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Orbital Skydiving - The First Step is a Doozy - Part 1 of 3

Posted on Tue May 5th, 2020 @ 3:32pm by Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Lieutenant Commander Croesus & Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman & Lieutenant Timothy O’Riley & Captain Alexander Zandusky & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Commander Kisha Ventar (Maab) & Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers

3,980 words; about a 20 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Starbase 23 - Southern Skies Starlines Jump Office
Timeline: MD3 - 0900


When Matt heard that Starbase 23 had an orbital skydiving platform he immediately sought it out. The last time he had gone orbital skydiving was two years ago when Starbase 74 had an orbital jump platform. Typically, Starfleet security and Marines would train on these installations. Some enterprising entrepreneurs discovered that people, thrill-seekers, were willing to part with their credits (and sanity) for the rush of getting into an orbital jumpsuit and take a step off the platform. It was such an adrenaline rush and Matt loved it.

He discovered that the jump platform was available for four hours every forty-eight hours. Civilians, Starfleet, whoever wanted could get fitted for a jumpsuit and catch the transport leaving from the landing pad adjacent to docking bay three. From there, they would shuttle out and away from SB23 to a no-traffic zone and they could jump from the rear of the Gecko-class work shuttle. On the surface…assuming that one survived the ordeal…there were facilities to recover the jumpers. Completely equipped with:

a) Hoses to rinse out any soiled orbital jumpsuits.
b) Smelling salts.
c) Holo-imagers and Photographers.
d) A bar, “The Happy Landings”
e) And a return shuttle ride back to Starbase.

Matt was “all in”. He posted the day and the time to all his crewmates on Starbase 400 with an invitation to meet at the Orbital Jump Office at the Southern Skies Starlines on Deck 17.


Plumeri had ‘butterflies’ in his stomach as he was getting a short training/safety talk. Standing there in half an orbital jumpsuit, as his gear was being tested and properly fitted, he looked towards the doors as they parted and someone walked in.

Kah’ lyn walked into the jump office followed closely by Croesus. She’d never tried an Orbital jump before so she’d only agreed to it if she tandem jumped with Croesus. “Don’t you dare leave me!”

" Jumping is not for the faint of heart." Croesus replied.

Kah’lyn looked at Plumeri and offered a smile. “Hi, I’m Kah’lyn Chiara the new Ops Officer.” She smiled warmly. “I’m tandem jumping with him” She motioned to Croesus.

Matt returned the warm smile, "Hey there! Glad to meet you. I'm new around here myself. Matt Plumeri, Science Officer and Historian, at your service." he said to the Romulan looking woman and the man with the Klingon ridges. He offered them a fist bump, as was his custom. "Glad that you had some free time. This ought to be fun huh?" he smiled as he finished pulling on the maglev boots.

Kah’lyn didn’t look so sure. “I’ll reserve judgement on that until after we’ve jumped.”

Matt laughed. "Tandem jumpers over here" Plumeri called to one of the assistant jump coordinators. A jump coordinator came over and assisted Kah'lyn with finding a jumpsuit her size and started the preliminary safety instructions for both Chiara and Croesus.

" I will need an extra large," Croesus suggested.

The jump coordinator nodded in agreement, "Let's...head over to the 'Big 'n Tall section shall we?"

Dr. Kisha Ventar and Captain Alexandra Harrison had gotten the invite and decided to join them. Walking in, "This looks like the place." Kisha looked around for a familiar face.

Alex nodded, "I think so. Deck 17 is what it said. So, Kisha. Are you going to do this thing with me or what?"

Kisha shook her head, "No. I am just here incase something goes wrong and you get hurt. I'll be sitting this one out. You have fun."

Alex sighed, "Oh, I will. I NEED to do this." She missed her kids and was tired of always thinking about them. Alex really wanted Kisha to join her so Alex started goading Kisha into doing it, "I don't get it. What happened to that Klingon who refused to wear safety equipment during that long climb? The old Kisha I knew wouldn't pass up a chance for a thrill. You've gotten soft and you are way too human right now. Bring back that Klingon side if you and join me in this."

