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Posted on Sat May 2nd, 2020 @ 4:28pm by Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol

1,750 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Various |SB23
Timeline: MD 03, 1130 hrs


Inscribed on the wall as soon as you entered, relaxation wasn’t simply a suggestion but an inevitability. Candles infused the air with calming scents while soft music played quietly, almost like a lullaby. In the few hours she had spent here, there was barely an inch of her body which hadn’t been pampered or massaged. It had been a perfect gift at just the right moment.

While still expecting some emergency to arise and call her away, the call never came and instead she had been free to just unwind. It was perfect. After the day before she needed this. To learn to stop. Everything else could carry on around her and would. Today though, she wanted to focus on positives. On the future.

Emerging from the infinity pool she wrapped herself in an oversized towel and took a sip from her drink as she lay down to enjoy the sunshine. She was about to reach for her book when she caught sight of two familiar faces approaching. Both looking out of place.

Arching an eyebrow she frowned, “something wrong?”

Rol looked around. "This is an interesting place..."

Kalani elbowed him. "Happy Birthday!"

Carolyn groaned as she lay back, “who told you?”

"A mother-in-law knows." She laughed a little. She walked over to Carolyn and hugged her.

Rol stayed back as if the opulence was an offence or fear.

“I’m never going to get used to the mother-in-law thing,” Carolyn admitted as she stood. “You okay, Rol?”

"I never understood the need for places like this...why did you choose it?" He walked over handing her bag that contained a lovely Tarkelian silk gown.

“It was a present,” Carolyn explained. “In between dreaming up starship designs he makes me holodeck programs. With everything going on, he though relaxation was key. Speaking of presents, thank you Rol!”

She carefully lifted out the gift and smiled, “it’s beautiful. I love it!”

He smiled. "Glad you like it."

Kalani looked around. "Well it looks perfect and you need to rest. How's the pregnancy going?"

“Completely uneventful so far,” she commented drily. “How are you both? You are welcome to sit.”

Rol perched uncomfortably on a chair and Kalani threw herself into it. "Who on Earth gave you this gift?"

“My big brother,” Carolyn told them. “If it upsets you, I can stop it. Just let me change first.”

Kalani smacked Rol. "Relax buddy. This is nice."

She turned to Carolyn. "Soooo how are you doing?"

“Relaxing, as promised,” she replied with a shrug. “You?”

"Honestly things have been... rough. Hades had a lot of secrets and we're just getting through them." She lay back. "He did however ask me to give you a birthday gift."

“Ha. Just yesterday he was all out wanting me to hate him,” Carolyn reminded her as she took a drink.

"He's still convinced you should hate him." She sighed, "At the risk of sounding Hades-ish. It's complicated." She handed Carolyn a PaDD.

“It’s stupid,” she countered, “what’s this?”

"Danger, Carolyn Corrigan." Rol said.

Kalani swatted him. "Shut up." She turned back to Carolyn. "Full citizen right in the First Federation along with your own villa and honorary membership in the Vedari."

“What now?” She blurted out, studying the PADD. “But... why? Why did he do this? Never mind it is far too much!”

Kalani smiled, "Just take it. He means well Carolyn but this is new for him. How I have something for you too." She pulled out a box of chocolates, "Made by your favourite chocolatier on the station." She paused, "Hades didn't go near these."

“Now your talking,” she teased, grinning. “Thank you, all of you. I appreciate it.”

Kalani moved to sit next to Carolyn and put a hand around her shoulder. "You're family Carolyn. Today is your day. Rol and I will do whatever you need to."

Carolyn glances at Rol who still looked distinctly uncomfortable. “How about I get changed and we can go find some ice cream?” She suggested.

Rol looked relieved. "That sounds fun."

Kalani sighed. "Only if you want. Don't mind him, trouble in paradise."

Carolyn stood, “I’m going to change then we can find ice cream.” Without another word she disappeared, returning in her favourite jeans, t-shirt and sneakers. “Besides, I can come back here anytime. Come on Trouble, let’s find some ice cream.”

Rol was the first one up. Kalani laughed. The three headed out in search of ice cream and soon found it. Kalani opted for Rocky Road, Rol for a five scoop concoction consisting of: strawberry, Rocky Road, Mint Chocolate, Lemon, and Pineapple.

“That is quite the collection,” Carolyn grinned as she scooped up some mint choc chip.

"Hey go big or go home."

Kalani rolled her eyes. "I was trapped three days with that!"

Carolyn grinned, “there are worse people to be stuck with than him.”

