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Posted on Thu May 7th, 2020 @ 7:03pm by Skye

616 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: S.S. Roanes
Timeline: MD 3 1330 hours

When she was a child she always had the most vivid dreams.  Full of colours and impossible things, an escape from a new life so full of darkness.  Fuelled by fragments of memories and a vivid imagination which over time had been torn away by reality.  Now she lay in the dark, staring up at nothing with one hand on the hilt of her knife and her modified phaser tucked under her pillow.  Listening.  

Almost lulled to sleep by the silence, by knowing Korel and H'rall were aboard.  She was growing attached to those two.  They were good people.  And that was rare.  She knew.  

She must have fallen asleep as there was alarms suddenly blaring, her eyes flew open to the sound of weapons fire and fighting.   She barely registered the outline of  Orion standing over her before she  saw the glint of glowing metal in his hand.  Grabbing her hair he hauled her half way across the bunk.  "Nobody escapes us.  And now your friends are dead!" he hissed in fury, bringing the branding iron down on the back of her neck as the searing pain tore through her.  


She sat bolt upright in the dark, breathing hard, her body covered in a thin sheen of sweat as pain shot up her side. For a moment it knocked on her back and her hand moved to clutch it as she waited for the discomfort to subside. "Lights," she called, her voice croaky and breaking. She realised she was thirsty. Really thirsty. She tried again and this time the lights came up, seeming insanely bright.

Hauling herself to her feet she had no idea what she was wearing, but it sure wasn't her clothes. It was a maintenance jumpsuit or something... she wasn't sure. She frowned, glancing between it and the bed and no idea how she got into either.

"Drink," she reminded herself, replicating a chilled glass of water. And then another, and another. She drank ever drop, but by the third glass the pain in her side was becoming unreal. She dropped to her knees and reached for her kit bag, where she stowed her most prized possessions. Including a hypospray from a less than reputable doctor who had been told to never darken the doors of the Federation again. But his medicines were renowned within the syndicate and within seconds the pain was gone. Good as new.

She sat for a moment, head resting on the edge of the bunk before with one hand she began hauling out some proper clothes. Motivated when she saw her jacket... grabbing it from over the back of the chair she touched the tear in the side. Her favourite jacket!

The thirst was coming back with a vengeance but another four glasses of water later and it was sated for now and she dressed quickly. She didn't really notice, never mind care much, that the world was a little off focus. Or realise her body temperature was several degrees too high. Or the flashing indicator of many messages from Koral and H'Rall telling her to call them as soon as she awoke.

Because aside from a small stabbing pain as she tugged on her now ruined jacket, she felt great as she made her way out of her quarters. Determined to replace it - unless someone could mend it. Now that would be great.

"Going shopping!" she called out to anyone who wanted to hear her, right before she beamed off the ship and into the bustling spacesation nearby. Even if she didn't find what she wanted, she knew she could still have a lot of fun. Besides, it was good fun visiting someplace new...


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