Kisha threw her hands up in the air, "Alright, I'll go but you will go first."

Alex smiled, "Good for you Kisha! That's the Klingon that I know...well, sort of." She referred to the 'you go first' comment. They both looked around for the person or people in charge.

Matthew saw two new people walk in. He had his jumpsuit on now. Everything except the helmet. It looked like a standard environment suit except for the kind of material that is was made from. The fabric, if one could call it that, was brown and grey. It was highly heat resistant and was also very fast in the atmosphere. He was checking the helmet and getting used to the skydiving suit. He set the helmet down on the bench and walked over to meet the two new arrivals. Matt did not recognize them but that never stopped him before, "Hey there! Welcome, welcome. Thanks for coming. I'm Matt. A member of Starbase 400's science team. You ready for this?" he asked the two ladies.

Alex observed him for a moment, "Actually, I am." Kisha didn't say a word, "You'll have to forgive my half Klingon friend here. I dragged her here."

Kisha just shook her head, "Why you feel like you need to point that out is beyond me. I'm Dr. Ventar and I'm actually looking forward to watching Captain Harrison here puke her brains out."

Matt smiled and opened his arms wide, "What are friends for ay?"

Alex laughed, "We'll see." She looked back at the stranger in front of her, "Anyway, I've been with Starbase 400 for a long time and I've never seen you around. So, I'm guessing you're new." Kisha quietly walked off to suit up.

When Dr. Ventar mentioned Harrison's rank, Matt answered, "Captain Alex Harrison? You're the Captain of the Pegasus. Cool! OK, great to have you here. Yeah, I'm one of the new Science crew working with Commander Coleman. History is my specialty, I also like stars, ancient and alien civilizations. Transferred in from Galileo three days ago now." He nodded with his head behind him and to the shuttle that was on the landing platform. "You ever taken a jump from orbit Captain?"

"Actually, my ship is the USS Steadfast. Pegasus is Admiral Bremer's" She looked to see where Kisha went and then back at Matt, "I'm also the Special Operations Group Executive Officer on Starbase 400. And yes, I have done this before. It's quite an adrenaline rush. It's also a great way to forget about your troubles even if it is only for a short time. You?"

"Oh hell's yeah Captain. You have a lot of hats to wear then huh? I'm pleased to meet you Captain Harrison. And yeah, I love and live for this kind of thing. I was surprised to find it here and just lucky that we have the time to take advantage of the fun. This will be my sixth time."

Alex's eyes widened, "Six times? So, you are an adrenaline junkie, I see." Alex chuckled, "I'm just giving you a hard time. I'd better go get suited up and join Kisha before she takes off. You don't want to experience that Klingon anger."

"Yes ma'am. Right, OK. Well I'll catch up with you later. See you on the downslope" Plumeri said as Captain Harrison went to get her gear and join her friend.

Coleman had walked in behind Alex and the rest of the crew of 400 that had assembled in this adventure. Seeing Matt and Davik, he pointed to both of them and said, "Remind me to haunt both of you for even talking me into this. I'm four hundred plus years old. The last time I did this was when the NX and Franklin Class Starships were a thing."

Coleman grabbed a helmet and already had his suit on. He was ready, but also afraid of heights.

Matt came by and rapped him on the head playfully, "Four-hundred years old. That makes you an expert at this no don't it?" He grinned and laughed.

"Yeah, and it makes me want to see 407 years old too. I'd love to see that," Coleman said as he began to pace the room and wait for everyone to get in and the shuttle to arrive.

Davik nodded, "It's just a jump from a shuttlecraft. Nothing to be overly worked up about."

Lee came up to where everyone was stepped directly behind his wife "What craziness do you think that you are doing Imzadi?"

