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The Early morning visit

Posted on Sun May 3rd, 2020 @ 10:26am by Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers & Ensign Aria Davis

633 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: USS Pegasus Sickbay
Timeline: MD3 1130 hrs

Back at work doing what an Ops Officer did best Kah’lyn grinned to herself as she thought back to her early morning trip to Sickbay.

~ 0600 hrs ~

Kah’lyn had woken early to find herself in discomfort after some very rough and tumble love making with Croesus. Her muscles ached and she wasn’t sure if she’d cracked a rib during getting feisty whilst tempting Croesus to let his Klingon side out for some enjoyment. Sliding out of bed she quietly put on some clothes and headed down to Sickbay.

Reading from a medical journal, Aria Davis looked up as the doors to Sickbay opened, moving the PADD behind her back. When she saw it wasn’t Dr Reid, she relaxed somewhat.

Walking painfully into Sickbay Kah’lyn offered an embarrassed smile. “Good morning Doctor, I think that I carried away somewhat last night.”

“Do I dare ask?” Aria asked as she moved to help the woman over to a biobed.

“Depends!” Kah’lyn grinned. “You could say I made a half-Klingon release his inner half, it gave rough and tumble...a whole new meaning!” She grinned. “I think I cracked a rib or two!”

“Ooookay!” Aria laughed, shaking her head. “At least from the smile it was apparently worth it. Just relax an I will patch you up.”

Kah’lyn smiled. “Thanks, I’d appreciate it!” She looked at the chronometer on the wall. “He’ll probably be already up by the time I get back and I didn’t want him to worry or feel bad.”

“How thoughtful,” Aria teased as she set to work. “Be mindful this will feel tender for a day or two.”

“I know” Kah’lyn smiled. “I’ve had broken ribs before, plus broken bones! I’ve always been somewhat of a tough cookie. I like to play dangerously.”

“Well, maybe a little less danger? Just for a few days,” Aria replied lightly.

Kah’lyn nodded. “I think I’ve pushed about as far as I’m willing to push for now, my poor man will think I’m just interested in him for his Klingon side.”

“You know, you don’t have to tell your doctor everything,” Aria grinned as she finished up. “All done.”

“Thank you Doctor” Kah’lyn smiled as she breathed easier. She was still tender as Aria had said but it was definitely better. “Actually while I’m here can you organise me a new hypo? I don’t want to end up pregnant before our relationship has properly got off the ground.”

“Not a problem, just sit tight and I’ll prepare the hypo,” Aria smiled.

“Thanks” Kah’lyn nodded and waited as she’d been asked to do. She hadn’t considered the idea of family just yet and she didn’t want to ruin what she had with Croesus so it was better to be safe than sorry.

"Here you go," Aria said brightly as she returned, administering the hypo. "I'll send you through a regular reminder to come by. This particular one requires three monthly top ups, but if you have any adverse reactions, we can try alternatives. And by reactions I mean nausea, excessive swelling in your hands and/or feet, breathing difficulties or loss of vision. You may have a few minor mood swings but that passes in the first few days."

Kah’lyn nodded. “Thanks doc, I appreciate your help.”

"No worries. Try to stay out of here for a few days, huh?" she teased.

Kah’lyn grinned as she headed towards the door. “No promises doc!”

Shaking her head, Aria watched the lieutenant leave, heading into the office to update her medical records. Her shift almost over and she was already relishing the prospect of a few hours sleep.



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