked over at Matt, “Thanks for including me us newbies need to get acquainted with the crew and this is a great way to do it”

Plumeri clinked his mug with Tim and in his best fake pirate voice with his thick Fontalan accent he said, "Drink up me boy-o. To us newbies!"

Coleman clinked his glass with Plumeri's and said, "Yeah, that was definitely fun! Next time, lets go for a Holodeck trip. Maybe to your homeworld or something." Coleman let out a small, almost nervous laugh out because he had just lived through skydiving off of a platform of Starbase 23.

Pizza and more pitchers arrived. Certain scenes, Matt insisted on playing over again. Like his backflip and his landing. Other jumpers as they wished found their footage and played it.


Matt was seated next to Haku as they talked about her 'surfboard' and how she liked doing her job. Outside, the shuttle operated by the starliner group was making its final approach back to Starbase 23. It was a good day. Plumeri was very happy. He turned to the person seated next to him and said, "I had the best day since I got here. It's all work, work, work y'know? Sometimes? You just gotta say "Eff this! And jump out an airlock." He frinned playfully and added, "Or a platform, or the back of a shuttle...or off a cliff or off a diving board. So what shall we do next time?"


LTJG. Matthew Plumeri
Science Officer/Historian
USS Endeavor



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