Alex smiled, "I am going to jump down there. I've done this before. It was along time ago but I remember the adrenaline rush. I really need to do this." She gave him her 'I dare ya" look, "You going to join me?"

Kisha leaned towards Lee, "Whatever you do, don't fall for it. I did and now I have to go."

Alex sighed, "Party poopers."

Lee looked over at Kisha chuckling "I have fought the Borg and Jem'Hadar, this doesn't scare me."

"Good. Then you are joining me as well." Alex was excited.

Kisha shook her head, "Dang it. He's fallen for her charms once again."

Kah’lyn had followed on behind Croesus as he’d been sorted for his larger gear. She stood nervously beside him wondering if she’d truly made the right decision in agreeing to this jump. “You know, as much as I hate admitting it I’m scared!”

"Do you want to back out?" Croesus almost teased.

“Certainly not! I am no quitter!” Kah’lyn looked at Croesus. “Just be prepared to catch me if I pass out is all I’m saying.” She grinned.

Matt was milling about, meeting some of his new crewmates and generally being a chatterbox.

Moments later the door opened and someone new stepped in Kah’lyn offered a warm smile as the Trill looked around. “Hi, I don’t think we’ve met, I’m Kah’lyn Chiara.”

Plumeri heard the door open and recognized the merchant who sold him his painting yesterday. Matthew waved to him and called, "Vox!" but Raekwon didn't hear him over then noise of people talking and getting ready. It would have been hard to hear anyone. Matt waved to him.

"HI, Kah'lyn, I'm Rae. Sadly though I am not here to join in, just looking for someone. They said they may be taking part in the Skydive and just wondered if they were here as I need their help. It won't stop them diving, I just need a bit of information from them. I'm looking for Tyren Dell, she helps me in my shop. Have you seen her?" Vox asked.

“I’m afraid I don’t know who that is” Kah’lyn offered an apologetic smile. “If She should turn up I’ll tell her you were looking.”

"Oh well, thank you anyway. " With that Vox left. With his fear of heights, you would need one hell of a bribe to get him to even consider trying it. Tyren Dell, on the other hand, was a lover for dangerous sports and activities.

Tim showed up a bit late but was happy that the shuttle hadn’t taken off yet. He hadn’t done much skydiving since his academy days, but he needed the distraction. Checking his gear he looked around at those that were assembled he didn’t know most of them yet but he hoped he could fix that. Smiling as he took a seat he continued to observe his crew mates.

Plumeri came by and didn't recognize the new person. Matt said, "Hey there! I don't think I know you? I'm Matt Plumeri. One of the new guys transferred in to the Science department. Glad you could make it." Matthew observed that the man had already gotten his gear on perfectly, "Looks like you've done this before? You know your way around the jumpsuit! You're part of Starbase 400 then? What's your gig?"

Tim smiled, “It’s been a while but yes I’ve done this before. My family and I transferred from Heyerdahl Station after it was decommissioned, I’m in Operations and she’s a councilor.” Tim laughed, “she would of joined me but she taking care of our twins.”

Matt said, "Cool, cool. Tim, what's your spouse's name?" he asked politely.

Tim replied, “Olivia, we actually first met during our time on Heyerdahl Station and fell in love.”

Matt asked, "Awesome! I love a good romance story! So you're a transfer too? Operations and Counselor...both of them are important jobs. Are you on the Endeavor then? That's where I am temporarily at least." Matt cocked his head as he tried to remember anything about Heyerdahl Station. He didn't remember anything and so asked, "Heyerdahl Station? I haven't heard of that before? I don't think? Is it far from here?" Handing Tim his helmet when he was ready.

Tim shook his head “No I’ve been assigned to the Luna and Olivia to the Mercy. Command felt it was safer for us to be assigned to different ships while away from Starbase 400.”

