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What do you want to accomplish here

Posted on Thu May 7th, 2020 @ 6:47pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers

725 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: USS Pegasus, Bremer's Quarters
Timeline: MD3 1400hrs


It had been a little while since Kah'lyn had seen Admiral Bremer. She had to admit she was curious about the half-Klingon man, yes he'd lost his wife and she understood his bitterness but she was hoping he'd see past her Romulan half and give her a chance to learn more about him.

She wasn't sure if he'd appreciate her dropping by his quarters but she wanted a chance to talk and now seemed as good a time as any. She paused by the door, took a deep breath and pressed the chime.

"Enter." Mike said from the far side of the room. He's just received a raktajino from the food slot and turned around to see who was coming in.

"Admiral" Kah'lyn nodded politely. "Forgive me for stopping by your quarters. I was hoping to talk to you."

Mike took a deep breath, then a sip of his drink. "What can I do for you Lieutenant?"

“Actually Sir, I was hoping to clear the air as the saying goes.” She offered a brief smile. “I enjoyed learning from you in the holodeck but I get the feeling that you don’t trust me. I’m a Starfleet Officer Sir, no matter what my blood I swore allegiance to Starfleet and therefore to you.”

Mike eyed the woman for a moment, "So have other deep cover Tal Shiar agents in the past." Mike took a moment and let out a breath. "My anger isn't with you personally, it is however with the Romulans as a whole, and right now, after this war and all we've lost so far it's going to take me some time to get passed that."

Kah’lyn nodded. “I understand that Sir. I’m still pretty angry parents were killed by Romulans. Hence the reason why I don’t like being half Romulan. It’s not like I can change what I am, but if I could I would.

Mike nodded. "It will take time."

He took a sip of his drink.

"Is there something else I can do for you?" Mike asked.

Kah’lyn shook her head. “Not really Sir, I was just...hoping to earn some trust Sir. You’ve trained me to fight well so far I’d like to continue training with you. It might give me a better chance at beating Commander Croesus!” She smiled as she thought about Croesus.

Mike smirked, then paused to take a breath. After a moment he motioned to a chair, "Sit."

Mike waited for Kah'lyn to take a seat before he sat in a chair on the other side of the room. "What do you want to accomplish here, aboard Starbase 400 when we return there?"

Kah’lyn looked at Mike. “I guess that’s something I haven’t really given much thought to. I’ve always been a here and now kind of woman, I want to be the best Starfleet Officer I can be, but then I guess that’s what everyone wants isn’t it?” She paused. “Truth be told I want a home, a place where I feel I’m trusted and needed. I’d also like a family of my own one day but that can wait for now.”

"There are a lot of people that feel that way on Starbase 400." Mike replied before taking another sip. "If you turn out to be Tal Shiar, know I will kill you myself." Mike eyed the woman for a moment, 'maybe that was too cold' he thought. "Learn from your Department Head so when we do go home, I can count on you."

“I will Sir, that I promise you! I intend to be one of the best Operations officers the station has ever seen. I’m sure Commander Croesus will have plenty to teach me.” Kah’lyn smiled keeping her thoughts of more off time curricular activities with Croesus to herself. “As for Tal Shiar, I’m not an operative for the Romulans Admiral. I will prove that to you.”

"I expect nothing less." Mike replied. "Now, if you'll excuse me I have a few reports I need to finish and then join a call with Fleet Admiral Akaar and Admiral Clancy."

“Aye Sir” Kah’lyn nodded and stood to leave. “Thank you Sir.”

Mike gave a respectful nod as the door closed.



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