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New Role New Rank

Posted on Sun May 3rd, 2020 @ 10:08am by Brigadier General Kaden Ross

1,656 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Ross Quarters
Timeline: MD3 1130 hrs

Freya stood looking out of the window onto the view of space and other ships from Starbase 400 outside. She smiled as she thought back to the talk she and Kaden had the previous evening.

~ Day 2, evening ~

Kaden returned back to his quarters on the Mercy heading for the chair to sit and clear his head. But as he walked by he could see Freya at the replicator naked her hair still wet from what looked like she had just stepped out of the shower. It appeared she was making a big snack for herself and the baby. Walking over to her Kaden couldn't help but set his cane aside and wrap his arms around her. "Hey, I like coming home to this but you know I am doing the best I can to hold back fondling you." He teased.

“Well I’m not stopping you!” Freya grinned as she ran her fingers through her husband’s hair. “You know how much I love it when I get your full attention.”

Kaden began to let his hands roam as he rested his chin on her shoulder. "If you insist..." He said softly. "So got the munchies did you?"

“Mmm actually yes! My appetite is going up in leaps and bounds now I’m approaching the half way point of this pregnancy.” She turned herself around to face him wrapping her arms around his neck. “As much as I was enjoying what your hands were doing, I’m absolutely starving!”

Kaden kissed her on the lips. "How about you let me continue this on the couch while you eat?" He asked.

“Sounds good to me!” Freya grinned and picked up her plate, taking it across to the couch with her. She took a seat and started politely tucking in.

Kaden joined her on the couch patting his chest for her to lean against so he could play with her again.

Freya smiled as she leant up against Kaden’s chest, she loved the way they cuddled up whether it was for fun reasons or romantic ones. “So how has your morning been anyway?” She popped a piece of fruit into her mouth and savoured every bite as she waited for his answer.

"Rather fruitful." Kaden began hoping Freya didn't mind the pun as he began to play again. "But uh...there is something I need you to know."

“Mmmm and what would that be?” Freya tried to concentrate on her food as Kaden kept her mind on more pleasant things.

"I um, still have romantic feelings for Ariana." Kaden said.

Freya nodded. “I know.”

Kaden was surprised Freya used her Betazoid abilities on him he she hated doing it as her people consider it a insult to read others without permission. "Y-You knew? But you know I am never going to leave you or ruin what we have too right?" Before she spoke he raised his hand. "Okay first yes I give you permission to use your abilities."

“To start, I didn’t have to read you. I was there when Ariana told you how she felt about you during your recovery. We talked briefly afterwards and she put my mind at rest about it. Plus I know you’d never do anything to hurt me Kaden.” Freya offered an understanding smile.

Kaden sighed in relief this was one of the many reasons he loved Freya he kept playing with her but took his left hand and rested it on her baby bump. "You make me happy and it makes me happy that this is our baby bump and I am having a son with you."

Freya took his other hand and held it. “Just promise me that what’s between you and Ariana will stay in the past. I trust you but it scares me that you still feel so strongly for Ariana.”

Kaden kept rubbing her baby bump with his hand. "I may have feelings for her but I pretty much do have to accept it is all past now. Cause you are the future and I want to focus on that here now and forever." He replied.

Freya smiled and let out a relieved breath. “That’s all I needed to hear Imzadi.” She turned herself just enough to be able to give him a loving kiss. “So how has the rest of your day been?”

"Good, been thinking though with me now a General I feel I should hold off commanding the grunts for a while and learn from someone more experienced." Kaden replied.

“Oh? How are you going to do that? You’re the highest ranking military officer onboard the station.” Freya looked at him curiously.

Kaden had admit Freya had a point. "Uh...I know I am still trying to figure that out. But it doesn't change the fact I want you as my personal assistant I need someone with your skills. And I know you will have very few clients when you do your counseling but if you are happy that is all that matters." He told her with a smile.