“Heyerdahl Station is a former Cardassian Station, Cardassia turned the station over to the Federation and it was used for several years until it was deemed unnecessary and it was decommissioned. I was the stations Chief Engineer so I stayed behind to help with its decommissioning..”

Tim grabbed his helmet and snapped it into place.


From this vantage point, the view of the surface of the planet below them, it was clear as a bell. Off in the distance was the jump point. Clearly marked with automated flashing beacons to direct traffic away from the jump area. The plains below and on the surface were wide open and had a hue of green to them. As far as you could see until the clouds obscured the view. The single column structure that was 3 kilometers (1.8 miles) wide at the base formed one of two massive "space elevators" that the Federation had helped construct. At a time when transporter technology was still in its infancy the ability to move large amounts of cargo, people and equipment into orbit was necessary and propulsion technology was expensive and dangerous. Only two of these monuments to an earlier time remained in operation. Matter-Energy transportation was fast and more efficient. Still, not everything that was old was entirely useless.

They were often called “space elevators” although the proper term for them was, “sub-orbital lift”. The town below and on the surface of this barley class-m planet had seen a huge increase in its size and scope since the “SOL” had been constructed. That was many years ago now. The “sub-orbital lift” was a relic from the past. It still was quite large, and it still held onto it's cargo bread and butter business. But tourism had exploded, and thrill seekers now flocked to the “SOL” for the ride of a lifetime. Shuttles would take you to the top or, if you weren't in a hurry, the 15-minute lift ride was well worth it all the way to the top.

The jump instructor was a pro at this. And she loved her job. Her name is Haku and she had a perfect safety record. And she wasn’t about to lose it now. Haku had actually made enough jumps to qualify as an professional Starfleet extension course instructor. When it looked like all the jumpers were ready, she made her way into the front of them. She stood out from the others dressed in rentals, which were quite bulky, in her own purple tightly fitted suit with the white lines that flanked her body.

Rather than the entry armor that everyone was going to receive with their thruster packs, she carried a long board, colored the same as her suit. The underside was iridescent, able to take the high temperatures of reentry, and had a large port where a single ion thruster stuck out.

Haku said, “Everyone? May I have your attention please? My name is Haku and I’ll be your jump guide today. Welcome to the Southern Skies Starliners sub-orbital jump. Today we’ll be jumping from the back of the Gecko-class work shuttles you see behind me. There is room for eight jumpers per shuttle and it looks like we’ll be taking two shuttles over to the platform today.

OK, so real quick. Starbase 23 has been around for a long time. I see that just about everyone here today is a member of a Starfleet crew – so welcome! The planet below us has the super-easy name of M-11030. Technically, it’s a class-m world but I don’t plan to retire here. OK, what they used to do was bring cargo up from the surface and down to the surface using this massive pillar thing which is the sub-orbital lift itself. Ships would then pick up or drop off cargo and then unhook. Believe it or not, the lift still functions that way but it’s mostly for older ships or used as a backup. However, It does make a nice platform from where we can jump off. OK,, enough about that. Let’s get you checked out and get this show on the road?”

Haku went about to each jumper and checked their suits one last time.

"For you, it's fine." Haku said patting a jumper’s thruster pack "The computers in your suit will only let you maneuver within the safety margin. For me..." she held up the board "not so much, but I know what I'm doing."

Moving on she said to another jumper, "Honestly, for first timers they've got safety margins programmed into the suits computers." Haku said. "We're also not leaving the thermosphere for this drop. When you're hitting the Exosphere at twenty-eight thousand K-P-H, that's when your life is really in your own hands." There was a manic sparkle in her eye as she spoke

When everyone was ready and fitted, they boarded the shuttle and flew over to the platform and the space elevator.