Kalani laughed. "True enough."

Rol studied Carolyn. "How have you been doing?" He'd been truly worried about her since Richard's death.

Carolyn shrugged, “better than some. Just doing a day at a time. What else can you do? What about you?”

Rol shook his head. "You do realize I'm a counselor. You don't get off that easy. You miss him don't you?"

She rolled her eyes, “that is a stupid question. Of course I do. I miss a lot about him. Happy?”

Rol placed a gentle hand on hers. "He loved you a lot." He really felt for her. "Carolyn ... Richard asked me to keep something for him until he got back. It was a gift for you."

“I really hope it isn’t a cat,” she breathed, trying to keep her voice light. Had everyone but her known how Harris felt? It seemed that way. And he had planned so many gifts and surprises, planning for them to be coming back to the station. Together.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a box. "I have to confess....I peaked." He placed the purple velvet box on the table.

Setting down her spoon, Carolyn frowned as she lifted the small box. Purple. How very... apt. Grateful her hands were at least steady she slowly opened the box, aware of Kalani shifting a little closer.

“Beautiful,” she breathed, turning the box so that Kalani could see.

Kalani looked in the box. Inside was two platinum necklaces with rainbow stones. Kalani recognized it from the one Hades had given her, it was native to the colony. It seemed to sparkle and shine. One was for a child obviously and one for Carolyn. There beneath it was a button. "What's that?"

“I don’t know,” Carolyn said as she lightly touched the button, curious. The necklaces alone were incredibly beautiful and she had to smile at the sheer confidence Harris obviously had that he would make something work between them. Make a family of his own.

There was a static sound and then a small holo of Harris appeared by the box.

"Happy Birthday! I'm probably at work and you're upset that I couldn't get the day off but hey! Maybe this will make you smile. For you and our baby least I kind of hope it is but if she'd not a girl I have a back up! Fear not! We can save this one for our next baby....I want probably won't agree but I can be convincing." He laughed. "I'll probably see you tonight. Until then know that you are every breath in me. I love you Carolyn."

With that last word the hologram vanished, leaving behind silence. She didn’t know if she should laugh or cry. It was so Harris. So sweet and kind and full of love. And it was killing her. “Love you too,” she whispered as she gently closed the box. She sat in silence for a long moment before standing, trying to keep her voice steady. She would not fall apart here. It was a being alone sort of situation. She nodded to Rol, “thank you for bringing it Rol.”

Kalani wiped her eyes. She gave a quick nod and Rol excused himself and left. Kalani pulled Carolyn back down and hugged her. "It's okay to cry."

Carolyn offered a small smile as she drew back, “not over ice cream it isn’t... Come on, I’ll introduce you to Rainbow. I think you’ll love her.”

She smiled, "Why Rainbow?" She followed Carolyn making sure to keep close.

“Harris named her,” Carolyn explained as they walked. “I guess... when I was at the medical facility I could have sat all day, touching the force fields to make the colours and the melodies. It was comforting when I felt like my own head was killing me. Hence, the name rainbow.”

As they reached her quarters she unlocked the door, barely taking a step before an excited bark rang out and the sound of paws scurrying across the floor. “Hey you,” Carolyn grinned as she scooped up the puppy, “come meet Kalani!”

Kalani smiled and pet the dog. "You're so beautiful!" She laughed as the dog licked her face. "She's so cute!"

“And very well trained, thankfully. Although she wanted to eat some of the baby things I bought at the station,” Carolyn smiled. “And she’s good company.”

"I'm glad you have her." She gave her friend a side hug. "Are you getting excited about the baby coming?"

“I’m still in the be cautious phase. I remember what it was like to already imagine this future,” Carolyn confided, “and it makes it harder if something goes wrong. I bought some things but I’m not going crazy right now.”

Kalani gave a nod. "I can understand that." She looked a little guilty. "Um... I have a confession to make."

Carolyn’s eyes narrowed, “out with it.”

"I've kind of started shopping for the baby. .... Kind of .... a lot."

“Kalani!” She groaned. With a sigh she added. “How much is a ‘lot’, exactly?”

"Um... well I got a crib, and clothing, and toys, and books, and sheets, and diapers, and..."

Carolyn’s eyes widened. “And three extra quarters to put it all in?” She almost squeaked.

Kalani smiled, "Well no but we'll figure it out." She took her friend's hand. "Come on, sit down. Lets have some more chocolate and talk."

“You had me at chocolate,” she sighed as she set Rainbow down before sitting.



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