“Very few clients!” Freya smiled. “I’m the Counsellor for the marine department which means I have every marine aboard to look after. I won’t be short of work. Between that and being your assistant of course.”

Kaden leaned back in the couch. "Not all the marines, you need to be more realistic." He said. "You will be working with some I promise."

“Good. You know how much I love my Counselling duties!” Freya smiled.

Kaden ran his hand thru Freya's wet hair. "Good, cause I wasn't planning on removing you out that field completely you will be doing counseling in the afternoon twice a week. You do have to maintain PT, marksmanship, and CQC regulations along with everyone else just like I have to." he gently tapped his index finger on her nose. "NO exceptions unless backed by the medical staff."

Freya nodded. “Yes Sir.” She sighed. “I was hoping for more than just two afternoons a week for Counselling sessions though.”

"I'm sorry, it's the best I could do but your new job requires you be with me mostly...unless you are having second thoughts." Kaden replied frowning as he wondered if Freya no longer liked the idea of working with him anymore.

“I’m not having second thoughts Imzadi.” Freya smiled. “I just want to keep my schedule flexible that’s all.”

Kaden sighed leaning back in the couch while he interlaced. "Which is why you won't have too many clients you will certainly have some that require your delicate touch I promise you that much." He replied.

“Yes Sir” Freya grinned as she looked at Kaden. “What’s important is that I’ll be here on Station with our son while I’m working. Not dashing about out in the field doing medic duties.”

"I know and it is a perfect idea." Kaden replied. "What better to have you there for our boy."

Freya nodded. “Plus I’m there for you whilst you’re onboard the station. The only downside is I won’t be able to go with you into the field, to be there for you if you need me.”

Kaden placed his hands on Freya's cute rump. "Don't worry I will not die on you out there." He assured her.

“You hadn’t better!” Freya smiled as she looked into Kaden’s eyes.

Kaden encouraged Freya to rest her head on his chest. "Freya, since you will be working with me a lot I want to move you up in rank make you a Gunnery Sergeant." He said softly.

“What?!” Freya sat upright and turned to look at Kaden. “You want to promote me? Can yo even do that?l” She shook her head. “What am I saying! Of course you can do that! Question is do so deserve it?”

"Freya, as enlisted the grunts will need a woman of your skills to look up to you stay cool under pressure your skills as a counselor on handling certain situations is a valuable commodity. Not to mention as a member of the administration staff you are granted extra privileges and more requirements are needed, so why not promote you?" Kaden asked.

Freya smiled as she relaxed back against Kaden’s chest. “Then I would be honoured.” She smiled warmly.

Kaden ran his hand slowly along Freya's side tracing her cruves with his fingers. "Good, cause wasn't taking no for an answer." He said enjoying the feel of her soft silky skin.

“Aye Sir!” Freya grinned. “So when does this change of rank start?”

Kaden smiled kissing Freya as he ran his finger gently up her spine. "Soon as you are cleared for duty, gunny." He told her.

“So does that mean you want me back at work until I go onto maternity leave?” Freya looked at Kaden. “I can consult the doctor if you do.”

"Freya, I said I am honoring Hurd's orders want to work." Kaden replied.

“I just thought I’d check just incase you changed your mind.” Freya grinned. “I’m thoroughly enjoying having this time with you, you know that.”

Kaden raised an eyebrow. "Really? Thought you be bored out of your mind by now."

“Nope.” Freya grinned. “I’m enjoying getting to relax and enjoy this pregnancy just as General Hurd told me too when he was still onboard. Plus I get to be here when you come home. That makes it all the more special.” She moved off the sofa and took Kaden’s hands. “So how’s about you spend a few more bed with me?” She grinned a wry grin.

Kaden's eyes widened as he looked at Freya before smiling. "Only if you tell me how much you love my muscles." He replied.

“Ohh I will don’t you worry!” Freya grinned as the bedroom door closed behind them.



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