When the Gecko-class shuttle landed on the top of the platform, the back door hatch swung up and open to reveal a stunning view. Before them was a large platform, about as large as two-full-sized tennis courts. At each of the corners were dry-dock connections and marker beacons that strobed in a reassuring pattern. Stepping onto the platform could be unnerving. The maglev boots were activated, and the platform was a fine grid like pattern. You could see through it and the massive column that stretched far beneath their feet all the way to the surface below. The curvature of the red and green hued planet was ever before their eyes. One could very easily get queasy from this height. The maglev boots gripped the platform securely allowing one to walk about the platform. High above their heads was Starbase 23.

Matt chuckled at the feeling in his gut and stepped out of the shuttle, “Oh man! Woo hoooo!! Would you look at that view! Can you believe it?” He high-fived the persons standing next to him.

A sign that some adventurer had made read, “This Point is: 316,800 feet (96.56 km)”. On their left were the islands of the eastern seas. On their right was the receding coastline of this continent. And before them was the seemingly endless green of the plains below.

Alex was not to far behind Matt. She saw him high five someone and got a kick out of Matt and his enthusiasm. Then she looked over a Kisha and laughed at her friend's expression. I'm so ready for this." She took Lee's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Alright." Haku said as they all assembled at the top of the platform "I want you all to line up and we'll do a coms check, I'll give you a tutorial, you'll step over to the edge and after everyone is checked, then we drop." she spoke in an authoritative tone, like she was channeling a drill instructor.

Matt took an opportunity to look directly below his feet to the gridlike platform. There were those butterflies again. He said to the person standing next to him, "Ready for this?" Last one down buys the beer?"

Kisha was starting to look a little green but Alex was smiling ear to ear. Alex looked over at Lee, feeling glad that he was with her to make this jump.

One by one Haku checked each jumper's exo suits, scanning them with a tricorder before manually testing the seals. She booted up the computer for each of them and made sure they could see the startup code running across the suits screens.

After she was satisfied she headed to the front of the group and explained how the thrust systems worked, that they didn't need to worry about fuel, and that they should deploy the chute at two thousand feet (610m), but that it would auto deploy at fifteen hundred feet (457m). And that if the chute failed the thrusters could provide enough lift to slow them down to fifteen kilometers per hour before they hit the ground.

"Sounds fun, remember to bend your knees when you land" Matt said to no one in particular.

Alex had done this before but it was nice to get a quick refresher course. She listened on.

A Sovereign-class starship was putting into port at the Starbase. It was such an awesome sight to see too. She was too far away to see her registry or ship name. But her elegant lines and marker beacons announced the ship's arrival at SB23. Soon family and friends would be reunited while other families and friends would suffer the pangs of separation. Matthew observed the moment and then returned his attention to the jump.

Plumeri hadn't used a fancy suit like this before. He asked, "Haku? Will the suits computer allow us all to land in the same area?"

"They won't steer too much, but you'll have way points that show up on your display as well as indicators so you won't get lost." Haku replied to Matt.

Certainly, Matthew was no trainer but he had done this at least five times now. As Haku did a proper check, Matt walked and talked with his crew-mates jovially cheering them. "Looking good!" he said to Coleman and Matthews. "You done this before XO?" Plumeri said to Matthews.

After all the questions were answered Haku led them through to the barrier and passed through first, with the board under her arm, on to a jumping platform with yellow hazard lines three meters from all the edges. She looked at the view for a moment, but seemed not to give it much thought.

"One through at a time, and if you get a warning light turn around and go back to the pressurized area." Her voice came over the helmet communicators "Once you're ready, line up behind the yellow line. Don't cross those until we're ready to jump. Understood?

"Wait for the green light" Haku said directing their attention to an old green and red coloured set of halogen lights.

Matt was so ready for this. He licked his lips and could feel his heart pumping away in his chest.

Haku got ready and said, "Remember to watch your spacing. Go!" and with that the light changed from red to green.

Alex was enjoying the adrenaline rush which was at it's highest right now. This was it!



LTJG Matthew Plumeri
Science Officer/Historian
USS Endeavor



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